Chapter 17

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It's been a week since Prince Haechan went missing the night of his coming of age party. Everyone in Paitha was placed on high alert and all of the kingdom's resources was directed toward finding the lost prince. Everyone dedicated their time and energy to look for haechan and Kun was determined to find him as quickly as possible.

The longer Haechan was away from home the more Kun feared the royal family would do something drastic to get him back. King Johnny barely slept since the night of his youngest son disappearance and even insisted on being amongst the patrols that were sent out to find haechan.

Prince Lucas was ridden with guilt, it was painful to watch him blame himself for not being there for haechan when he needed him the most. But the person who Kun feared the most was the Queen. Normally, Doyoung was a being full of grace and calm with kindred heart, but now he was consumed with fury.

Doyoung made it a point to let the entire kingdom know that if his son was not found he would personally burn Paitha to the ground until he found him and Kun knew better than to underestimate his threat.

It's because of this that Kun now spent of his time tracking down Haechan with a number of tracking spells that were both old and new. He was honestly exhausted. Using the amount of magic he had in the past week was draining him and if he doesn't find Haechan soon, Kun fears he would over exert his magical abilities and render himself useless; and he refused to let that happen. He would be damned if he lost another person he cared about.

He was so lost in his thoughts and spell work that he didn't sense the presence that now accompanied him in his home.

"Is this a bad time ?" Said the voice of the person now standing directly behind him. It always amazed Kun how the simple frequency and tone of a person's voice could instantly calm an overactive mind. And that's when Kun felt the minute he registered who was with him. Kun smiled to himself as he turned to the source of the melodious voice and whispered, "for you? Never." 

He passionately kissed the blonde male before him. Kun thought that if it was one thing he would never get tired of it would be the feeling of Ten's lips against his.

He always felt that he never deserved any good that happened in his life. Particularly after only knowing and experiencing pain for so long. But Ten was the one good thing Kun was sure he deserved and everytime he kissed Ten he was reminded of that.

Ten smiled into the kiss as he said, "such a passionate response, I've trained you well."

Kun smirked upon hearing his lovers remarks and softly caressed his cheek. "Any luck ?" Ten questioned.
Kun's expression instantly turned dark as he mumbled, "no...not at all."

Ten looked at Kun sympathetically and pulled him into his chest. "You'll find him Kun...if anyone can it's you."
Kun halfheartedly smiled at the breath taking male in front of him, but he noticed that something else was bothering Ten. Something that bothered him so much that he decided to pay him an unexpected visit.

"What's wrong ?" Ten sighed as Kun asked him the simple question. It frustrated ten that Kun could take one look at him and read his emotions better than anyone else in the room including himself. Normally, Ten was a hard being to read. It's one of the things that makes him so deadly.

But for as long as he could remember, Kun would always pick up on the things he was feeling and thinking before he even got a chance to reveal them himself. It fucking frustrated him, but he loved him for it even more. Kun was the one person he could trust and let himself be vulnerable with.

"I need your help, Xiaojun did something stupid and If I don't control this situation now shit will get more ugly than it already has," Ten confessed.

"Okay," Kun nodded.

"You haven't even heard exactly what I need your help with and you already agreed ?" "Are you stupid?"

Kun laughed at his lover's words. "No,  but I know you wouldn't come and ask for help unless you absolutely needed it." "So what do you need my help with?"

"Xiaojun turned a mundane...and before you say it yes I tried to kill him and no I don't regret it because I was doing what I thought was right"

"You tried ? Explain because you don't mark a kill and it walks away breathing."

He was right Ten was particularly vicious and blood thirsty and once he targeted his next kill nothing or no one could get in his way of completing it. Or so he thought.

"Yes tried, but I stopped because Xiaojun begged me not too." He took a long pause before he spoke his next words. "Xiaojun and this fledgling are mates."

Kun eyes teared open in shock, "mates ? Is he sure?"

"Yes, he was prepared to subdue me to save his mate. I've never seen Xiaojun like this so it must be true." "Plus, the fledgling was stupid enough to threaten me after I threatened Xiaojun to move out of my way".

Kun stared at Ten in disbelief, but what came next was something he was completely unprepared for. "But that's not the worst part, the fledgling was a hunter. A powerful one at that."

Kun with his voice slightly raised, "a hunter?!?? Are you absolutely sure Te-"

"Yes I'm fucking sure Kun. I saw the hunters crest tattooed on his collarbone," Ten spat. He then took a long sigh and snorted as he said, "a damn hunter. If Taeil finds out he'll kill him and at best have Xiaojun tortured for creating a fledgling, which by the way is forbidden." "And as furious as I am at Xiaojun for breaking one of our most scared laws I am desperate to find a way to save him from an eternity of pain that comes with a loss of a mate."

Continuing and suddenly on the verge of tears , Ten looks to Kun as he said, "I can't do that to him...I-...I care about him too much. I can't do that to my kid."

Kun rushed forward to embrace his crying lover in a comforting hug to sooth his rising panic. He then held Ten's head in his hands before saying "I know you can't, baby...tell me what do you need, Ten?" 

"Can the fledgling stay here with you until I figure out a way to get Taeil to accept him and his bond with Xiaojun. I know your dealing with a lot, but I wouldn't ask if I absolu-"

Kun cut Ten off with a quick kiss. "Yes, he can stay." "I'm not exactly thrilled about what he did as a mundane and I don't know how he will react to me or being here, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there"

Ten let out a sigh of relief as he said, "thank you, Kun."

"Don't worry about it, you should know by now I would do anything for you."

"I know and I love you for that," the vampire smiled.
"I love you too. Always." As Kun brushed his lips against the beautiful male in front of him he smiled as he heard him say the very same thing back to him. "Always"

As their lips connected Kun quickly felt the primal desire, no not desire the need, to take in everything that was the male before him. What Kun felt for ten went beyond the basic impulse of lust or even want. It was pure unparalleled need. But before Kun could act on that need Ten pulled away as said, "I told Xiaojun and the fledgling to be ready in an hour..."

"Okay" Kun replied as he breathed heavily. Ten gave him one more kiss on the lips before seductively whispering, "I'll make it up to you later."

Kun smirked, "I'll hold you to it."

"You should know better by know than to tempt me into a challenge." Ten then leaned into Kun's ear as he laced his voice in a seductive tone, "I don't play fair."

Before Kun could respond, Ten quickly kissed him on the cheek and playful winked. "I'll see you in an hour," he smiled and quickly disappeared before things became to heated to stop.

Kun chuckled lightly at his lovers antics and mentally reminded himself to pick up where they left off later. But now with a newly born fledgling on his way to his home and the pressure to find Haechan, Kun could take help, but feel worried that he may have bitten off more than he could chew.

He could only pray to the Moon Goddess above that he finds Haechan sooner rather than later and Xiaojun's mate doesn't give him a head-splitting headache that he eerily believed will happen inevitably.

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