Chapter 7

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Jaemin was confused. Just a second ago, he was observing the large crowd swing their bodies to match the rhythm of the melodies, and the next second, the eldest prince of the Fae kingdom was lying on the floor, withering and screaming in pain.

"Go and find Haechan!" He heard the Queen command the guards that stood vigilant all night. He watched King Yuta follow King Johnny outside the palace with swords at their sides. He watched Queen Doyoung's wings spring from his back as Lucas continued to mumble something about Haechan in his unconscious state. He watched the Jeong pack immediately rush to the Queen's side, their sense of loyalty undoubtedly showing itself.

He was indeed confused.

"Taeil," Jaemin saw his father walk beside him, "may I ask what is happening?"

"Something appears to be wrong with the young prince," Taeil brushed his cloak lightly.

"Hmm? But only a moment ago we were having a small conversation."

"Where did you last see him?" Jaemin suddenly sensed a strong presence emerge behind him. He knew that rough voice and sandalwood scent from anywhere. His body was quite familiar with them too. But there was nothing he hated more than the person to whom they belonged.

"Not sure what's that got to do with you, mutt," the vampire spat. God did he despised Jeno and his kind.

"Answer the child's question, Na Jaemin," Taeil's voice was smooth, but Jaemin knew his tone meant now was not the time to disobey him.

"At the front gate," Jaemin mumbled. He was annoyed by his father blatantly siding with someone like Jeno.

"How was he acting?" Jeno ignored Jaemin's previous words. If he had the option, he would've chosen not to bother the uncivil vampire, but prince Haechan is missing. His friend was missing. And if he needed to swallow his pride to find him then so be it.

"How am I suppose to know, Jeong Jeno," Jaemin dragged the werewolf's name, "he and I are not what you would call an established friendship."

"I thought you were smart," Jeno retorted, "but I guess you really are too weak to pick up on something as trivial as moods."

"You filthy-"

"Jaemin." Taeil's voice was stern, sending a few shivers down the vampire's spine, "what did you smell on him?"

"I— despair," Jaemin reluctantly answered. It wasn't as though he didn't want to help find Haechan, but his stubbornness was awfully overpowering in most situations. And the only person who was able to correct him was his father.

"Your majesty!" Jaemin turned his head towards the guard that called for the queen. He looked anxious as if the life was drained from his face. He carefully reported what they had found and Jaemin could almost feel the darkness radiating from the queen. 

He watched Jeno depart from his side to help Renjun lift Lucas onto his feet. Seeing that the elf was quite small, Jeno took the initiative to wrap the fae's arm around his neck for support and carried him away from the crowd.

"May I have everyone's attention, please." Doyoung was speaking clear. Not a hint of worry in his voice, yet Jaemin knew better. And he was sure all of the others from the head families knew as well.

"Is prince Haechan alright?" Someone asked from the crowd. Jaemin thought they were either trying to scare everyone else or too dense to read the situation.

"He is," Johnny replied as he entered the room and took ahold of his wife's hand.

"As the Queen of the Paitha Lands, it is not only my duty but also my family's duty to protect its people," Doyoung stood tall while looking in the direction of the curious creature. "Over the years, the people of Paitha Lands began to return that favor and together we became one in which we all agreed to protect each other."

Jaemin looked around the room, perceiving the fear that crept up on the people's faces due to the queen's next words. "However, someone amongst us has decided to break that trust."

The vampire couldn't really deem himself as surprised, but the situation was certainly not one he saw coming. A mere creature going against queen Doyoung and his family? Rather bold if you asked him.

"I know this may be vague, but until a meeting is called by me, no one outside of the main families will be allowed to enter the palace or its grounds." He definitely saw that one coming.

"Guards," Johnny signaled for them to escort the people out of the palace. However, all of the main families knew they were meant to meet with Doyoung and Johnny at the meeting hall.

Jaemin was secretly happy to hear Queen Sicheng instruct all of the children to stay in the dining room until they were done. Shortly after, the vampire noticed Jeno had returned. He didn't bother asking any questions as he took a seat next to his two younger brothers.

If Jaemin remembered correctly, Jeno's youngest brother, Jisung, was quickly pulled into a hug by both Jeno and Sungchan. The latter scrunched his face at the sight. He immediately felt appalled just thinking about being that close to someone.

"Mutts...," he rolled his eyes. Taking a seat on a step, the vampire started to regret leaving Xiaojun and YangYang just to be stuck in a room with three smelly wolves with no company from the other majesties. He assumed they decided to watch over Lucas after he fell unconscious. Not that he cared, but at least the Fae wouldn't be alone.

After a while, Jaemin saw his father walk into the room, signaling for him to join his side as they exit the palace.

"Prince Haechan was not found, am I right?" Jaemin immediately questioned his father.

"You are to remain at the mansion until I say it is safe for you to leave," Taeil instructed.

"Father, you did not-"

"Enough!" Taeil raised his voice, "do as I say, Jaemin."

"Ha," Jaemin scoffed, "whatever." With that, he left his father behind. Not caring whether or not he disapproved of him leaving by himself.


not me forgetting that Jeno's last name isn't Lee for this fic🤚🏻😂

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