Chapter 38

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Jisung's POV

You better watch your fucking mouth, or so may my sire help you for what I will do to you and that pretty little warlock. Those words resonated in my head as the vampire in front of me placed a wicked smile on his face as my hands tightened around the bars of my makeshift cage.

I could feel the wolfsbane they used to laced the bars of the cage with seep in my hands with a burning sensation. Yet I didn't care. The only thing my wolf and I wanted was to tear apart the vampire that had threatened Chenle. Although we didn't know each other long, I knew within myself that I would kill anyone who threatened to harm the purpled eye boy.

Which is why with a growl I said to the vampire, "I'm going to enjoy ripping your head from between your shoulders and your heart from your chest." Then with bared teeth I added, "in fact...I'm looking forward to it."

The vampire only gave a dark chuckle as he inched towards the cage once more and said, "is that a threat little wolf?" I regarded the vampire before me. Carefully taking in and committing to memory his sharp and cold features.

Then with a vicious smile I said, "that's a promise."

For a brief second the amusement on the vampire's face fell as I let him read the malice and promise of death on mines. Then with a snarl he uttered out as he made his way to the room's exit "Yi-hoon, Dae-Jung drug him and while you're at it put a muzzle on him like the good mutt he is."

My eyes never left the figure of the vampire exiting the place that was now my prison. Not even when the other two males in the room began debating who would be the one to give me another dose of whatever had me sedated the first time they brought me in.

The shorter one bellowed out "I was the one who dragged him all the way here you put him down this time." His blonde companion only shaked his head as he retorted "Yeah cause I wasn't the one who fucked up and brought the wrong offspring. Just give him the sedative so we can get this shit over with Yi-hoon."

The one known as Yi-hoon began mumbling under his breath obscenities and he begrudgingly made his way over to the small cage I was in. Grabbing a two pronged pole that laid on the table on the side of the cage, he snarled and said to me "Back the fuck up before I light your furry ass up!"

As if on cue the end of the two prong pole sparked to life with electrical waves. Getting the warning perfectly, I slowly backed away from the edge of the cage. Yi-hoon then breathed out " don't try anything stupid I have no issues killing you and sending your lifeless body to that pretty omega you have for a mother," as he opened the cage door.

I felt the shift before I could even process exactly what I was about to do. The vampire at the front of the cage didn't stand a chance as my jaws slammed shut around his throat. His friend watched helplessly as I dragged his thrashing body further in the cage and continued to crush his windpipe. Then with using the full weight of my wolf and a sudden twist, I pulled Yi-hoon's head completely off of his writhing body with a sickening crunch.

At the site before him, his friend stammered out "F-fuck" as he tried to scramble his way towards the exit of the room. But it was too late. The male was only able to take a few steps before I leapt from the bloodied cage and placed my now human hand straight through his turned back and around his once beating heart. Struggling against my grip, the vampire shuddered and trembled violently as he tried to pull himself away from my extended hand while saying weakly "W-w-wait...P-please...D-", however, his words were cut abruptly as yanked his heart and spinal cord towards me through the very hole I had placed in him.

I watched the body of the male vampire crumpled to the ground as the blood from him and his companion trickle down my face, chest and hands. Taking in the scene before me, I felt my wolf smile internally at the damage we had inflicted. Yet we still had one more vampire to hunt down. However, before I could even make my way out of the blood-stained room; the door suddenly swung open and a small voice whispered "Jisung?"


this chapter is short just like my will to stay in college 🧙🏻‍♀️.

Love you guys and stay safe <3

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