Chapter 5

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"I think you should stop hiding from your mate."

"What?" Shotaro turned in his seat to see Chenle sitting beside him at the royal family's table.

"Sungchan was it? He's an alpha, you know? Quite fitting for an elf-like yourself," Chenle nodded his head with his words.

"How did you know?" The young elf circled his fingertip over the glass of wine in front of him.

"I did not, but you just confirmed it," Chenle winked at the other. "How has he not discovered you yet? I often meet with each other during meetings and events. Does he not have a strong sense for something like that?"

"I asked Jungwoo to cover my scent."

"And he allowed it?" The warlock sat back, looking at Shotaro in disbelief.

"I have my ways," Shotaro shrugged while emptying his glass. At the same time, he noticed Sungchan looking their way as he spoke to one of his pack members. So, being the elf he was, Shotaro sent the wolf a wink, resting his glass on the table again and licking the residue from the wine off his lips.

"If I did not know any better," Chenle said while watching Sungchan become flustered from a distance, "I'd say you want the poor wolf to suffer before finding you."

"Not necessarily, Chenle," Shotaro folded his arms, "but I must admit, watching a strong alpha like him look so pathetic is quite something else."

"Ah, Prince Shotaro," the warlock shook his head with a smile, "you truly are the younger brother of, prince Renjun."


"Is something going on between your brother and my Renjun's little brother?" Lucas tilted his head towards the young wolf as he spoke to Jeno.

"Which brother?" Jeno asked.


"Oh," the wolf chuckled, "he never mentioned it to me."

"I have a hunch that they are mates," Jeno heard his mother say behind them. Taeyong was clinging onto his husband's arm as he watched Sungchan flush pink from Shotaro's antics.

"My son and an elf?" Jaehyun arched an eyebrow.

"Our son," the omega growled, "and I see nothing wrong with that."

"I suppose I can let it slide," Jaehyun kissed his wife's forehead. Even after so many years had passed, the head alpha and omega were still madly in love with each, setting a great example for their three sons to follow with their mates. "As long as no vampire is brought into our territory then they can date whomever they please."

"Are you the moon goddess?" Taeyong chuckled as he playfully hit Jaehyun's broad chest.

"I agree with father," Jeno added.

"Of course, you would," the omega rolled his eyes at his son. Taeyong could not deny that Jeno truly wasn't a copy of his father.

"I guess we shall find out soon!" Lucas clapped his hand together. "Please excuse me," he excused himself with a smile before walking away from the family. It wasn't his business to speak on, but he thought the young pairing would be quite cute together. But no one would be cuter than he and his mate.

As far as Lucas was concerned he was the luckiest Fae in all of Paitha. How couldn't he feel that way when he had the prettiest mate in the entire realm?

As he approached the crowd towards his beautiful lover, he pulled the elf into him by his waist and placed his hand on the other's lower back. Staring into Renjun's glimmering grey eyes, Lucas could not help the sense of pride that filled his body knowing that some other elves and faes fell for his mate, yet had no chances with him.

With a loving touch, he danced slowly with Renjun pressed closely to his chest. Softly moving to the music as he stroked his beautiful mate's back.

For as long as he could remember he loved Renjun. Even before he knew they were mates, he loved the pretty elf. He was the reason why he woke up every day, the reason why he wanted to be a better man, the reason why he loved the smell of jasmine, and why the shade of red that appears on Renjun's pointy ears when he was flustered was his favorite.

He simply was the reason for his existence. It was because of this that, Lucas wanted to take their relationship to the next level and he would do that tonight.

As he continued to look lovingly into his mate's eyes, it was like time began to slow down around them. Lucas was nervous, but he was sure this is what he wanted.

What Renjun deserved.

"Renjun...I love you," Lucas softly said as he stared at the dainty elf.

"I love you too, idiot," Renjun blushed. It didn't matter how many times they shared those three words. Each time felt like the first to the latter.

Lucas chuckled at his lover's reaction, "then w-"

Suddenly, he felt an agonizing pain in his body. It was like he was being ripped apart from the inside. He began screaming, tears streaming down his face.

"Lucas!! What's wrong?!?! What's happening ?? LUCAS!" Renjun shouted, panic consuming his body at the sight of his mate screaming in pain.

The party came to a complete standstill as Lucas writhed on the palace floor in excruciating pain. Johnny and Doyoung ran up to their son, the queen dropping to his knees and cradling his writhing body in his arms.

After a few seconds, Lucas stopped moving. With a horrific and pained expression, he looked at his mother as he said "I-it's haechan...something's wrong with h-haechan," right before losing all consciousness.


this is so short omg :(

this is so short omg :(

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