Chapter 32

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Mark's POV

Already feeling exhaustion settle into my bones, I frustratingly ran my hands through my hair while saying to Hendery "So let me get this straight....The reason why you're a vampire is because the one that turned felt...compelled to turn you? Because of some random ass claim none of you have any control over?!"

At my words Hendery let out an exasperated sigh as he said while shaking his head "I knew you wouldn't understand." Suddenly he then turned to me and said frustratingly "And for fuck sake's Mark, it was because of the mate bond not a claim and it isn't random each supernatural creature is designed to develop and experience it."

"I'm trying to understand Hendery, but even you have to admit it sounds crazy and I've seen a lot crazy shit for the past few weeks." I said to Hendery already tired of the back of the forth. Hendery sighed once more and said "Look we're not getting anywhere with this conversation. Just trust me when I say that Xiaojun turned me to save my life and if it wasn't for our mate bond I wouldn't be standing here..."

Hearing how genuine and truthful my brother sounded, I decided to finally let his words settle within me and after a few moments of contemplating I asked him "And What exactly is the mate bond?" Sensing relief my brother he immediately responded "It's different for everyone but from what I've seen and experienced it's basically a connection you share with your other half so to speak. We would know it as soulmates but to supernaturals your other half is your mate."

Now casually leaning against the wall of the dimly lit room Hendery continued, "The mate bond is more or less the connection you feel with your mate. That connection is an instinctual desire to do anything for your mate. You would want to protect them, be around them, or even kill for them if need be and none of it can be explain you just want need to do everything in your power to ensure they're happy."

As Hendery spoke it was as if my mind went into over drive with only one image in mind. Haechan delicate fae like features seemed more pronounced than ever as Hendery's continued his explanation. So much so that I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that was coursing throughout the pit of my stomach. It was because of this that I asked "do mates have to be from the same race or can they be different?" Hendery then slightly tilted his head and began to say "I-" however before he could finish his thought, Hendery pushed himself off the wall and he dashed towards the only door in the room and said "Something's wrong...we're under attack".

My feet moved before my mind had time to process fully what was transpiring. It amazed me how by just that one sentence nothing else mattered to me. I didn't care about learning more about the mate bond. I didn't care about finding and questioning the vampire who turned my brother. I didn't even care about the fact that I was once again about to surrounded by creatures that are meant to be my sworn enemies.

The only thing that mattered was finding Haechan in the chaos and bloodshed that I was about to enter and nothing was going to stop me from doing so.

Author's POV

It was perplexing how drastically the night had changed for all who had joined the Royal family for a night celebration. The joyous sound of laughter and jubilation that had filled the air only moments before was now replaced with screams of pure unfiltered dread. The ballroom that was so eloquently decorated with shimmering lights that seemed to go on forever was now splattered with the lifeblood of those unfortunate enough to come in contact with the creatures that were now tearing through the crowd.

The creatures could only be described as something that was conjured from a nightmare as they continued to tear flesh from bone with the razor sharp claws and teeth. Mark watched uneasily as he saw loved ones being ripped apart from love ones as they try to escape the clutches of the creatures that had almost killed Haechan. He watched as guard and royal family members alike scream orders to one other to try gain control and eliminate the threat before a torrent of casualties could occur. He noticed the Fae King and Queen fighting side by side with another as if they were one body, mind and soul as they slowly made their way to who could only be their eldest son. He was fighting with just as much vigor and tenacity as his parents as an elf half the size of him tore through the creatures with wrath and fury as he circled the oldest Fae prince and another group of elves who looked similar to him.

However the hunter only allowed himself this brief moment to take in his surroundings as his main goal was to find his fae prince. Heart beating erratically, Mark stabbed and slashed his way through bloodied mania with the dagger he had kept sheath at his waist. He frantically searched for any signs of the short peach blonde fae that seemed to attract danger to himself whenever he was without the hunter. Mark felt his heart rate quicken and something resembling fear course through his veins as he maneuvered through the ballroom frenzy. He didn't know how but he something was urging him to quickly find Haechan.

This deep-seated urge was intensifying as each minute past and their was no sign of the Fae Prince. Mark felt his heart sank slightly and dread began to creep into his mind. The thought of something horrific happening to Haechan almost made the hunter lock up with fear and crash into two large black wolves that had just tackle a creature that was about to attack him. Mark wanted to scream as he scanned the room once more to see if he could've spot Haechan. His eyes caught on a silver haired boy that was tightly gripping the hand of another male about his age as they made their way to the exist cleared by a cold looking vampire and that's when he saw it. The slightest movement of a short male with peach blonde hair.

Once again for the evening Mark found himself moving before he could even process his next steps. The only thing that mattered was getting to Haechan. He furiously fought his way to the fae male silently praying he would reach to him before the creature that was now barreling in his direction did. His wrath and anxiety induced fear pushed him to run as fast as his body would allow as he prepared to go in for the kill. The hunter screamed as he lunged to plant his dagger into the creature's thick neck satisfied with the sickening crunch that sounded as metal came into contact with bone and the warm sensation of blood coating his fingers. As the creature's body fell limp beneath the hunter he steadily made eye contact with the Fae Prince and silently prayed once more he wasn't injured.

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