Heavy Meddle

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At Royal Woods Elementary School, Lincoln opens up his locker, but someone pantses him.


The other kids laugh at and take photos of his expense; after class; Lincoln gets out of his desk, but the same kid tied his shoelaces together and he trips and falls.

Lincoln:Oh, real original!

The other kids laugh and photograph this, too; at lunch, Lincoln sits down in his favorite lunch seat only to make a fart noise and find that he sat on a whoopee cushion.

Lincoln:That's real mature!

The other kids laugh and photograph again; the bell rings and he checks his locker only for a pile of garbage to fall onto him; the kids do what they did before again.Lincoln opens up a door from the trash; not taking it anymore.

Lincoln:All right! That's it!

Lincoln and Clyde was walking home from school.

Clyde:So, you really confronted that bully?

Lincoln:That's right. I said to meet me at 3:30 in front of my house, and we're gonna settle this.

Clyde:Whoa! You're gonna fight?!

Lincoln:I'm not an animal, Clyde. I'm going to deliver a strongly worded speech...as soon as I write it.

Clyde:Looks like that bully left you a note of their own.


He sees a sticky note on his head, pulls it off, and reads it.


There's also a piece of gum in Lincoln's hair.

Clyde:Ooh! Watermelon lime!

Lincoln:Better not let my sisters see this, 'cause then they'll want to get involved and make things worse, the way they always do.

Clyde:I don't know. Maybe they'd be helpful. Your sister Lori gives great advice. She told me to never be myself. I love that woman.

Lincoln:Aw, Clyde. Sweet, innocent Clyde.He has no idea what it's like to have eleven meddling sisters.


Lincoln was sick; Lori puts a thermometer in his mouth and checks his temperature; Lisa comes in with an X-Ray machine and takes his X-rays, leaving him with glowing radiation; Luan dressed as a doctor with a clown nose and Luna bandage him up real tight; Lincoln muffles and Luan removes the bandages covering his mouth so he can breathe.


Leni was carrying a bowl of piping hot soup

Leni:Here comes the airplane!

She spills it all over Lincoln's crotch


Lincoln:Aahh! It burns!

Leni walks off embarrassed.Luna and Luan bandage up his crotch.

End flashback.

Lincoln:And that was just a paper cut!

Clyde:Well, then, you'd better get that gum out. You wanna look intimidating for that bully.

Lincoln:I was born intimidating.

He tries to pull it out, but it's too grody to touch for him.

Lincoln:Ew, ew! Gross!

Clyde:You know, peanut butter will get that gum out.

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