Driving Miss Hazy

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Lincoln:Come on, Lori! This is a lot of laundry! I don't think it's worth it.

Lincoln is carrying a huge load of Lori's laundry and Lori is holding the keys to the family van.

Lori:Do you want a ride to the comic book store or not?


He prepares to leave but Lori stops him.

Lori:Whoa whoa whoa! Where are you going?Those are just my jeggings. Let me get the rest.

She tosses remainders into pile

Lori:Wore that yesterday...wore that Tuesday...whoops! That definitely needs to be washed!

The pile falls on top of Lincoln and he pulls it off

Lincoln:Lori's the only Loud kid with a driver's license. Which means that, in this house...

He gets one of Lori's socks tossed on his face

Lincoln:...there's no such thing as a free ride.

Lisa came in the room with a piece of paper.

Lisa:In exchange for transporting me to the planetarium,I've done your calculus homework. Next time, I would appreciate a challenge.

Lucy appears out of nowhere and scares everyone, making Lincoln lose the load.

Lucy:Thanks for the ride to the cemetery.I finished your poem for your ten week anniversary. It's called "Bobby"."

Lori:Let's hear it.

Bobby, I thought you were a stalker
When you left brownies in my locker

Lana:Hey, big sis!

She was holding Lori's retainer

Lana:I found your missing retainer in the garbage, and there was some perfectly good gum stuck to it!

She blows a bubble showing she's been chewing it.

Lori:So, where do you need a ride to?

Lana:Ride? I just like digging in the trash.

Lori picks up her homework, poem, and retainer in order.

Lori:Thank you, thank you, and thank...ew!See, Lincoln?These guys respect our arrangement.Oh, and here are my dirty gym clothes, too.

She piles it on the laundry pile, stacking it up high.Lincoln smells the horrible stench

Lori:And don't forget, I like the lavender scented dryer sheets.

She closes door.Lincoln heads off to the laundry room; at the same time,Leni is coming in with a hammer, nails, and boards; they bump into each other and make a mess.

Lincoln:Sorry, Leni!

Leni's hammer drops on his foot

Lincoln:Yeowch!What are you doing with all this stuff?

Leni:I need a ride to the mall, so Lori told me to make her bed, which is weird, cause I'm pretty sure she already has one.

Lincoln:Wait.Why are you doing chores for Lori?Aren't you old enough to drive yourself to the mall?

Leni:Yeah,but I failed the driving test 12 times.Everyone's given up on teaching me. Dad's still mad about the Fire Hydrant Paperboy Nun Incident.


Leni had crashed Vanzilla into a tree and set a fire hydrant to spring a leak with a nun screaming at the top of her lungs in a panic and a paper boy is hanging by a branch.

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