In the Louds' living room, Lincoln shows his sisters a chart.
Lincoln:Guys! We gotta figure out something! The Family Fun Fair is tonight, and we've got nothing for the talent show.
Lynn raises her hand
Lynn:Ooh! I know! How about a family trapeze act?
Lisa:Just because you fractured every bone from your maxilla to your metatarsals, it doesn't mean we want to.
Linda:What about a family dance?Forget it.That would take too long.
Lola:I know! How about a family beauty pageant?Never mind. That would take years to prepare for.
Lana:I say we wrestle alligators!
She lunges at Lincoln and pins him down.
Lincoln gets her off
Lincoln:Lana, that's a terrible idea!
Lana:You're right...
She gets out a lasso
Lana:Calf roping is much better!
She lassos and hogties Lincoln
Lincoln:We need something we can all do.
Lynn:Then let's do my idea!
Luan:No! My idea!
Leni:No, mine!
Lori:No way.
They all start fighting over which act they should do and Luna stops them with a power chord on her guitar.
Luna:I've got the answer! Let's start a family band!
Lori:But we literally have no musical talent.
Luan:Yeah. I couldn't carry a tune if it had a handle.
She laughs to rimshot
Luna:As my idol Mick Swagger says, "Rock and roll isn't about being the best. It's about having fun." NOW WHO WANTS TO HAVE FUN?!
Her sisters cheer in agreement and they head on off, but Lincoln is still hogtied to the floor.
Lincoln:Uh...guys? A little help?
Leni walks up to her brother.
Leni:Oh. Sorry, Lincoln.
She picks him up and carries him with her like a handbag while humming, much to his chagrin.
The kids are practicing their music in the garage with instruments which, as expected, sounds lousy and noisy. Lynn Sr. comes in with a rake.
Lynn Sr:AGH! WHAT IS THAT HORRIFIC SOUND!? Is the cat fighting the possum again?
Lincoln:No, Dad, it's us. We're starting a family band!
Lynn Sr:Oh, oh! You know, your old man used to be in a band. Although, it ended on a...on a sour note.
he's part of a heavy metal band and plays a cowbell which does not fit the genre.
Band Members:Dude! Dude!! DUDE!!! You're out of the band.
Lynn Sr. breaks down crying and leaves the dorm.
End flashback
he's still upset over those days. The kids comfort him.
Loud Kids:Aww...
Luna:Well, you can be in our band!
The kids encourage their father to join them.

Loud House + Oc
Fanfiction1 boy,11 girls My oc is the dancer of the family.She was born after Lynn