It appears to be a nice quiet Saturday morning. A butterfly perches on Lincoln's window. Just then, a sudden blast blows the butterfly away. Indoors, the usual Loud House chaos unfolds. Luna is rocking, Lucy is reading her poetry on the attic steps,Lexi is playing with her jump rope,Lola and Lana are racing with their car and pogo stick, some commotion is coming from Lisa and Lily's room, Lily is finger painting on the hall walls, and Luan is practicing with her dummy Mr. Coconuts.
Mr. Coconuts:How do you make an egg roll?
Luan:I don't know. How do you make an egg roll?
Mr. Coconuts:You push it!
Luan:Good one, Mr. Coconuts, but your delivery was a little wooden.
She laughs.Mr. Coconuts just turns at her and stares at her vividly. Luan reacts surprised and turns to the viewers awkwardly. Leni comes out of her room wearing one of Lori's tanktops.
Lori:Is that my shirt? Take it off!
Leni:I can't!There are boys here!
Mr. Coconuts raises his eyebrows in an aroused motion and Luan covers his eyes.
Mr. Coconuts:Ah, coconuts.
Lynn is leaping off the walls in the manners of parkour. Lincoln is trying to copy it, but falls on his face. Lynn bounces off Luna's speakers and leaps over Lola's car and Lana's pogo stick. Lincoln tries it but Lola runs him over and Lana bounces off him. He tries to catch up with Lynn.
Lynn:See,Linc,the key to parkour is momentum.Never stop moving.
She leaps onto and springs off the bathroom door.
Lynn:Door jump!
She flips back.
Lincoln:Door jump!
He drop kick opens the door and falls in.
Cliff comes walking out of the bathroom with a piece of toilet paper on his right paw.
Lincoln:I"m okay. Just gonna lie here a sec on the nice, soft floor.Welcome to a typical Saturday morning in the Loud House. Sure it's crazy, but that's the way we like it.All twelve of us.
Rita:Twelve is way too many. I can't take it anymore.
Lynn Sr:But we can't get rid of them. I'm too attached.
Lincoln gasps and gets closer to hear better.
Rita:I know you are, honey, but they're just so obnoxious and loud.
Lincoln:Are they talking about us?
He looks out into the hallway to see the chaos that they love possibly being the cause of this issue with Lori trying to get her shirt back from Leni who's running from her while Lori holds on, Luna's loud music, Luan's annoying jokes, Lynn's parkour skills,Lexi tangling up her jump rope,Lucy getting in the way, the twins' dangerous vehicles, Lisa's science disasters, and Lily's excessive crying.
Lori:Stop! You're stretching my shirt!
Rita:I'm sorry, but my mind is made up. I want all of them out of the house and on the curb in time for trash pickup tomorrow.
Lincoln:Trash pickup?
He runs off to tell his sisters.
Down the vent goes to their parents' room
Lynn Sr:But I love my tie collection! Cool neckwear is my thing.
Rita:Honey, they're an embarrassment.

Loud House + Oc
Fiksi Penggemar1 boy,11 girls My oc is the dancer of the family.She was born after Lynn