The Green House

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In Mrs. Johnson's classroom

Mrs. Johnson:Okay, class, we're at the halfway point of our energy reduction project. Let's see how you're doing.

She checking the students' status

Mrs.Johnson:Great. Very good. Ooh! Very impressive, Clyde!

Clyde's bar is extremely low.

Clyde:Thanks, Mrs. Johnson. Our house is solar powered, so we don't burn any fossil fuels.

Mrs. Johnson:Wonderful. You're all doing a great job of reducing your eco-footprint at home. And if you keep this up, we'll definitely win the Save a Polar Bear Challenge and get this adorable little guy named after us!

She shows her students a poster of a sad polar bear cub with tagline under the photo.



However, Mrs. Johnson notices Lincoln's bar is extremely high, and printed on multiple attached pieces of paper. In fact, it's so high, he has to stand on a ladder and go into the room's ceiling to properly display it.

Mrs. Johnson:Oh, Lincoln, I see you haven't made any progress.What does this say? Have a heart, do your part. Do you not care about polar bears?

Lincoln:No, I don't! I don't hate polar bears! They're awesome!

Mrs. Johnson:What's that? You hate polar bears? You're a polar bear hater?

Lincoln:No! I love them! They're cool!

The kids all start jeering at Lincoln.

Female Student 1:If you make us lose, Lincoln, you'll be an outcast!

Girl Jordan:You might as well throw your social life out the window.

The other students jeer Lincoln in disagreement. Lincoln escapes above the ceiling, letting go of the bar. The papers land on Mrs. Johnson's head.


Lincoln is walking home with Clyde reading a guide book.

Lincoln:How am I supposed to reduce our energy use? I've got 11 sisters!

Clyde:I know! We'll just swoop in from the left and ANNIHILATE THEM!

Lincoln:What? Annihilate my sisters?

Clyde:Huh? No. I was talking about our strategy for the "Swords and Cyborgs" online tournament tomorrow. Preparation is key to victory.

Lincoln:Oh, yeah. Don't worry. I'll be ready. But right now, I've got bigger things to deal with. You heard our class: if I don't get my eco-meter in the green, I'll be a social outcast.

Clyde:I'll still hang out with you. In secret, of course. After dark. Speaking of which, the sun's going down. I better get home before the lights go out.

He hurries home

Lincoln checks his eco-meter. It is pointing to red and flashes.

Lincoln:Maybe there's something wrong with my eco-meter.

He notices the energy that's being consumed in the Loud House and the garage. Smoke plumes out through the chimneys of both buildings.

Lincoln;Or not.pWhat can I do? In a family this big, our eco-footprint is a size 18 triple wide. We use a lot of electricity...

Luna is playing her guitar with a ton of amps in the garage -which the door is constantly opening and closing. Inside the house, Lori is gushing over Bobby on a ton of portable tablets set up as webcams in her room.

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