Lincoln is playing a VR game where you fight zombies with breakdancing.
Lincoln:Take that, zombie!Feel my twerk, you evil jerk!
He kills zombies; does a pelvic thrust.
Lincoln continues to breakdance; he goes up the stairs and does more moves in the hallway where he then enters one particular room.
Lincoln takes the goggles off and sees Lori making an angry expression at him.
Lori:There's only one rule in this house: Stay out of my bedroom! If I catch you in here again, I will literally turn you into a human pretzel!No, not you, Bobby.One sec, okay?
She kicks Lincoln out of her room.Lincoln puts his goggles back on and continues to dance the zombies away.
Lincoln:Oh, yeah!
He goes into the bathroom; realizes what he's doing in there.
Lincoln:Zombies don't need to see this.
He takes the goggles off and sets them on the sink.There's a knock at the door.
The knocking then turns into a pounding.
Lincoln:I can't believe some...
He answers the door to see Lori is there.
Lori:Bobby, you'll never guess what Whitney said to me today.
Lincoln:That you don't respect a man's privacy?
Lori ignores Lincoln and kicking him out.
Lori:No, silly! Not even. She was all like...
Lincoln goes to his room and realizes something.
Lincoln:Oh no! My gaming glasses!
He rushes to the bathroom but is stopped by Lola and Lana who are dressed in some kind of authority attire.
Lana:No running in the hallway!
Lincoln:Huh? What are you talking about?
Lola:Lana, is this maggot giving you lip?
She writes Lincoln up
Lana:We're the new hall monitors at school, so we're practicing at home.
They give Lincoln a ticket.
Lola:If we catch you speeding again, you're going downtown!We already locked up Luan for telling bad jokes."
She reveals Luan in a cardboard jail cell.
Luan:Hey! Did you hear the one about the thief who stole a calendar? He got twelve months!
She laughs
Luan:Get it?
Lola:That's five more minutes, dirt bag!
Lincoln:Okay, okay. I'll walk within the speed limit. I swear.
As they leave for their room/office, Lincoln goes to the bathroom to find that his goggles are now totaled.
Lincoln:Someone stepped on my glasses! NOOOOO!
Since Lori kicked him out when he left them in there, he automatically blames her and sees that she left in the family van.
Clyde is being told the story of the incident.

Loud House + Oc
Fanfiction1 boy,11 girls My oc is the dancer of the family.She was born after Lynn