Lincoln was holding a new comic book.
He kicks off his shoes
Lincoln:Shoes off.
He takes off his shirt
Lincoln:Shirt removed.
He removes his belt and drops pants
Lincoln:Pants, be gone.Whoo-hoo! It's New Comic Wednesday! And there's no better way to read comics than in my undies! Ultra rare comic? Check. Optimal reading attire? Check.
He puts on gloves
Lincoln:Comic protection? Check. Well deserved and much desired peace and quiet? Check.
Lucy:I have to tell you about this dream I had last night.
Lincoln yelps at her presence.
Lincoln:I'd love to hear it, but as you can see, I'm-
Lucy:So, I'm hanging out in this coffin, and all of a sudden...
Lincoln knows she won't stop and goes under the grownup table to read his comic.
Lincoln:Peace and quiet? Check. Again.
But suddenly, a lizard comes crawling over his comic.
Lana:Izzy! Where are you?
Lincoln screams and hits his head under the table.
Lana:There you are! Oh, hey, Lincoln! I see you met my new lizard, Izzy. Wanna pet him?
Lincoln glares at her and moves to the houses vents.
Lincoln:Peace and quiet. Check.Again.
All of a sudden, Luna plays a really loud guitar riff and causes Lincoln to fall out of the vent and into her room.
She continues playing, making Lincoln shake.Lincoln is now in a dark place
Lincoln: Finally, peace and quiet! Check! AGAIN!
He turns on a flashlight.Luan lifts up the lid with a garbage bag.
Luan:Oh, hey, Lincoln. What has four wheels and flies? A garbage truck!I would talk trash, but I refuse.
She laughs as Lincoln just rolls the garbage can away in frustration.
Luan:Now we're both on a roll!
She laughs some more and bangs the lid on her knee.
Lincoln:Sheesh! Is it too much to ask for a little peace and quiet so that a guy can read his comic in his undies?Sadly, when you've got eleven sisters, it's almost impossible to get a moment's peace.
Announcer:Do you find it almost impossible to get a moment's peace?
Lincoln:Yes.Wait! Yes!
Announcer:Then you need the Noise-B-Gone 2000 Earbuds! With 12 different soothing sounds, tune out that noisy world and enjoy a little me time. Only $19.95. Call now.

Loud House + Oc
Fanfiction1 boy,11 girls My oc is the dancer of the family.She was born after Lynn