Picture Perfect

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Lincoln:The key to the perfect anniversary present for your parents is simple: know your audience. And since my folks love what I bring to the table, I make them the same thing every year: this awesome coffee mug!

He raises a "coffee mug" which doesn't look complete.

Lori:Coffee mug? I thought it was a paperweight.

Lynn:Paperweight? That thing is definitely a pencil holder.

Lisa:Negatory. Clearly it's a bust of German philosopher Immanuel Kant.

Luan:I Kant even tell what it is!

She laughs

Lola:Clearly no one can figure out what that thing is. No wonder Mom and Dad just throw all your old gifts in the attic.

The girls gasp at what Lola just said and Lexi shuts her up.


The attic.

Lincoln is looking around for evidence of what Lola just said.

Lincoln:Lola must've been messing around with me. Mom and Dad love my paperweights. I mean, coffee mugs.

He notices a box

Lincoln:What's this? "DO NOT OPEN!" Okay.

He opens it and finds that Lola was telling the truth and gasps.

Lincoln:It's true...Mom and Dad do hate my gifts!

Luna and Lucy are looking at the mug Lincoln worked so hard on.

Luna:If you turn your head to the side and squint, it almost looks like Aunt Shirley.

Lucy:Or an inflamed liver.

Lori:When he's this pathetic, it takes all the joy out of making fun of him.


Sisters:WE KNOW!

Lincoln facepalms in anger.

Lincoln:Mom and Dad's anniversary is tomorrow. What am I gonna do?

He sits down on a box that causes a flash to occur. He examines it and finds Dad's old camera and finds out there's still some film in it.

Lincoln:Oh,I think an idea's developing!

He walks backwards and falls down the stairs

Lincoln:I've figured out the perfect present for Mom and Dad!Ta-da!

Lana:You're giving them Dad's old camera?

Lola:Wow! You are cheap.

Lincoln:No! Not the camera. A photograph of all of us!

Lori:Why use that old thing when you can just use a cellphone?

She holds up her phone

Lincoln:Because that would be like painting the Mona Lisa with a crayon.

Lori:Wow.This may be the year you don't fail miserably and crush Mom and Dad's souls.

Lincoln:Thank you for the vote of confidence.Everyone, to the backyard!

They head on out.

The backyard

Lincoln is focusing the camera to make sure everyone, kids and pets, stays perfectly in the frame.

Lincoln:Okay, that's it.Leni,scooch to the left.

Leni moves to her right which is Lincoln's left.

Lincoln:Your other left.

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