Space Invader

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The girls are all in the bathroom getting ready to go to bed; Leni is brushing her hair, Luan is flossing, Lola and Lana are brushing their teeth, Lily is taking a little bath in the sink, Lori is applying dabs of ointment on her face, Luna is rubbing some purple facial cream, Lucy,Lexi and Lynn are fighting over the toothpaste, and Lisa is jotting down notes.

Luna:♫I'm washin' my face, 'cause it makes me feel so beautiful.♫

Luan gets floss stuck in her braces

Luan:Hey, look! I'm at a floss for words!

She laughs

Leni:I brush my hair exactly 50 times a night to keep it beautiful. 34...35...36...

Lori:Hey, Leni, how old was that boy that asked you out?


Lori smiles slyly because of her little joke

Lynn:Hey! I had the toothpaste first!

Lucy: No, I did.

Lexi:No way I did.

Lynn:Keep your spooky hands off it!

While the girls get ready, Lincoln pops in and looks around and snatches the toothpaste out of Lynn's hand.

Lincoln:I'll take that.

Lynn:Hey! Learn to share!

Lincoln accidentally dabs toothpaste on Lily's head and hands the tube back to Lynn

Lincoln:Space...the final frontier. As you might imagine, with eleven sisters, space is limited.

He notices he missed his toothbrush and gets the paste off Lily's head.

Lincoln:Everywhere you go, you gotta deal with the crowds. But being the only boy in the family comes with a perk.

He enters his room

Lincoln:You hear that? Me neither. While my sisters all have to share bedrooms, I get my own. Sure it's just a converted linen closet, but it's my own space. My own little oasis in the sands of the Loud House. And I wouldn't give it up for the world.

Before he starts brushing his teeth, at that very moment, a loud thud is heard, Lincoln goes up to Lynn,Lexi and Lucy's room where the other girls are listening; Lynn,Lexi and Lucy are having a fight.

Lynn:You're always Miss Gloom and Doom!Like, would it kill you to smile once in a while?!

Lucy:It would.

Lynn:And you.You always go around like a goody two shoes.

Lexi look offensive

Lincoln:What's going on?

Lori:Lucy,Lexi and Lynn are going at it. Again.

Luan:I'd make a joke about fighting, but I can't think of a good punchline.

She laughs

Luan:Get it? Get it?

Lisa:Human subjects seem to be proving Charles Darwin correct.

Leni:I can't bear to watch!

She puts cucumber slices over her facial mask

Leni:That's better.

A jock strap and a staff comes flying out of the room and the others duck in time to avoid it.

Lori:I'd hate to get in the middle of this one.

Lincoln:I totally agree.

He goes back to his room while Lynn,Lexi and Lucy continue their quarrel

Lincoln:Another perk to having my own room? I don't have to get involved.

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