Making the Case

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Lincoln:The Loud Family trophy case. My sisters have done some pretty impressive stuff to get in here. There are Lynn's soccer trophies,Lexi dancer trophies,Lola's pageant crowns, Lisa's Junior Nobel Prize, even Lily's won her thumb sucking contests! And then there's me.

He shows that such trophies are in their proper spots, but his spot is completely vacant and sighs.

Lincoln:I've tried everything to get into this trophy case.


Lincoln is running a marathon,but he arrives at the finish line hours after it had finished.The second flashback sees him at a karate tournament; he tries to karate chop a board but breaks his arm in the process and is being put to the hospital.The third sees him participating in a pageant.

Judge: "And the winner of the Little Miss Cutie Pie Pageant is...Liiiiiiiiiiinnnnnn-dsay Sweetwater!

Lincoln sulks.

Back to the present

Lincoln:But now, I finally have my chance! The 5th Grade Video Contest. Whoever's video gets the most votes wins this beauty.

He points to trophy on display, breathes on the glass, and draws a heart around it, Clyde wipes it off.

Clyde:You really think you're going to win, Lincoln?

Lincoln:With what I have planned, I'm a shoe-in.

Clyde:You said the same thing about the Cutie Pie pageant.

Lincoln:I was robbed!Grab your camera.

Lincoln's wearing some kind of uniform for a stunt as Clyde films it.

Lincoln:Are we rolling?Hey, fifth grade! Lincoln Loud here! Ever wonder what happens when 672 breath mints meet 88 gallons of diet soda? Well, you're about to find out!

He rides on his skateboard off a ramp onto a catapult where he is launched by Charles and Cliff into a swimming pool full of diet soda, causing the soda and mints to shoot out like a geyser.

Clyde:That was amazing! You're right. Everyone's gonna vote for this.

However, a while after uploading to the school's website's contest page, the video doesn't have any votes at all.

Lincoln:Why isn't anybody voting for this?

Clyde:Maybe because they're all voting for this HamstaCam video.

He uploads video of what is simply a hamster just running around in his wheel like any other hamster.

Lincoln:50 votes?! Pssh! What's so great about some dumb hamster?

Geo overheard that and chitters at him angrily

Lincoln:Not you, Geo. You're awesome.

Clyde:Hey! We got a vote! No, wait, it's a comment.

Lincoln:"Nice try, U shld go to UR BIG SISTER'S site for some tipzz. Her videos R sick: L.O.L. COMEDY CHANNEL"

Clyde:Sick?Oh, no! Do you think they have a virus!

Lincoln:It means awesome, Clyde. Click the link.

Clyde does so


Lincoln:Cute, but how many people wanna watch Luan-50,000 followers?! Clyde, do you know what this means?

Clyde:People waste a lot of time on the internet?

Lincoln:No! It means Luan can help us win the video contest! Come on!

Luan is looking over Lincoln's video.

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