Hand Me Downer

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Lincoln and Clyde are awkwardly staring at something.

Clyde:It's nice, but I'm kinda surprised you chose a pink one with streamers and a basket.

Lincoln:I didn't choose it, Clyde. It's a hand-me-down from Lori.

Clyde:This was Lori's bike?

He passionately holds onto it

Lincoln:In a big family,hand-me-downs are a fact of life. Here, let me take you through a few of...Lincoln Loud's Hand-Me-Down Greatest Hits.

Hand-Me-Down #1

Lincoln:There was Leni's sparkly shirt...

Lincoln is wearing a shirt with "LL" bejeweled on it and it doesn't even fit him.

Leni:Sorry. It has my initials on it.

Lincoln:But "LL" are also my initials. Never mind.

As Leni leaves, Lincoln hides the shirt under the bed.

Hand-Me-Down #2.

Lincoln:...and then there was Colonel Crackers, Luan's ventriloquist dummy...

Lincoln:I'm thirsty.

He takes a sip of water but spits it out from drinking too much.

Colonel Crackers:And they call me the dummy.

Lincoln hides Colonel Crackers under his bed.

Hand-Me-Down #3.

Lincoln:...Luna's electric guitar...

Luna rocks out so hard that she breaks her guitar and hands it to Lincoln.

Luna:Here you go, bro. All it needs is love. Love is all it needs.

Lincoln:And strings, and a neck, and a body.

He puts it under his bed

Hand-Me-Down #4

Lincoln:...and Lynn's, um...

Lynn launches a jockstrap right at Lincoln's face.

Lynn:You'll thank me during those penalty kicks.


He puts it under the bed

End of Lincoln Loud's Hand-Me-Down Greatest Hits.

Clyde:I don't think this bike is gonna fit under your bed, Lincoln.

Lincoln:I know. I already tried. But I definitely can't ride it. It's embarrassing.

Clyde:Hey, look! Lori even got you a personalized plate!

The plate has Lincoln's name on it with a girly design.

Clyde:She's so thoughtful...


He pulls out some duct tape and wraps it around the plate.

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