School At War

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(The episode begins one early morning as we see Jeremy and the rest of the gang arriving at the school in a black van)
Forrest: Here we are.
Corey: So what are we doing here again?
Forrest: Should it not be obvious? We're here to invade and conquer this school.
Corey: But wasn't that Zack's idea?
Forrest: Well it seems Jeremy liked the idea so much that he's following through on it.
Carlos: So Jeremy is our new leader huh? Sorry still gotta get used to that.
Morgan: He's not the one I swore my loyalty to. Why had I have been there.
Wyatt: Hey Morgan babe don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Just be happy and embrace it.
Cj: Pay her no mind master Jeremy. You have our utmost and complete undying loyalty.
Forrest: So what shall we do now that we're here ol master? Just say the word.
Jeremy: Let the invasion begin.

(The next scene then cuts to inside the school where we see Jennifer and her friends in a classroom battling Dwayne and his gang)
Jennifer: Why are you guys doing this?
Shoaf: Is it not obvious? You 7th grade losers have been a pain in our butt for way too long. Now it's time we put you in your place once and for all.
(She and Shoaf then start attacking each other)
Dwayne: Haha don't let even a single one escape. Get each and every one of them.
(We then see Sarah and Edward punching each other)
Edward: Ha. Taking out this little runt should be a true piece of cake.
Sarah: Runt?!
(She then gets angry and starts trying to punch him rapidly though me manages to successfully block her punches then punches her in the head hard enough to knock her out)
Edward: Yeah runt.
(He then laughs as he pulls her up and throws her over his shoulder while we then see Jennifer and Shoaf staring at each other while Jennifer is breathing heavily)
Shoaf: What's the matter? Had more than you can take?
Jennifer: Not even close.
Shoaf: I'll admit you have gotten a lot tougher. But you're still no match for me.
(She then sees Ashley cornered by Tyler)
Jennifer: Ashley!!
(She then runs towards Ashley)
Shoaf: Hey you coward!!
(We then see Ashley shaking in fear)
Ashley: I should have stayed home today. I should have stayed home today.
Tyler: Yeah well you didn't. So now I guess you have to face the consequences of that don't ya?
Jennifer: Hey you leave her alone!!
(She then shoves Tyler aside)
Ashley: Oh Jennifer!!
(She then immediately hugs her)
Ashley: You're my hero ya know that?
Tyler: Oh isn't that just so sweet.
(Jennifer then tries attacking Tyler though he blocks her attack then punches her aside effortlessly)
Ashley: Jennifer!!
(She then raises over and helps her up)
Jennifer: Thanks girl.
Ashley: Just returning the favor.
(They then look at the classroom and see all the bullies)
Jennifer: There's too many of them. We can't take them on by ourselves.
Ashley: So then what do we do?
(She then sweeps Ashley into her arms)
Jennifer: We have to get out of here and get help right away.
Ashley: But what about Sarah?
Jennifer: We'll come back for her.
(She then runs off with Ashley)
Micky: Look at the little girls running away like. Well little girls.
Austin: Should we pursuit them?
Dwayne: Oh we can leave them be for now. After all we have one so that's good enough.

(The next scene then cuts to Smither and his gang who we see holding Shawn hostage)
Smither: That's right boys. Take him of everything he owns!!
Shawn: Why don't ya just take the deed to my house? It's all I've got left at this point.
Robin: Silence you fool!!
(At that moment Spencer then runs up towards them)
Spencer: Lord Smither!!
David: Well look who it is. The boy who's running late.
Spencer: But I've got good reason. I have important news to report!!
Smither: Then get to it.
Spencer: The 8th graders are planning an uprising.
Smither: Are they now?
Spencer: It's true!! I eavesdropped on them and heard the whole thing.
Smither: So this is the path they've chosen to walk today ehh? How interesting.
David: Now the question is what are we going to do about it?
Smither: Beat them at their own game of course. Come everyone.
Joe: But what about Shawn here?
Smither: Who cares? Just leave him behind. We have bigger fish to fry.
Joe: Right. So then sorry Shawn.
(He then opens up a nearby closet and shoves Shawn inside it)
Shawn: No big deal. This works out great for me.

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