The 3 Musketeer Ladies

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(The episode begins one early morning as we see Jessica running through a field while being chased by Micky and Edward)
Jessica: Gotta keep running. Just gotta keep running.
Micky: I can't believe you let her get away.
Edward: Hey man get off my case. You know I'm easily distracted.
(She then sees the school)
Jessica: I'm almost there. Just a little longer.
Edward: She's heading towards the school!! Oh no!!
Micky: Really? You're just now figuring that out?
Jessica: And I'm.
(She then speeds up a bit until she makes it to the school)
Jessica: I'm there. I made it.
(She then goes inside and quickly shuts and locks the door)
Jessica: Now that I'm here I have to find help. I need someone to.
(She then falls to the ground and faints)

(The next scene then cuts to Cj who we see arriving at the school in a dark van)
Cj: Here I am.
(He then gets out of the car as we see Larry is also inside)
Larry: You sure you don't need any help?
Cj: I can take care of this mission alone. I need no help from anyone.
Larry: I never get to do anything anymore.
Cj: This is an important mission man and we only got one shot at it. If we screw it up then that's that.
Larry: Whatever.
Cj: If you want to help you can wait here and be my getaway driver incase things end up going wrong.
Larry: Ok man whatever you say.
Cj: Until then you stay here and wait for my return understand? I won't be long at all.
Larry: Yes sir.
(He then nods as he walks away)

(The next scene then cuts back to Micky and Edward who are meeting up with Dwayne outside)
Dwayne: So you allowed the girl to escape?
Micky: We're sorry boss. It wasn't our fault really.
Edward: You should have seen how fast she was running.
Dwayne: No no the fault is all mine. I should have kept a tighter lease on her.
Edward: She's just inside the school.
Dwayne: That's terrible news. If she were to blurt out our new operations she'll spoil everything. Oh how very inconvenient.
Micky: So what do we do?
Dwayne: We're very fortunate to still have a man on the inside at this moment so no matter he can just nah her. And I'll see to it that it gets done personally this time.
Micky: Ok but what about us?
Dwayne: You two go back to the warehouse and wait for us. Lakota and I will be along to join you very shortly.
Edward: Sir yes sir.
(They then begin walking away)
Dwayne: We've already had one screw up too many today. So let's end it here.
(He then walks inside the school)

(The next scene then cuts back to Jessica who we see in the nurses office with Bethany and Michael as she's beginning to wake up)
Bethany: Hey look she's finally waking up.
(She then let's out a gasp)
Jessica: Where am I?
Bethany: Calm down it's ok. You're just in the nurses office.
Michael: Like thank goodness you're ok!!
(He then bends down and hugs her)
Jessica: Michael? And Bethany?
Michael: The one and the onlys.
Bethany: We saw you passed out in the middle of the floor and Michael was worried so he brought you here.
Michael: The nurse said you were fine and just passed out from exhaustion. But I just couldn't bare to leave you without knowing you were completely safe.
Jessica: Well I was chased for about 2 miles straight so of course I'm exhausted.
Bethany: Chased? By what?
Jessica: Not by what. By who.
Bethany: Just tell me.
Jessica: I don't have time to tell the story right now.
(She then gets up)
Michael: Whoa like Jessica. Maybe you should rest for now.
Jessica: I can't rest!! Tiffine is still in trouble.
Bethany: What?!
Jessica: She's still being held hostage by the people who tried keeping me hostage. I gotta find someone who can help her now.
Bethany: I don't understand what's going on here but I can worry about figuring that out later. If Tiffine is in trouble you should have led with that.
Jessica: I just don't know who can.
Bethany: Michael you stay here and wait for the nurse to come back so you can tell her where Jessica has gone.
Michael: You got it Beth!!
Bethany: And Jessica you come with me. I know someone who can help us out.
Jessica: Thank you.
(The two of them then begin walking away)
Michael: Wait did I like just get sidelined?

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