2 Peas in a Pod

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((The episode begins one afternoon as we see Dakota walking around the hallway with a trashcan stuck on his head)
Dakota: Hello? Can anyone hear me? Who turned off the lights?
(We then see a nearby Robin, Robert, Joe, Spencer, and Pierce laughing)
Robin: The classic throw a trashcan over an unexpecting nerd trick. Love it.
Pierce: As long as that nerd isn't me right? Right????
Robin: Sure.
Robert: We've been on a roll messing with Dakota all week.
Spencer: Almost getting a little boring.
Robin: Boring?
Spencer: Ya know. Just messing with the same person all the time.
Pierce: He has a good point. We could use some variety.
Joe: But who do we have in mind? Please don't say Jennifer because I'm not ready for her again.
Robin: Hmm.
(They then see Alan walk by)
Robin: Nah I might have someone else in mind.

(The next scene then cuts to the end of the day where the Bell has just rung)
Elizabeth: Class is dismissed. See you all tomorrow.
(We then see Jessica walking out of her classroom)
Jessica: Finally another day is done. I've had my share of long boring days before. But today was especially long and boring.
(She then sighs)
Jessica: Oh well it doesn't matter. At least now I can finally go home.
(At that moment Micky then runs by and puts something in her hair)
Jessica: Seriously?
Micky: Happy birthday!!
Jessica: It's nowhere close to my birthday idiot.
Micky: Oh well. I hope you like your present anyways.
(She then touches her hair only to discover chewed gum in it)
Jessica: You put gum in my hair?!
(He then sticks his tongue out at her then takes off running)
Jessica: Yeah you better be running you dumb idiot.
(She then pulls it out of her hair)
Jessica: Ow. And eww gross.
(She then immediately throws it aside)
Jessica: Why do people have to be so disgusting?
(At that moment the principal then walks over towards her)
Kyler: Oh Ms Lawless. Good thing I found you before you left.
Jessica: Is something wrong?
Kyler: I need to see you in my office for a few minutes.
Jessica: Huh? Am I in trouble?
Kyler: No not at all. And don't worry about the bus. I've told them to hold on until you're ready before they take off.
Jessica: Great.

(The next scene then cuts to Jeremy and Jennifer who we see walking onto their bus)
Jeremy: So Jennifer what are we gonna do tonight?
Jennifer: Oh nothing much. Was thinking about making a little bit of nap time.
Jeremy: Oh Jennifer. You never stop being funny.
Jennifer: That was funny?
(They then look around)
Jeremy: You see him anywhere?
Jennifer: Nope. Let's hurry and take our seats before we do.
Jeremy: Great idea.
(They then quickly run into a seat)
Jeremy: Ahh here we go. Somewhere far away from Robin. Hopefully.
(At that moment we then see Robin standing behind them)
Robin: Oh how sad. I almost get the feeling you don't want to be my friend.
Jeremy: Robin!!
Jennifer: Look it's been a long day for all of us and we don't feel like putting up with any of your nonsense. So how about you?
Robin: Yeah yeah don't get yourself knotted up. I wasn't going to sit with you two anyways. I have somewhere else to be.
Jennifer: Good then go to it.
(He then walks over and sits beside Shawn)
Robin: Hello Shawn my good buddy.
Shawn: We're buddies?
Robin: Of course. Why would we not be? Speaking of buddies you're friends with Alan Durham right?
Shawn: Yeah...
Robin: Good so let me ask you a few questions about him will ya?
Shawn: Uh. Ok?

(The next scene then cuts to the next day of school where we see Jessica talking to Megan in breakfast)
Megan: So they changed your schedule around because your grades were so good that you were too smart for your classes?
Jessica: Pretty much yeah that's how it went.
Megan: Why are you mad about that girl? That's great.
Jessica: Hey have you ever held up a bus for ,15 minutes when everyone was dying to get home?
Megan: Ok I don't envy your position there.
Jessica: You should have saw the angry looks people were giving me whenever I finally got on. In some cases are still giving me.
(She then points towards Tylerc who is glaring at her)
Megan: Go away Tyler.
Tyler: Oh sure no prob.
(He then walks away)
Jessica: And he doesn't even ride my bus.
Megan: Ok I admit that sounds embarrassing. But it's ok now girl. It's a new day so all of that is under the bridge.
Jessica: And I was already used to my old schedule and now I have to start all over.
Megan: Well you're always complaining about your classes so who knows? Maybe you'll like these better.
Jessica: I highly doubt that.
Megan: We still have our class together right?
Jessica: Yep.
Megan: See girl it's all good. Everything is working out for us.

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