Forrest Steps Up

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(The episode begins one morning as we see Michael's bus pulling into the school)
Michael: Ahh what a very wonderful and beautiful morning. The sun is out. The birds are chirping. Happiness and love is in the air!! What better way to be able to kick off the first day of a brand new semester?
(We then see Amber sitting behind him)
Amber: Michael I say this in the nicest of ways. But you are way too annoyingly cheerful.
Michael: Why thank you Amber.
Amber: What? No that wasn't a compliment.
(She then groans)
Amber: Oh forget it.
(The bus then stops as they all begin walking off the bus with it revealed to be pouring down the rain)
Michael: Ok maybe the weather outside is a bit downcast and dreary. But hey I bet inside the school is looking to be very cheerful.
(He then walks inside as we see a bunch of students walking around depressingly)
Michael: Or maybe not.

(The next scene then cuts to Forrest who we see standing outside the gangs hideout)
Forrest: Hmm.
(At that moment Jeremy then walks outside)
Jeremy: Master Forrest. I have been searching for you.
Forrest: Ahh if it isn't Jeremy. You're up early too aren't ya?
Jeremy: Today is a big day for us. I could not sleep.
Forrest: How right you are. Today is a day we've been looking forward to for so long now.
Jeremy: Whenever you wish to begin I will be behind you all the way.
Forrest: Oh Jeremy. What better servant could anyone have asked for?
(He then grins evilly)

(The next scene then cuts back to the school where we see Luke walking down the hallway)
Luke: Oh what's the point of going on? Life just has no purpose anymore for anyone.
(He then climbs into a nearby trashcan)
Luke: I might as well just embrace the new life of mine and live in the trash.
(We then see the bullies nearby watching)
Micky: Wow look how miserable every is today.
Austin: Used to we had to put in a lot and I mean a lot of effort to make everyone this hopeless and miserable. But now we don't even have to do anything.
Edward: How pathetic.
Micky: But we can have some fun all the same right Dwayne?
Dwayne: No just leave them be. If they wanna wallow in their own pity then let them. We have other things we can do.
Austin: Right on man!! Uh what things though?
Dwayne: Just come with me.
(They all then begin walking away)

(The next scene then cuts to Zack who we see in another room with Cj and Wyatt)
Wyatt: Top of the morning to ya.
Zack: Wyatt this is no time to be pretending to be Irish.
Wyatt: Can't I have any fun.
Zack: We're not about having fun. We're all about serious business.
Wyatt: Fine fine. I get it.
Cj: So master. Was there a reason for summoning us here?
Zack: Give me the news status over at Casey County.
Cj: If my sources are to believe Christmas break is now finished so everyone is returning to school.
Zack; Fascinating. Well then Cj I have a job for you.
Cj: What may it be?
Zack; Go and round everyone up. We have an early morning meeting to get into.
Cj; Sir yes sir!!
(He then salutes as he runs off)
Wyatt: An early morning meeting. Oh boy we just love those.

(The next scene then cuts to Larry who we see sleeping and snoring until knocking begins on his door which instantly wakes him up)
Larry: Ughhhhhhh. 5 more minutes please.
(The knocking then continues until Larry finally groans in extreme anger and gets up)
Larry: Alright alright I'm up!!
(He then stomps over towards the door and answers it)
Cj: Hello there Mr Patten.
Larry: Is there a specific reason why you're disturbing my beauty sleep?
Cj: The master has ordered a meeting.
Larry: A meeting?
Cj: Yes that is exactly what I just said.
Larry: This early in the day?
Cj: The master can field these questions himself. But for now you must get ready for it.
Larry: Fine fine. I don't need any lectures I know.
Cj: Then I shall see you there.
(He then leaves)
Larry: I can already tell I'm gonna hate today.

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as we see Cj still walking)
Cj: Let's see. Larry has been informed now next on my list shall be.
(At that moment he then bumps into Jeremy and Forrest)
Cj: Hey!!
(He then attempts punching Jeremy though Forrest stops him)
Forrest: Hey easy Cj man. We've talked about this remember?
Cj: Oh right of course. My apologies Mr Wethington. I'm still not completely used to you being on our side now.
Jeremy: You are forgiven Cj. Mistakes happen.
Forrest: He gets more polite and obedient as the days go by.
Cj: If I didn't know any better I might just think he's your mindless puppet.
Forrest: Oh that's just ridiculous. I am nothing more but his mentor. Helping him find his place in the world. And bringing out his real true potential.
Cj: Well whatever. Forrest and Jeremy the master has summoned us.
Forrest: Has he now?
Cj: A big meeting is taking place this morning and we are to be there and attend it.
Forrest: Oh it sounds urgent and serious.
Cj: We'll find out just how urgent and serious it is soon enough. Ya know provided you actually show up.
Forrest: Oh believe me Cj. I won't want to miss this for anything in the world.
Cj: Then see to it.
(He then walks away while Forrest grins nastily)
Forrest: How too convenient.

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