A Rivalry is Formed

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(The episode begins one afternoon as we see Shelby in the library writing a report)
Shelby: Come on. Just a little more and I'm done.
(We then see him continue writing on the paper)
Shelby: Almost there. Almost there and.
(He then finishes then slams his hands on the table)
Shelby: Whoo hoo!!! Would you look at that? I am done!!! Done!! Done!! Done!!
(He then stands up and starts dancing)
Shelby: I rock!! I rock!! Go Shelby!!
(We then see Matt at a nearby table)
Matt: Hey would you knock that off? Some of us are trying to focus.
Shelby: Hey nerd boy don't you be trying to rain on my parade. I'll have you know this is my life's work and I've been working on this for years!!
Matt: I don't care. I really don't.
Shelby: Ha then you know what? I'll just go find someone who does.
Matt: Ok. Bye see ya later.
Shelby: Jealous kid.
(He then begins walking away)

(The next scene then cuts to Jeremy who is in his music class with Michael and Randall)
Michael: So. Wonderful weather we're having right?
Jeremy: If by wonderful you mean rainy and gloomy.
(We then see that it's been raining outside)
Michael: Just trying to make talk JW.
Randall: Hey I think it's wonderful. Doesn't everyone love just playing and dancing in the rain?
Jeremy: Uh no?
Randall: Oh.
Michael: Like Randall I think I'm starting to see why people think you're a little weird?
Randall: Me weird? No way!!
(We then see that water is dripping on Jeremy)
Jeremy: I just wish someone would fix this leak already.
Michael: Sure is taking awhile. Didn't Cody volunteer to do it?
Jeremy: I wonder where he's at?
(We then see that Cody is outside the classroom sleeping on the floor)

(The next scene then cuts back to Shelby who we see walking down the hallway)
Shelby: Oh yeah I'm going to be getting major suck up points when the teacher sees just how much effort I did on this multi year book report on the history of music.
(We then see that Joey is nearby listening to him)
Joey: Have you got no self worth or dignity boy?
Shelby: Hey what are you doing listening in on my conversation?
Joey: How could I not whenever you do nothing but talk to yourself?
Shelby: Oh just get on out of here!!
Joey: Hey watch your tone with me boy!!
(He then walks away while we see Shelby mocking him)
Shelby: Well whatever it doesn't matter. Because all I gotta do is just go to my classroom and knock on this door and I'm in good shape!!
(He then walks towards his classroom)
Shelby: And would you look at that. Here I am.
(He then takes a deep breath)
Shelby: Let's get the kissing up going.

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as he begins knocking on the door)
Shelby: Helllo?
(At that moment Jeremy then opens the door)
Jeremy: Shelby?
Shelby: Ugh you..
Jeremy: Why are you knocking on the door?
Shelby: Because this is my classroom? Why else would I be?
Jeremy: You know you could have just walked in right?
Shelby: Where's the teacher? She was supposed to answer for me. Not a little short dweeb.
Jeremy: Hey you don't have to be so mean.
Shelby: Ugh forget it. The moments gone anyways.
(He then pushes Jeremy away as he begins walking away)
Jeremy: For all the people I've known to be jerks for no reason he's always at the top of the list.

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as we see Shelby walking in the classroom)
Shelby: Stupid annoying kid. Just who does he think he is getting in my way and screwing everything up? That's all he's good for is messing things up.
(He then slips on a nearby water puddle)
Shelby: Ow.
(We then see Jeremy run up towards him)
Jeremy: Hey are you alright?
Shelby: Yeah I'm perfect. Peachy perfect.
Jeremy: Here let me give you a hand.
(He then grabs Shelby by the arm and begins pulling him up)
Shelby: Get your hands off me!!
(At that Shelby's book report then slips out of his hands and falls into the puddle)
Shelby: No!!! My paper no!!!!
(He then picks it up though it's soaked and ruined)
Shelby: My life's work all ruined. Ruined!!!
Jeremy: Are you ok Shelby?
(Shelby's eyes then begin twitching)
Jeremy: Uh Shelby?
Shelby: Oh sure sure. I'm ok. I'm fine. Completely fine.
Jeremy: Hey well that's great.
(At that moment the Bell then rings)
Michael: Hey JW. The Bell just rung.
Randall: Time to go home finally. Home sweet home!!
Jeremy: Well then uh. I'll be seeing ya Shelby.
(He then waves goodbye as be begins walking away while we see Shelby gritting his teeth)

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