Double Crossed

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(The episode begins one day as we see a bunch of cars leaving the school while Savannah and Gooch are watching)
Savannah: It looks like that's the last of them.
Gooch: If all the cars are gone then I think we should probably tell Tiffine and Stephanie.
Savannah: Yeah and we should probably do it quickly before someone sees us
Gooch: Right you are. Let's get to it.
(They then nod as they run back inside the school)

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we now see them talking to Tiffine and Stephanie)
Savannah: They're all gone now guys.
Stephanie: They are?
Savannah: Yep we watched every last car drive away.
Tiffine: Perfect.
Stephanie: This means the time is now.
(They then jump down from the vents)
Stephanie: It's time we kick our plan into action.
Tiffine: Finally.
Savannah: While you guys do that we think we'll hang around here and keep an eye out on things.
Tiffine: You're not coming.
Savannah: What you guys are doing could end up being pretty dangerous so we think we'll actually be safer here.
Gooch: We'd probably just he dead weight and hold everyone back anyways.
Tiffine: If that's what you wanna do then ok.
Stephanie: Don't worry girls. We'll be back for you as soon as we find help.
Savannah: Just try and stay safe you two.
Tiffine: Right back at ya.
Stephanie: Hey Tyler are you coming or not?
Tylerc: Sorry.
(He then also climbs out of the vents)
Tiffine: Alright we're all present and accounted for so let's go.
(The 3 of them then run off)
Savannah: Good luck guys!!

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as they're still running down the hallway)
Stephanie: Alright guys this is the part where we split up.
Tiffine: To cover more ground so we can rescue as many people as possible. As quickly as possible
Stephanie: Good you remembered.
Tiffine: Ha I don't forget things that easily girl.
Stephanie: Then after that we all meet up outside and make our escape.
Tiffine: Got it.
Stephanie: And Tiffine.
Tiffine: Yeah?
Stephanie: Don't be nervous. Everything is gonna be fine. It'll all work out.
Tiffine: I really hope so girl. Cause this could be our only chance.
Stephanie: We'll be ok.
Tiffine: Ok now see you on the other side.
(They then run off in different directions)

(The next scene then cuts to the gym where we see Jeremy, Dustin, Zach, Michael, Jj, Chris, Tim, Randall, and Shelby all locked inside)
Randall: Well guys. This is boring.
Tim: Was you expecting being held as prisoners to be fun?
Randall: Well no. But it would be nice if it was.
Tim: Oh brother.
(At that moment they then see the door knob moving)
Michael: Uh oh. Like looks like trouble.
(At that moment Tiffine then opens the door)
Tiffine: Hey guys.
Jeremy: Hey it's Tiffine!!
Tiffine: Did someone order a rescue?
(Everyone then starts running towards her as Dustin hugs her)
Dustin: I'm so happy you're safe Tiff. I've been so worried about you.
Tiffine: Everything is fine now Dustin. No worries.
Zach: Hey man move over.
(He then shoves Dustin aside)
Zach: I haven't felt the warm gentle hug of a pretty girl in a long time so I need this!!
(He then begins hugging Tiffine)
Tiffine: Oh Zach you ruin everything.
(She then breaks away from him)
Jeremy: But Tiffine where's Bethany?
Tiffine: She's still outside but don't worry we're going after her next.
Jeremy: Good then let's not keep her waiting too much longer.
Tiffine: Alright everyone stick close to me and.
Shelby: Out of my way losers!!
(He then barges his way through and knocks everyone aside)
Tim: Hey man whats the big idea?
Shelby: I've been held captive here for too long!! I'm too pretty to be a prisoner for even another second!!
(He then takes off running)
Tiffine: Whatever. He's never been a team player anyways. But come everyone let's get out of here already.
(They all then take off running)

(The next scene then cuts to Jessica who we see still trapped inside the locker)
Jessica: Come on its been 3 days already. I think give or take cause I can't actually tell how much time has passed. But my legs and feet are killing me!! So just let me out already!!
(At that moment the locker door then opens)
Jessica: Huh?
(She then notices Stephanie and Amber)
Jessica: You're Stephanie aren't you?
Stephanie: Lucky for you Amber and I heard your beating against the door.
(She then grabs Jessica and lifts her out of the locker)
Stephanie: You're gonna be just fine now.
(She then sits her down)
Stephanie: Are you able to stand?
Jessica: Yeah yeah I'm fine. And uh thanks.
Stephanie: No problem.
Amber: Whatever. She's not the one I care about rescuing.
Stephanie: Hey that's a tad bit rude.
(Amber then opens a closet door where we see Joey bound and gagged inside)
Amber: I'll have you out in just a second baby.
(She then unties him and removes the tape from his mouth)
Joey; Oh thank you so much babygirl.
(He then bends down and kisses her)
Joey: They've been torturing me for days. But I think the worst torture was being kept away from you.
Amber: Joey!! Aww.
Stephanie: Uh guys.
Amber: Right sorry. Guess this isn't the time for flirting huh?
Joey: There'll be plenty of time for that later my bundle of love. For now.
(He then cracks his knuckles)
Joey: Let's get some payback

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