The Anime of Dakota

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(The episode begins one morning as we see Dakota's grandma pulling up outside the school)
Grandma: Alright Dakota darling here we are.
Dakota: David did a bad thing sticking my head in the toilet this morning. And making me miss the bus!!
Grandma: Don't you worry. I'll deal with David just after awhile. Now you gotta get out before you're late.
Dakota: But I don't wanna go to school anymore granny. I wanna stay home forever.
Granny: We've talked about this Dakota. You need your education.
Dakota: But everyone is so mean to everyone here.
Granny: Then maybe instead of hiding someone needs to do something about it.
Dakota: Oh alright granny.
(He then gets out of the car)
Granny: Nothing will ever change unless someone goes out there to make things change.
(She then drives off)
Dakota: That's my Granny. Always being so inspirational.

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see Dakota walking down the hallway)
Dakota: Ya know what?
(We then see that Shelby is walking close by to him)
Shelby: Wha?
Dakota: My granny is right. Things will never change for the better unless someone out there is brave enough to make that change.
Shelby: Are you talking to me or?
Dakota; This school needs a hero to stand up for it. A hero brave in the face of danger. Someone who will never run from a fight no matter what. What it needs is a hero like.
Shelby: No one is here listening to you. You realize this right?
Dakota: An Anime super hero!!
Shelby: Oh forget it. You are way too ridiculously weird dude.
(He then takes off walking)
Dakota: And I think that hero is gonna be me.

(The next scene then cuts to Jennifer who we see knocking on a classroom door)
Jennifer: I'm here. Uhh hello? Anyone in there?
(At that moment Randall then answers the door)
Randall: Jennifer Wethington oh isn't this just a delight??
(He then grabs and hugs her)
Jennifer: Uh ok this is weird.
Randall: Oh but I can't help it.
(We then see Jj is also in the room)
Jj: Alright Randall that's enough. Enough I said!!
(He then stops hugging her)
Jennifer: Ok well that just happened.
Jj: Please forgive my friend over there. He has a tendency towards being... A little too loving.
Jennifer: Oh believe me that's the least of my concern right now. I'm just relieved you're actually willing to hear me out.
Jj: Of course. Step on inside and let's chat.
(They then walk inside and close the door)

(The next scene then cuts back to Dakota who we see putting makeup on his face)
Dakota: Just a little bit right there and then I should. Oh yeah that's the ticket.
(At that moment we then see Shawn walking into the restroom)
Shawn: The thing I hate most of all about long bus rides is just how long you have to hold your bladder whenever you gotta go. Not the most comfortable experience.
(At that moment he then sees Dakota)
Shawn: Oh hello there.
(Dakota then turns around)
Dakota: Hi Shawn.
Shawn: Uhhhhh..
Dakota: It's me.. Dakota.
Shawn: Why are you?
Dakota: This is my true self Shawn. My anime form.
Shawn: Anime form.
Dakota: Yeah I'm gonna be a school wide hero and protect the school from all who threaten the nice sacred and holy peacefulness.
Shawn: Nothing you said just now makes anywhere close to any sense.
Dakota: But of course I couldn't expect you to understand. This is something I have to do.
(He then starts walking away)
Dakota: I'll see ya around Shawn ol pal. I got a never ending battle to begin.
(Shawn then looks confused)
Shawn: Seriously what the heck was any of that about?

(The next scene then cuts to Brandon who we see getting punched against the wall)
Brandon: Ow!!
(We then see that Lakota punched him)
Lakota: That's whatcha get little man.
Brandon: Please I don't want any trouble. Just please let me go.
Lakota: Then give me what I'm asking for. I ain't playing around just give me the money.
Brandon: But I don't have any money!!
(He then pulls out his wallet)
Brandon: See? It's empty?
Lakota: Oh that's just too bad isn't it? Guess I'm gonna have to keep pounding you then.
Brandon: No please!! I'll give you anything else you want I swear!! Just please don't hurt me!!
(He then laughs smugly)
Lakota: Just about the only thing I want is for you to keep breaking down and crying like a baby.
(He then cracks his knuckles)
Lakota: Oh this brings me so much utter joy.

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