A Nice Unfriendly Chase

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(The episode begins one morning as we see Shelby standing outside the school with a shovel)
Shelby: Haha finally it's done!!
(He then looks down into the hole)
Shelby: Ooh and quiet the deep hole it is too.
(He then laughs while we see a nearby Luke walk by)
Luke: You're laughing at a hole.
Shelby: Get out of here!! You're spoiling my perfect moment!!
Luke: Hey whatever you say weirdo.
(He then shrugs and walks away)
Shelby: Ok so any moment now Jeremy will be walking by with his big dumb stupid self. he'll fall right into this hole and that's when I.
(At that moment he then hears someone fall into it)
Shelby: Haha yes my plan worked!!
(He then runs towards it and notices Joey at the bottom of it)
Joey: What is the meaning of this?
Shelby: Hey wait you're not Jeremy
Joey: Shelby Scott did you dig this hole? Why as soon as I get out of here I'm gonna.
Shelby: Yeah I'm thinking I might possibly wanna run.
(He then immediately dashes off while we see Jeremy and Jennifer now walking off their bus)
Jeremy: Was that Shelby?
Jennifer: This is gonna be another one of those days isn't it?

(The next scene then cuts to Jessica, Megan, and Michael who are walking down the hallway)
Michael: So it's awful guys!!
Jessica: I'm surprised Michael. I always thought you were one of the smartest guys around.
Michael: Hey apparently even the smart people can have some struggles.
Megan: Bad enough that you're failing science?
Michael; My teacher says if I don't get a good grade on this project I'm done for!! History!!
Megan: That sounds a bit dramatic don't ya think?
Michael: But Megan this is super serious!!
(He then picks her up and starts shaking her)
Michael: I don't wanna fail science and be held back!!
Jessica: Whoa Michael. Calm down there a bit big guy.
(He then releases Megan)
Jessica: You're gonna be fine. After all you just have to finish one measly little project.
Megan: Yeah if it's that bad then just fine someone smart to help you.
Michael: Jessica?
Jessica: Haha. Yeah no I'm barely scraping by with just a D.
Michael: Then Megan?
Megan: Uh I actually had someone else in mind whenever I suggested that so uh.
(She then grabs Jessica by the arm)
Megan: Come on Jessica let's get outta here!!
(They then take off running)
Michael: Those ladies are right. I need to find someone smart and fast.

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see Michael walking down the hallway)
Michael: Someone smart. Let's see. Who's someone smart?
(He then sees Jj)
Michael: Ahh he looks smart!!
(He then quickly dashes over towards him)
Michael: Hey Jeremy Johnson my man.
Jj: Hello. Can I help you?
Michael: You see I'm doing this big really important project and.
Jj: Oh no sorry but I don't do favors for people anymore. Not ever since the incident.
Michael: The incident?
Jj: I don't wanna talk about it. And you don't want to hear about it. Trust me.
(He then walks away)
Michael: Well that's fine. There's gotta be more options right?
(We then see him talking to Savannah)
Savannah: No.
(We then see him talking to Amber)
Amber: No.
(We then see him talking to Matt)
Matt: No.
(We then see him talking to Tylerc)
Tylerc: No.
Michael: Hey I didn't even ask you yet!!
Tylerc: I can tell what you were getting ready to ask. I have powers like that.

(The next scene then cuts to shortly afterwards as we see Jeremy and Randall walking out of the cafeteria together)
Jeremy: I'm telling ya Randall. It was just plain creepy.
Randall: Right uh. Which one is Shelby again?
Jeremy; You know? The really tall fat kid in our science class?
Randall: Right right him of course.
Jeremy: He was standing outside my bus stop. Menacingly.
Randall: I'm sure it's probably nothing.
Jeremy: But he does it all the time?
Randall: Maybe he has the hots for your sister?
Jeremy: Cousin Randall. Cousin.
(At that moment Zach then approaches them)
Zach: He's sure not the only one. Girl Jeremy looks mighty fine looking.
Jeremy: Her name is Jennifer.. Also can we please stop talking about this because it's uh.
Randall: Anyway I would not sweat this problem at all. After all it's just Shelby.
Zach: What's the worst and idiot like him can do anyways?
Randall: Exactly. But remind me one more time who Shelby is again?
(Jeremy then groans as we see Shelby watching from a corner)
Shelby: Oh you wanna see what I can do? I'll show you what I can do.
(He then starts laughing evilly while we then see a nearby Gooch staring at him)
Gooch: You got issues.

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