Burning Heart of Love

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(The episode begins one early morning as we see Tiffine meeting up with Dwayne)
Dwayne: Ahh Tiffine darling so wonderful to see you.
Tiffine: Hello Dwayne.
Dwayne: For awhile there I was worried you were going to be betraying me.
Tiffine: I would never dream of doing any such thing.
Dwayne: Good because you remember what today is do you not?
Tiffine: Yes Dwayne I do.
Dwayne: And a Griffin never breaks a promise right?
Tiffine: No Dwayne.
Dwayne: Good then make me proud today.
Tiffine: You better be keeping your end of the bargain.
Dwayne: You can count on that.
(They then shake each other's hands as Tiffine then breathes heavily and walks away)
Dwayne: Haha. I've got such a good feeling about today.

(The next scene then cuts to Dustin who we see sitting under a building)
Dustin: Ahhh. What a beautiful and sunny sunshine day.
(At that moment Tiffine then walks over towards him)
Tiffine: Dustin oh I've finally found you.
Dustin: Oh uh hey Tiffine. What are you?
Tiffine: Realizing how much I've been missing out on all these years.
Dustin: Whoa Tiffine what are you?
(At that moment she then bends down in front of him)
Tiffine: How did I never realize it before? I love you Dustin Meeks!!
Dustin: Gosh Tiffine. This is all so sudden.
Tiffine: Dustin Cole Meeks
(She then grabs his hand)
Dustin: Yes Tiffine?
Tiffine: Will you marry me?
Dustin: I uhhhhh..

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as we see that Dustin is having a daydream with Michael trying to wake him up)
Michael: Dustin!! Dustin!!
(He then immediately snaps and wakes up)
Dustin: Huh? What in the?
Michael: Finally I'm getting some kind of response from you.
Dustin: Uh what's going on?
Michael: Class is like over.
Dustin: Over?!
Michael: Yeah the bell rung like half an hour ago and well you were kinda just standing there.
Dustin: Oh man.
(At that moment Dakota and Alan are also seen in the room)
Alan: Yeah so if you guys would leave and give us some space that would be appreciated.
Dakota: When we get beat up by the bullies we prefer it to be kind of a private affair.
Dustin: Sorry guys. Alright Michael I'm awake and alert.
(They then start walking away while Alan punches Dakota)
Dakota: Ow.
Alan: So much for keeping it a private affair.
Dakota: Hey what did I do?

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as we see Dustin and Michael walking down the hallway)
Michael: Boy Dustin these day dreams are getting more and more frequent aren't they?
Dustin: I'm sorry Michael. I just have a hard time staying focused. My mind is always on her.
Michael: Ahh gotcha mind on a pretty girl eh?
Dustin: Yeah.
Michael: I know what that's like. I've always got quite a few ladies on my mind myself.
(At that moment Savannah then walks by)
Savannah: Hi Michael.
Michael: Oh hey up top Savannah girl.
(They then high 5 with Savannah then walking away)
Dustin: So then you must be like an expert on how to treat girls?
Michael: I sure am.
(They then see Jennifer walking by)
Michael; Here let me just demonstrate my point.
(He then walks towards her)
Michael: Hello Jen Jan.
Jennifer: Michael what are you?
Michael: And now scoop.
(He then sweeps her into his arms)
Jennifer: Hey what in the?
(He then carries her over towards Dustin)
Michael: The number one thing you must do is make sure you treat your special lady like a special princess. To show her just how special she is.
Jennifer: Seriously Michael what in the world?
Michael: Shhhh. I'm trying to teach a point.
Dustin: Uh no offense Michael. But I don't think Tiffine is the kind of girl who would ya know. Go for that?
Michael: Tiffine?! The girl you're talking about is Tiffine?! Huh never would've guessed.
Dustin: Maybe I should go talk to someone else. I'll see you later Michael.
Michael: Oh sure no problemo.
(Dustin then starts walking away)
Jennifer: Ya know Michael you can feel free to let me go any time now.
Michael: Aw. Can't I hold you for just a little longer?
(She then groans and sighs)

(The next scene then cuts to Bethany who we see walking down the hallway)
Bethany: Ok so Jeremy is at the eye doctor today getting an eye exam so I can rest easy knowing he's safe and sound today. And since I don't have to worry too much about protecting him I can take some time today to focus on myself. Huh I feel like that's something I hardly ever do anymore.
(At they moment however Stephanie then approaches her)
Stephanie: Oh Bethany there you are.
Bethany: Hi Stephanie.
Stephanie: I've been looking like everywhere for you.
Bethany: Is something wrong?
Stephanie: I have a message to deliver from Tiffine.
Bethany: Tiffine?!
(She then passed her a note)
Bethany: Why what's wrong?
Stephanie: I don't know but she said it was really urgent you get this message.
(Bethany then opens it and begins reading it)

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