The Battle For Casey County

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(The episode begins one early morning as we see Dwayne and Zack meeting up outside)
Zack: The time is now upon us. I believe we've been giving you a reasonable amount of thinking time so now we need your answer.
Dwayne: We will all receive an equal share of the school correct? Provided we succeed?
Zack: Of course. Each and everyone of us will be considered equals in this. None will be any better than the other.
Dwayne: Then of course I will find these terms agreeable.
Zack: Then allow us to shake on it.
(They then shake each other's hands)
Zack: The 7th graders are all set and prepared and soon my gang will be here too.
Dwayne: I'll go round mine up and get ready for action.
(He then walks away while Zack grins evilly)
Zack: Today is going to be such a good day.

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we the rest of Zack's gang arrive)
Zack: Ahh you guys made it.
Carlos: That's right and with no time to spare too.
Stephen: We've been looking forward to today for so long. I was so excited in fact I couldn't sleep.
Morgan: Yes this will be quite the experience for us all.
Wyatt: You're ready to dig your claws into Jennifer aren't you?
Morgan: You bet.
Cj: I gotta hand it to ya Zack brother. As soon as you came back on top you're not messing around anymore.
Zack: Today we will hold nothing back. Today is the day this school will finally fall and be ours. And nothing will get in our way.
(They all then begin cheering)
Corey: But brother Zack how will we know when to make our move?
Zack: All we have to do is wait for the signal. And don't worry it'll be going off very very soon.

(The next scene then cuts back to the bullies who are in the hallway)
Dwayne: Alright is everyone clear on what we need to do?
Austin: Cause a distraction?
Dwayne: Not just a distraction. Cause as much chaos as you possibly can.
Micky: Oh boy we get to have the fun part.
Austin: It'll be just like old times eh Larry?
Larry: Yeah I guess so.
Dwayne: Then spread out my brothers. Do what you were born to do.
Cody: We won't let you down sir.
Dwayne: But Edward and Lakota you two wait.
Edward: Is something wrong sir?
Dwayne: Nothing at all. I just have a special job for the two of you.
Edward: Oh boy!!
Lakota: Whatever it is sir it will be done.

(The next scene then cuts to Tim who we see walking down the hallway until he bumps into Tyler)
Tim: Hey open your eyes boy and watch where you're going.
Tyler: My what a mouth you have on ya boy.
Tim: What do you want?
Tyler: Oh nothing more than for someone to show you some respect boy.
Tim: I don't have time for this nonsense.
Tyler: Hey I'm not playing around Timmy boy. If you so value your life you will apologize to me right here and right now.
Tim: Are you threatening me man? Cause no one threatens me like that and gets away with it.
(He then tries attacking him though Tyler effortlessly blocks his punch then knocks him out)
Tyler: Guess what boy. I just did.
(At that moment everyone in the hallway then begins screaming)
Alex: Did you guys see what I just saw?
Josh: The hellbringer of death is upon us.
Bolin: Yeah that Tyler isn't a man to be messed with.
Josh: Oh Tyler? I thought you were talking about the spider on the locker door.
Bolin: Nevermind that guys let's just run while we still can!!
(At that moment they all then run while screaming with Tyler laughing)
Tyler: Little fools.

(The next scene then cuts to Tiffine who we see inside Stephanie's office)
Tiffine: Man what is all that screaming about out there? Can we really not go on day without any freak outs?
(At that moment someone then begins banging on the doors)
Tiffine: Whoever that is you better knock in a calm and organized manner or you can just go away.
(At that moment Edward then breaks the door down)
Edward: Me knock in a calm and organized manner? Ha that's a real great joke.
Tiffine: Edward!!
Edward: Now where is your little friend Stephanie at?
Tiffine: Not here today.
Edward: I beg your pardon?
Tiffine: She had some important business to take care of so she left me in charge of her work office today.
Edward: Uhhhhh. Well shoot this makes things awkward.
Tiffine: Now get out of here.
Edward: I do still have a job to do so you'll just have to do instead.
Tiffine: Look I don't know what you're babbling on about but I said get lost!!
Edward: I'm afraid I cannot little Griffin. For you will be coming with me.
Tiffine: Yeah right. I'm not going anywhere with you.
(She then jumps up and tries kicking him though he effortlessly blocks it and shoves her against the wall)
Edward: Sorry but this is one of those won't take no for an answer type deals.
(She then gets a concerned look on her face)

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