The Friend Who Would Not Leave

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(The episode begins one afternoon as we see Jj in his English class class writing on a paper)
Jj: Come on Jj. You only got a few questions left. Just gotta steel yourself and I'll be just fine.
(He then finishes the paper and quickly dashes over towards the teacher)
Jj: All done!!
Holly: Finished so soon Mr Johnson?
Jj: Yep only took 5 minutes too.
Holly: A new record.
Jj: So since I'm done does that mean?
Holly: Yes you may be excused to break.
Jj: Thank you Ms teach.
(They then shake hands as he walks outside while walking past Jessica)
Jessica: How does he make it look so easy?

(The next scene then cuts to shortly afterwards as we see Jj walking into the cafeteria)
Jj: Ahh break time. The best part of being the smartest student around is that I get to enjoy tranquil time to myself. Yep no distractions just me and.
(At that moment Luke then walks inside the cafeteria)
Jj: Oh no.
Luke: Jj man!!
Jj: Oh Luke..
(He then quickly dashes over towards him)
Luke: Man imagine my luck bumping into you here.
Jj: What are you doing here Luke?
Luke: My class got excused to break early today.
Jj: Ya don't say.
Luke: We had an afternoon sickness prohlem.
(We then see two nearby nurses taking Brandon away on a stretcher)
Brandon: I think I have salmonella.
Luke: Yeah it was really disgusting.
Jj: So how soon can it be until you leave?
Luke: Oh don't you worry man. We'll have plenty of time to spend together you and me.
Jj: Oh brother.

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see Luke and Jj walking down the hallway)
Jj: Never have I been more happy to hear the Bell ring.
Luke: Oh someone must be ready to get home and flop down on their comfy couch.
Jj: You're still following me?
Luke: Of course man. We're best friends so we go everywhere together.
Jj: You call us best friends?
Luke: You prefer the term buddies?
Jj: What I would prefer is for you to stop following me.
Luke: Aw Jj my buddy there's no need to feel ashamed being seen with me. I might be extremely popular but hey you're still cool too in your own way
Jj: Ugh!!! You just don't get it!!
(He then stomps off)
Luke: I was just trying to help you feel good about yourself!! You deserve it!!

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see Luke getting on his bus)
Luke: Man poor Jj. There has to be a way I can make him feel better about himself. It's not fair for him to have to feel so down on himself just because of how cool I am.
(A nearby Cody then begins chuckling)
Cody: Is that what you're deluding yourself into thinking?
Luke: Hey who was talking to you?
Cody: Ha ha. Sounds to me that he's ashamed of you more than anything.
Luke: What?!
Cody: You really think Jj is your best friend?
Luke: I don't think so. I know so.
Cody: How stupid can a guy be? I'm just someone who observes from the outside but even I can tell he can't stand being around you.
Luke: You don't know what you're talking about.
Cody: Really? I think I do.
Luke: Just stop talking.
Cody: You're only mad because you know I'm right.
(Luke then begins groaning and growing to himself)

(The next scene then cuts back to Jj who we see walking out back with Tim)
Tim: Yo man.
Jj: Hi Tim.
Tim: Another bad day with Luke?
Jj: Is it that obvious?
Tim: Everyday you always have something new to complain about over him. So I'd say yes.
Jj: Ugh he's just so frustrating to deal with. Every day he's so annoying and always stuck up in my business.
Tim: He's never struck me before as being particularly bright.
Jj: That's an understatement. That idiot is fully convinced I'm his best friend and bk matter how many hints I drop that I'm not guess what? He never picks up on them.
(He then screams in frustration)
Jj: I'm actually convinced that he's pure stupid.
Tim: If only you had a way to just avoid him. Oh we can't worry about that now. It's football practice time so time to tune him out and look alive.
(He then walks away while Jj smirks)
Jj: A way to avoid him all day? Tim my man you are a genius.

(The next scene then cuts to the next morning where we see Jeremy and Jennifer walking off their bus)
Jennifer: I'm telling ya dude. Like everyone I talk to thinks you're my brother.
Jeremy: Well we do look a lot. So we could pass as twins.
Jennifer: I've never thought of it that way before.
(They then see something moving in the nearby bushes)
Jeremy: Please tell me I'm not the only one who saw that.
Jennifer: You mean the creep hiding in the bushes?
Jeremy: That's definitely a nope.
Jennifer: Looks like something that needs looking into.
Jeremy: You really wanna go look at it?
Jennifer: It could be Smither making trouble like always.
Jeremy: Oh fine. I've got your back.
Jennifer: Then on the count of 3 we sneak over and get the jump on him.
Jeremy: Let's do this.
(They then begin sneaking over towards the bush)
Jeremy: Here we go.
Jennifer: 3, 2, 1. let's.
(At that moment Jj then pokes his head out)
Jj: Oh hey Jeremy.
Jennifer: Ahh you're not Smither. Then who are you?
Jeremy: Oh this is my friend Jj.
Jj: What's up?
Jennifer: You're the one hiding in bushes so I think you owe us that explanation first.
Jj: Oh this. I'm just hiding from Luke.
Jennifer: Who?
Jeremy: Another friend of mine.
Jj: Probably the mist annoying person in the world.
Jeremy: That could be up for debate.
Jennifer: So let me make sure I have this straight. This kid named Luke is annoying so you're hiding here in this bush?
Jj: Just till he gets off the bus. Then I'm going to sneak into school behind him and spend all day avoiding him.
Jennifer: Right. Perfect plan.
Jj: Well it was fun chatting but I gotta get back to hiding. Oh and Jeremy. If you see Luke I was never hear.
Jeremy: Sure thing man.
(They then start walking away while Jj goes back into hiding)
Jennifer: You've got some strange friends dude.
Jeremy: Believe it or not he's one of the most normal of them.

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