New School Order

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(The episode begins one morning as we see Zack inside the school office where he hears knocking on the door)
Zack: Come in.
(At that moment Cj and Stephen walk inside)
Zack: Why Cj and Stephen.
Cj: Morning to ya our master.
Zack: And what a good morning it is.
Stephen: Boy someone is sure in good spirits today.
Zack: And why would I not be? Everything is finally going my way. This school has fallen and we're in control.
Cj: Just like we always wanted.
Zack: This is the beginning of the rest of our life. Our criminal empire begins right here and right now. And best of all there's not one person left who can stand in our way. No heroes, no teachers, no nothing.
(He then looks outside and grins evilly)

(The next scene then cuts to outside the school where we see Jessica, Bethany, and Tiffine in their prison area with Jessica and Bethany waking up)
Bethany: Boy what a night.
Jessica: One of the worst. Sleeping on a cold hard ground was just.
Bethany: Miserable?
Jessica: Yeah that's the word.
Tiffine: Nice of you girls to finally join me.
Bethany: Tiffine? You're sure up early.
Tiffine: What do ya mean? I never went to sleep.
Jessica: You didn't?
Tiffine: How could I? With all of this going on.
(She then points towards Austin and Larry who are dragging, Alex, Bolin, and Josh by chains)
Bethany: Gosh this is getting worse by the minute. All our friends. Everyone we know are being treated like slaves.
Jessica: I have to admit guys. I never ever thought I'd say something like this but. I'm actually really scared.
Bethany: Me too Jessica.
(They then hear evil laughter as we see Dwayne walking towards them)
Dwayne: You guys should be.
Bethany: Oh great.

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards)
Dwayne: Good morning ladies. Why not very happy and chatty today are we?
Bethany: It's anything but.
Dwayne: Why I'm afraid I have to kinda disagree there. From where I'm standing it's the best day in the world. Of course I am standing in the outside of a cage aren't I?
(He then laughs smugly)
Jessica: Whatever.
Dwayne: Just think little Tiffine. If you hadn't betrayed us the other day you could still be free on the outside of this cage. But you had to make it difficult.
Tiffine: I would rather die than ever be loyal to you. You monster.
Dwayne: Hey if you're so eager to die then in that case.
Tiffine: You don't scare me. If you're so tough why don't you just.
Bethany: Whoa easy there Tiffine. Let's try calming down.
Dwayne: Well it was nice chatting with ya but I'm afraid I have other business to attend to. But hey if I can get you girls anything you just let me know alright?
(He then walks away)
Dwayne: And enjoy your home. Your new permanent home.

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards)
Tiffine: What the heck guys?
Bethany: Right now the last thing we need to do is be picking fights. We don't want to make our problems worse.
Tiffine: So what? You're expecting us to just stand here and do nothing?
Jessica: Bethany might be right about this Tiffine?
Tiffine: You too Jessica?
Jessica: We're surrounded on all corners. There's so many of these guys that the police or any other adult can't even get in. Otherwise we would be freed by now.
Tiffine: But.
Bethany: I know it's hard Tiffine but there's just nothing we can do. We lost.
Tiffine: You know I can't accept that. We can figure something out. We have to.
Bethany: Right now any chance we could have at a rebellion is looking really small. The sad truth is we're just 3 girls up against an army of untold hundreds.

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as we see a nearby Joe and Spencer outside secretly eas dropping on them)
Joe: Did you hear that Spencer?
Spencer: Boy I sure did. All this talk about a rebellion.
Joe: We should tell the higher ups shouldn't we?
Spencer: We've got to if we want to look good and get some extra brownie points.
(They then nod at each other and rub off)

(The next scene then cuts back to Dwayne who we see walking down the hallway)
Dwayne: Let's see how things are going for everyone here?
(He then walks past Shoaf)
Dwayne: Shoaf any updates man?
Shoaf: I'm continuing to keep searching for her but I still haven't found her.
Dwayne: Well make sure we keep up the search. We can't let any loose ends be allowed to wander free.
Shoaf: You can count on me sir Dwayne.
(He then runs off while he then passes by Tyler)
Dwayne: And how are things going on your end?
Tyler: We had a brief disturbance but I think I have it all straight out now. Right Shelby?
(We then see Shelby laying on the ground beaten up)
Shelby: Oh for sure. All hail Dwayne Lamb.
(He then laughs smugly)
Dwayne: You never fail to please me Tyler.
(He then passes by Cody who we see having Joey tied up)
Cody: Say it!! Say I'm more of a man than you!!
Joey: Never.
(Cody then pulls out a stun gun and shocks him with it)
Cody: Wrong answer.
Dwayne: Cody!!
Cody: Uh yes sir?
Dwayne: Keep up the good work.
Cody: I will!!
(He then walks by as Cody shocks Joey again)
Cody: Man I love that.
(We then see Dwayne continuing to walk down the hallway)
Dwayne: Alright how next up is.
(He then notices Smither and David)
Dwayne: Hey boys whoa hold up.
David: What's the problem?
Dwayne: What are you 2 doing here? Your post is outside with the other 7th graders.
Smither: Of course. We were merely taking a small break before heading back.
Dwayne: Well I can excuse it just this once. But don't let me catch you leaving your post again understand?
Smither: Our apologies. It will never happen again.
Dwayne: See to it.
(He then begins walking away)
David: Unbelievable man. Are you really going to just let these guys push us around like kids?
Smither: Patience David. We must first play nice and climb the ladder. But once we get to the top it'll all be made worth it when they're the ones bowing under our feet.

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