The Rise of Dwayne

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(The episode begins one morning as we see a car pulling Into the school parking lot with a kid named Dwayne then stepping out of it)
Dwayne: So this is Casey County Middle School huh? Not quite as grand and exciting as what I was hoping but it'll serve. For now.
(At that moment Joey and Amber then begin approaching him)
Amber: Dwayne Lamb?
Dwayne: Who wants to know?
Joey: Come right this way son. We'll help you get set up.
Dwyane: Oh how ever so kind of you.
(The 3 of them then begin walking away while Dwayne secretly grins evilly)

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see Jeremy and Bethany walking off the bus)
Jeremy: A beautiful morning wouldn't ya say Bethany?
Bethany: What's so beautiful about it?
Jeremy: Oh Bethany. I never get tired of your sassy remark!!
Bethany: Who's being sassy? It was a serious.
(At that moment they then notice a crowd of students gathered outside the office)
Jeremy: Hey I wonder what's going to over there.
Bethany: So much excitement for so early in the day.
Jeremy: I'm gonna go check it out.
Bethany: You have fun with that. I on the other hand will not be.
(She then starts walking away)
Jeremy: Alright Bethany see ya later.
(He then walks over towards the crowd and meets up with Dustin, Zach, Tiffine, Randall, and Chris)
Jeremy: Hey guys.
Dustin: Sup dude?
Zach: You came just in time my man.
Jeremy: For what?
Zach: To get a glimpse of the new kid.
Jeremy: New kid?
(He then looks into the office mirror and catches a glimpse of Dwayne)
Jeremy: Oh that new kid.
Chris: Pretty cool right?
Randall: Rumor is he came from out of town. That's why no one knows his name or where he's from.
Chris: He's a new kid so of course he did Randall.
Randall: See? The rumours know all.
Tiffine: Rumor or no rumor. He's simply the most handsome boy I've ever seen.
Dustin: Uh sure that's great Tiffine.
Jeremy: Well he does look cool. I mean a little cool.
Chris: As if you would know anything about cool.
Jeremy: What?
Chris: I mean cool isn't exactly in your blood. No offense I mean.
Jeremy: You guys don't think I'm cool?
Dustin: Uh... Well.
Zach: Awkward question.. Uhhhh.
Tiffine: Well Jeremy on the list of cool people. You aren't on it.
(He then makes an offended face then takes off running)
Tiffine: Jeremy wait!! I was just kidding!!
Chris: Smooth going Tiff.
Tiffine: Hey you insulted him first.
Chris: It wasn't an insult. It was brutal honesty.
Tiffine: Whatever. I'll find him later snd then apologize.
(The scene then cuts to inside the office where we see Dwayne was easdropping)
Dwayne: Looks like an opportunity has already came up.

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as Joey then steps outside)
Chris: Oh no everyone!! It's the big man!!
Joey: Alright everyone that's enough plundering around. Get going all of you!!
(He then rings bell which makes the crowd run off)
Joey: People stand around doing nothing far too much these days.
(We then see Dwayne step outside)
Dwayne: It sure is nice feeling welcomed here though.
Joey: Well your schedule is now finished so if you have any more questions.
Dwayne: No no. Believe me I'm good.
Joey: Then you may be on your way.
Dwayne: Thank you again.
(They then shake hands as Dwayne begins walking away)
Dwayne: Now where did that boy go?
(We then see that Austin and Micky were watching from a distance)
Austin: You really think that's him?
Micky: Make no mistake about it. It has to be.
Austin: Tyler will be pleased.
Micky: Let's keep an eye on him for now.
Austin: Easy enough to do. No problem.

(The next scene then cuts back to Jeremy who we see in the restroom looking at a mirror)
Jeremy: Who am I kidding? Man even my reflection in the mirror makes me look like a complete dork.
(He then walks outside)
Jeremy: Everyone was right about me. I'm not cool. I'm just a loser.
(At that moment Dwayne then approaches him)
Dwayne: Hey excuse me there boy.
Jeremy: Who me?
Dwayne: Yeah you.
Jeremy: You're the new kid aren't you?
Dwayne: Yes I am new.
Jeremy: Well it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Dwayne: Pleasure is all mine. I feel so lost and alone here.
Jeremy: We've all been there before.
Dwyane: I wish I had someone who could be my friend.
Jeremy: Hey uh I could be your friend.
Dwayne: Really? You would really be my friend?
Jeremy: Of course!! If you'll allow me.
Dwayne: Well friend. I don't suppose you would show me to the cafeteria.
Jeremy: It's just this way. Follow me!!
Dwayne: Right behind you.
(They then begin walking away)

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