Name Swap

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(The episode begins one morning as we see a bus arriving at the school with Jennifer getting off the bus)
Jennifer: Well here we go.
(At that moment Jeremy and Bethany then also walk off the bus)
Jeremy: You excited to be back?
Jennifer: You really gotta ask?
Jeremy: So.. Yes!!
Jennifer: Sure Jeremy. Yes.
Jeremy: Ahh I thought so. You love school don't ya?
Jennifer: Well I do love being here more than I loved being sick all week last week I guess?
Jeremy: That's gonna be a lot of makeup work you'll have to do.
Jennifer: It can't possibly be that bad can it?
Jeremy: You'd be surprised. Now that we're in the fall season that's when school work really starts picking up and getting hard.
Bethany: He's not wrong about that. Things go from easy to hard in practically the blink of an eye.
Jennifer: For you guys maybe. But I am an honors student in my grade so I think I'll have an easier time. But now if you'll excuse me I gotta go to the office and get my work.
(She then takes off walking)
Bethany: She's going to be in for a rude awakening isn't she?
Jeremy: Oh yeah totally.

(The next scene then cuts to Tiffine and Stephanie who we see in Stephanie's office)
Tiffine: You all ready girl?
Stephanie: I checked in with all our teachers and we got the ok.
Tiffine: Then we just gotta wait for.
(At that moment Gooch then walks inside)
Stephanie: Hey look there she is.
Gooch: So what is this all about?
Tiffine: Today's your lucky day girl. You get a special free excused day from classes
Gooch: Oh yay!! What are we doing girls? Getting our hair cut, Our nails trimmed? Going shopping?
Stephanie: No, No, And no.
Gooch: Then.
Tiffine: You're helping us look for Dwayne.
Gooch: Excuse you but. What?
Stephanie: He's still out there somewhere and we need to bring him to justice.
Tiffine: He's been causing too much trouble here for far too long.
Gooch: What does this have to do with me?
Tiffine: You know what they say. 3 heads are better than 2.
Gooch: But can't you have someone else help?
Stephanie: Amber has her own assignment, Savannah isn't here, Lacie is too cowardly.
Tiffine: We even tried Dustin but.
(We then see him across hallway in a different room shivering and shaking)
Tiffine: I think he's still traumatized from last time.
Stephanie: So you're our only option for today. Isn't that wonderful?
Gooch: Don't I get a say in this?
Stephanie: You don't need to. Because we already got everything cleared out with the teachers and they already checked you out for the day.
Tiffine: Isn't that nice?
Gooch: Sure.. Uh can I take a quick restroom break first?
Tiffine: Of course. Take your time.
Gooch: Thanks.
(She then walks outside)

(The next scene then cuts back to Jennifer who we see in the office)
Kyler: Here's all your work Ms Wethington.
(He then hands her a stack of papers)
Jennifer: See? I told them this wouldn't be that bad.
Kyler: Oh wait there's more.
(He then adds another stack to it followed by a 3rd one)
Kyler: This is everything.
Jennifer: This is really really heavy
Kyler: You may be excused.
Jennifer: Thank you principal sir.
(She then begins struggling to carry the work away while she then passes by Brandon and Chris)
Chris: Look at the size of that stack. It's almost as tall as a person!! A really short person Admittingly.
Brandon: Hey pretty lady. How about you and I form a study group and I take some of the load off.
Jennifer: Yuck. Pass.

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see Jennifer still walking down the hallway)
Jennifer: Whenever they said I had a weeks worth of makeup work. I wasn't expecting it to be like this.
(We then see Gooch also walking down the hallway)
Gooch: I can't believe those girls had the nerve to sign me on for something without even asking if I wanted to. Does my opinion mean nothing to those guys?
(She and Jennifer then end up accidentally bumping into each other)
Both: Ahh!!
Gooch: Oh gosh girl I'm sorry. I was talking to myself and not paying attention to where I was going
Jennifer: No it's probably my fault. I had so much papers in front of my face I couldn't even see where I was going.
Gooch: Here let me give you a hand.
(The two of them then begin picking up the papers)
Gooch: Why are you carrying around so much papers like this anyways?
Jennifer: I caught a really bad cold and had to miss a whole week of school last week. And when I come back well it all caught back up with me.
Gooch: You're a 7th grader aren't ya?
Jennifer: Uh yeah?
Gooch: I thought I recognized this work. I did all this work last year.
Jennifer: Which makes you a 8th grader.
Gooch: This would probably be easy for me to complete in no time flat. But I can't because I have other things I gotta do. That I don't wanna dk
Jennifer: Too bad we can't just switch places huh?
Gooch: Oh can't we?
Jennifer: No?
Gooch: Follow me my girl.
Jennifer: Ok?
(They then begin walking away)

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