Lost In the Shuffle

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(The episode begins one morning as we see Jeremy and Jennifer standing outside the school)
Jennifer: Well Jeremy. Here we are.
Jeremy: Yep. Good ol CCMS.
Jennifer: I bet you must be really excited huh?
Jeremy: Maybe. And a tad bit nervous.
Jennifer: Hey if you're not ready yet or need some more time then that's fine. We can come back in a few days and.
Jeremy: No no it's fine. I think I've been keeping everyone waiting long enough now. And besides I could use some normalcy in my life again.
(She then hugs him)
Jeremy: Huh?
Jennifer: I'm sorry this still just doesn't feel real to me. All that time I was stuck thinking you would never be back and.
Jeremy: Jennifer it's ok.
(He then hugs her back)
Jeremy: I keep telling you that you're not dreaming. This is all real and really happening.
Jennifer; I guess I just need to wake up and see that huh?
(They then laugh at each other)
Jeremy: Come on let's go inside.
(They then begin walking towards the entrance while we then see a nearby spy camera with Forrest watching them as he has an angry look on his face)

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as we see Forrest still glaring)
Forrest: I despise that kid. Everything was going exactly the way I wanted it to but then no they have to mess everything up. All those years of planning and it all just turns to.
(At that moment Carlos then walks inside)
Carlos: Uh Mr Forrest sir.
Forrest: What?!!
Carlos: I can see you're still angry and brooding and all that. Which is fine I totally completely understand. I do really but.
Forrest: Just tell me what it is you want you idiot!!
Carlos: Well it's just there's an important topic we would like to discuss and with you being our new leader we were thinking maybe you might uhhh. Wanna be there for it?
Forrest: So you really distracted me from what I was doing just so?
(He then stops and takes a deep breath)
Forrest: No you know what? This is actually perfectly ok with me. I have a few things I need to discuss myself.
Carlos: Great then I'll tell everyone the meeting is on. Just don't. Hurt me!!
(He then runs off screaming)
Forrest; Don't make it so tempting then. Idiot.

(The next scene then cuts to Larry who we see locked in a warehouse trying to get out of his handcuffs while Joey walks inside)
Joey: Good morning to you Mr Patten.
Larry: Why if it isn't Sargent Joey Sears himself.
Joey: Don't suppose you would be finally ready to crack now would ya?
Larry: Don't flatter yourself. I'm nowhere near my breaking point.
Joey: We've been at this for at least 2 weeks now boy. How long do you think you can seriously keep this up?
Larry: However long it takes..
Joey: You sure are one brave boy. I give you my props for that. Well no matter because in the end it doesn't matter.
Larry: My brothers will come for me eventually and when they do you'll be.
Joey: If they were so interested in saving you why haven't they already?
Larry; I uh.
(He then glares at him)
Joey: Face the facts Patten. No one's coming for you because no one cares enough to. To them your just dead weight that was weighing them down.
(He then looks at his watch)
Joey: Oh now would you look at the time. It was nice chatting with ya but I've got some classes I need to attend. Let's continue this chat later eh?
(He then exits the building)

(The next scene then cuts back to Jeremy and Jennifer who are now inside the school)
Jeremy: Wow. Just... Wow.
Jennifer: Is it really that exciting?
Jeremy: Whenever you haven't seen this place for so long in the right frame of mind you bet it is.
Jennifer: Well take it all in. For as long as you like.
Jeremy: Part of me is glad for the peaceful and quiet moment. But I'm not gonna lie I was expecting this to be some kind of.
(At that moment a crowd of students then get together)
Michael: Hey look everybody. Jeremy's back!!
Tim: He's right!! It is him!!
(The crowd of students then start running towards him)
Jeremy: Oh no.
(Jennifer then steps aside while we then see a nearby Robin and Robert nod at each other as they secretly walk away)

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards)
Jeremy: Ok guys I know everyone is really excited to see me again. But you guys think maybe we could?
(At that moment he then gets surrounded by everyone)
Chris: Jeremy my man friend I've missed you so much. I know we don't have any classes together but I still.
(At that moment Randall then pushes him away)
Randall: Happy late anniversary of our friendship!! I made you a cake but it's probably ruined and nasty now. But hey if you want I could easily.
Jeremy: Uhhh...
(At that moment Zach then pushes Randall out of the way)
Zach: Clingy people am I right? Can't ever get a moment to yourself.
(At that moment he then pulls Jeremy over closer to him)
Zach: But buddy hi!! I promised I would only hug cute and beautiful girls but I'm so happy to see you I might just make an exception.
(At that moment Tim then picks him up from behind)
Tim: Alright man that's enough of that.
Zach: Hey let me go!! I gotta hug my buddy!!
Tim: The last thing anyone needs is any dumb weird stuff.

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