Jessica Takes a Stand

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(The episode begins one morning as we see Shelby walking around outside in the woods)
Shelby: Let's see. According to all the recent hearsay his hiding place should be.
(He then notices Jeremy standing around)
Shelby: Haha there he is!! Hey you!! Wethington boy!!
(Jeremy then turns around and glares at him)
Shelby: I've been looking for you!! And now that we're alone out here in the woods where no one can help you. I can finally complete my great and timely revenge!!
(He then laughs then pulls out a piece of paper)
Shelby: Ok but first I have a written dramatic speech I need to perform. It shouldn't take long so.
(At that moment however Jeremy then grabs the paper and starts ripping it to shreds)
Shelby: Hey!! I worked hard on that you little punk!!
(Jeremy then begins glaring at him nastily)
Shelby: Hey come on man. I was simply just kidding. We're pals right? We can make jokes right?
Jeremy: Wrong.
(He then grabs Shelby by the shirt)
Jeremy: Now you'll get yours fat boy.
Shelby: Help!!!!
(Jeremy then begins beating on him)

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see Amber dragging Shelby back towards the school)
Shelby: It was like a monster I tell ya!!
Amber: Shelby please stop screaming.
Shelby: The way he looked at me was just so terrifying!! It was like a demon from the underworld.
Amber: Well I can assure you now everything is fine.
Shelby: But what if he comes back for me!! Comes back to finish the job?!
Amber: Oh why did I volunteer myself to bring this kid back to safety? There has to be someone else who can.
(At that moment she then sees Jj walking by)
Amber: Hey you!! Uh Jj?
(He then walks towards her)
Jj: What can I do for you Amber?
Amber: Why don't ya be a good Samaritan and help escort Shelby here to the nurses office.
Jj: Whatever you say.
(He then pulls Shelby up)
Jj: Alright come here man.
(He then throws Shelby over his shoulder and begins carrying him away while Gooch then approaches her)
Gooch: Another one huh?
Amber: Yep. That's the 4th victim this week.
Gooch: Jeremy is getting more vicious and brutal every day.
Amber: I know. We can't keep going on like this.

(The next scene then cuts to inside the school where we see Jessica and Megan in their classroom as Jj walks by still carrying Shelby)
Shelby: The pain!! Oh it's so unbearable!! Oh make it stop please!!
Jj: What did I sign myself up for?
(He then groans and continues walking)
Megan: Poor Shelby. Even as annoying as he can be I still feel really bad for him.
Jessica: Take a guess who done it too.
Megan: Uhhhhhh.
Jessica: Jeremy!! That ruthless nonsensical bully that!!
Megan's Easy there Jessica. Calm down and take deep breaths.
Jessica: Calm down?! How can I possibly calm down when there's a jerk out there hurting people?
Megan: I know it's upsetting but.
Jessica: And we're just sitting here letting and watching it happen!!!
Megan: Hey screaming about it isn't helping any at all now is it?!!
Jessica: I'm sorry Megan. This is just.
Megan: I know how you feel Jessica believe me. This is a stressful time for all of us.
Jessica: Whenever I get stressed I just get so angry that I.
(Megan then begins patting her on the back)
Megan: How about you just go for a walk and clear your head.
Jessica: But what about the teacher?
Megan: I'll cover for you. Besides Zach and Chris will be here really soon and I'm sure the last thing you want is to deal with them while you're already stressed enough.
Jessica: Ugh that's true. Well thanks Megan I appreciate it.
Megan: Anytime girlfriend.
(They then high 5 as Jessica then gets up and walks into the hallway)

(The next scene then cuts to Jennifer who is in another classroom talking to Smither and his gang)
Smither: Your cousin has gone too far girl!! How can I conquer the school with all this chaos going on around us?!
Jennifer: Hey it's your and your gangs fault this is even happening in the first place!!
Pierce: I had no choice!! They were gonna kill me if I didn't comply. They kept me at gunpoint and everything!!
Smither: Silence!!
(He then clears his throat)
Smither: Jennifer honey you remember our deal right?
Jennifer: Of course I remember. Don't you think I've been trying as hard as I can? I miss him and I want him back more than anyone.
Smither: And we have the power to make that happen. But we can't until you get your act together.
Jennifer: I'm sorry.
Smither: A golden opportunity like this doesn't present itself too often. Our goals align for once.
Jennifer: You don't have to remind me.
Smither: Then will today be the day you finally capture him and bring him in? I'd hate to have to take this matter into my own hands and.
David: Kill him.
Jennifer: Don't!! I'll bring him in I swear.
Smither: Then I advise you to go out and get to it.
(She then walks outside)
Robin: I'm impressed sir. You have her wrapped around your little finger. Oh how the mighty have fallen.
Smither: What can I say? I'm good at making business deals.
Robert: But uh. Why don't we just kill him and get it over with?
Smither: Because then she wouldn't be indebted to me.
David: And are you sure Spencer can even undo the effects?
Spencer: Hey I am a master at this ok?  Don't doubt my skills!!

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