The Great Money Hunt

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(The episode begins one morning as we see Jeremy walking off bus)
Jeremy: Alright Jeremy.. There's nothing to be worried about. Everything is going to be ok. I just need to stay focused and.
(He then ends up tripping off the bus)
Bethany: I think what you really need to be focused on is watching where you step.
Jeremy: Oh very funny.
(She then helps him up)
Bethany: So humor me buddy. What's stressing you out today?
Jeremy: Stressed? What do I look stressed to you?
Bethany: Yes.
Jeremy: Well I'm not. And you must remember that today is picture day?
Bethany: Oh no it is isn't it?
Jeremy: Unlike you Bethany who let it slip your mind I am already on top of the game.
Bethany: Oh really?
Jeremy: Got my money all ready and everything. All I need to do is just walk in, Then walk right back out and I'm good as can be.
Bethany: So then you're not going to be scared and freaking out like last year?
Jeremy: Hey we weren't even friends yet during last years picture day so how'd you know about that?
(She then giggles as they walk inside)

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see Jeremy and Bethany walking out of the cafeteria)
Jeremy: Well breakfast is over now.
Bethany: And that means it's time for class.
Jeremy: And in a couple hours picture day!!
Bethany: See ya then ol reliable.
Jeremy: Ha ha very funny.
(They then begin walking their separate ways)
Jeremy: Boy for someone who's supposed to be my best friend she sure never has faith in me.
(At that moment he then sees Smither,. David, Robin, and Spencer running towards him)
David: Out of the way short stuff!!
(They then run by him and knock him aside)
Jeremy: Hey!!
Robin: Either stay out of the way or we make you move!!
Spencer: Yeah we got places to go.
Jeremy: Rude people these days.
(He then groans)
Jeremy: Oh whatever it doesn't matter.
(He then begins walking away while we then see an envelope has fallen out of his pocket with Timothy walking by and noticing)
Timothy: Uh Jeremy. I think you dropped something.
(He then shrugs)
Timothy: Oh well guess it wasn't too important.

(The next scene then cuts to shortly afterwards as we see Jeremy in his English class with Zach)
Zach: So picture day is here again huh?
Jeremy: It sure is. And I don't wanna count our chickens before they hatch. But so far it seems like this years will be much less crazy.
Zach: And peaceful.
Jeremy: Yeah last year it kinda stunk.
Zach: It wasn't all that bad. Didn't we meet during picture day?
Jeremy: Hey you're right!! So in addition to picture day it's like a friend anniversary for us.
Zach: Sure is man. Happy friend anniversary!!
(They then shake each others hands)
Zach: Now in honor this great day.
Jeremy: Yeah?
Zach: Do you think the ladies will like what I've done with my hair?
Jeremy: Uh. Yeah man of course
Zach: Yes!! Vindication!!
(At that moment the Bell then rings)
Jeremy: Well there's the Bell. Guess it's time to get going.
Zach: Bye man. I'll catch up with you later.
Jeremy: Ok see ya there!!
(Jeremy then runs off while we see Matt and Josh also walking out of their classroom)
Josh: Hey you know why I'm gonna do this year? Put a bunch of snot in my hair. Hilarious right?
Matt: That's really disgusting.

(The next scene then cuts to the library where we see Austin writing all over the walls)
Austin: Hahahaha. Man this is really hilarious.
(At that moment a teacher then runs up towards him)
Austin: Catch me if ya can.
(He then sticks his tongue out as he runs off while running past Luke and Jj)
Luke: Ol Austin is such a kid.
Jj:. Very.
Luke:  And not to mention really annoying.
Jj: It doesn't get more annoying. Oh wait yeah it does.
Luke: Say Jj man. I ever tell you you're the best friend I've ever had?
Jj: Ya don't say.
(We then see Jeremy walking not far behind them)
Jeremy: Ohh I can't believe it's almost time. Ha and Bethany thought I couldn't pull this off. Well Bethany I'm about to prove you wrong. Yep I'm gonna walk right in there and.
(He then begins digging in his pockets)
Jeremy: Hmm now where is it?
(He then continues digging then let's out a scream)

(The next scene then cuts to Bethany, Michael, Randall, and Kim who we see sitting at a table in the library)
Michael: Bethany girl be straight with me girlfriend.. Do I look ugly?
Bethany: Since when do you care about the way you look?
Michael: Uh since picture day got here and it became life or death?
(She then groans annoyingly)
Randall: Hey come on Michael man. At least you don't look as awful as Kim.
Kim: In my imagination I destroy you head from toe on a daily basis.
Randall: I love you too Kim ol buddy!!
Kim: Don't touch me.
(At that moment Zach then walks over towards them)
Zach: Hi guys.
Randall: Zach my man!!
Zach: Hey Bethany might I just say your look is major tf as in. Totally fine.
(Bethany then groans again)
Bethany: Michael why do we have out with these guys again?
(He then shrugs)
Zach: Where's Jeremy though. He should have been here by now.
Bethany: Hey yeah where is he?
Kim: Uh maybe try looking over there.
(She then points as they then see him walking towards them)
Randall: Oh hey Jeremy buddy!!
Michael: Sup JW.
Jeremy; Hey guys.
Bethany: Is everything ok?
Jeremy: Bethany I think I need to chat with you. Alone.
Bethany: Oh here we go.

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