Wanted Dead or Alive

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(The episode begins one morning as we see Larry and Stephen sneaking around the school as they see wanted pictures of Jeremy)
Larry: Boy look at all those wanted pictures of that kid.
Stephen: It's no fair how he gets his own wanted pictures but I don't. I mean just look at this handsome face. It deserves to be plastered all over billboards.
Larry: Yes but think about it this way. With the school so hyper focused on him a couple of average petty thugs like us will go beneath notice.
Stephen: And that'll make it easier to complete our mission.
Larry: Now you're getting it. But first we need to be sure he's still utmost loyal to us.
(We then see Jeremy walking behind them)
Larry: You boy who are you loyal to?
Jeremy: I am here to serve the entirety of the brotherhood clan. In any way I can.
Larry: That's what I was hoping you would say.
(They then smirk at each other)
Larry: Oh yeah buddy we're way good to go.

(The next scene then cuts to inside the school where we see Cody interviewing Lacie)
Cody: So Ms Wilson. If that really is your last name.
Lacie: Literally why would I lie about that?
Cody: How do you feel about these new developments with Mr Jeremy Wethington?
Lacie: It's uhh well. I don't know what to think. I've known Jeremy for years. I mean we were never friends or anything but he ways always super nice.
Cody: Uh huh. Very good.
(We then see him talking to Dustin and Randall)
Randall: I don't want to talk about it ok!!!
(He then starts crying)
Dustin: He's still having a rough time coming to terms with everything.
(The two of them then begin walking away while Dustin starts patting Randall's back)
Dustin: There there Randall buddy it's ok.
(We then see Cody talking to Timothy)
Timothy: I really have no actual opinion about this so you're wasting your time interview in me.
Cody: Oh sorry.
(We then see him talking to Dakota and Joe)
Dakota: He's a monster I tell ya!! A monster!! He must be put down for the good of humanity!! Before he kills us all!!!! Kills us all I say!!!
Joe: Uh I'm not sure if I'd go that far but can Dakota's answer still count as mine?
(He then laughs nervously as Cody stares at them)

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see Cody in his office)
Cody: So this Jeremy fella is indeed a danger to our school system and a threat that needs to be dealt with the utmost urgency. Man this feels like something a responsible ROTC leader should be taking seriously.
(He then shrugs)
Cody: But ehh I could care less.
(He then sits down and begins relaxing)
Cody: Not my problem so someone else can deal with it.
(We then see that Joey is outside easdropping)
Joey: Typical. How worthless and useless. If you don't want to do anything about this though that's fine Mr Williamson.
(He then cracks his knuckles)
Joey: I'll deal with this problem personally.

(The next scene then cuts to outside the school where we Shelby standing)
Shelby: Hahaha this is my golden opportunity. With a bounty out for him this is the perfect chance for me to get my grand revenge for both of my humiliations!! And even get paid while doing it!! Yes not only will be I doing the school a service and a favor but I'll be gaining something with it too.
(At that moment Joey then approaches him)
Joey: If anyone is gaining anything it's me.
Shelby; Joey?!
Joey:. Because I'm the one who's going to be bringing that kid to justice.
Shelby: Oh no you won't!! This is my moment ya hear? My time to shine!! And so help me no one is stealing this away from me!! It'll be over my.
(Joey then walks over towards him and picks him up by the shirt)
Joey: Get lost now boy or I'll get some warming up from you.
Shelby: Message received!!
(Joey then drops him)
Shelby: You're insane man you know that? Just as insane as Jeremy himself is!!
(He then takes off running)
Joey: After I bring this boy to justice I'll have control of the ROTC right back under my fingertips and I'll do anything to make that happen. Even if I have to bring the kid in dead.

(The next scene then cuts to Jessica and Michael who are walking down the hallway)
Michael: Everywhere you look there's more and more pictures of JW. I always knew he had what it took to be popular. But not like this.
Jessica: This is so dumb.
Michael: Well whenever you make trouble for everyone word kinda starts getting.
Jessica: No not that. That everyone thinks he's this bad person.
Michael: Weren't you the first who thought that?
Jessica: He's being brainwashed against his will and being made to do all these horrible things. He begged me to help him but no one will believe or listen to me!! It's just not fair!!
Michael: I hear ya girl. I wish things could be different too. But I guess this is just the way it is.
Jessica: Well isn't there something we can do to help him without having to hurt him?
Michael: I sure hope so. Like I don't like the idea of JW getting hurt either.

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