History of Davis

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(The episode begins one morning as we see Stephanie brushing her hair in the bathroom)
Stephanie: Alright just gotta get a few more strokes in and then.
(She then finishes brushing her hair)
Stephanie: Tada!! It's all done!!
(She then looks in the mirror and whistles)
Stephanie: What else is there to say other than that I look really good. I've really outdone myself.
(She then walks outside where she walks past Zach)
Zach: Baby!!!
Stephanie: Uh. Hello there Mr Zach?
Zach: You're looking way too fine you beautiful thing.
Stephanie: Uh thanks? Ok bye now.
(She then quickly walks away)
Zach: You know what I call that? The power walk of love!!
(She then groans to herself)
Stephanie: If it causes random people I barely know to flirt with me maybe being beautiful isn't a good thing.
(She then walks past Tylerc who we see smiling happily at her)

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see Zach in the breakfast line)
Zach: That's right. Hold the pancake syrup. But give me some extra butter.
(He then gets his tray)
Zach: Thank you my good lady.
(He then walks over to his breakfast table)
Zach: Nothing like the sweety buttery taste of early morning pancakes.
(At that moment Tylerc then walks over towards him)
Zach: Hey TC my man.
(He then sits down but doesn't answer)
Zach: TC!!!
Tylerc: Huh what?
Zach: Earth to TC man.
Tylerc: Oh sorry. I guess I was daydreaming.
Zach: Daydreaming.. About what?
Tylerc: Well it wasn't about a pretty girl. What makes ya say that?
Zach: A pretty girl?! Who is it?!
Tylerc: Uh. No one because she doesn't exist.
(He then sees Stephanie walk by and begins blushing)
Zach: Your face is awful red right now.
Tylerc: I gotta go!!
(He then gets up and quickly runs away)

(The next scene then cuts to Jeremy and Bethany who we see in the library)
Bethany: Alright we just gotta get this book. And this one. And this one.
(Jeremy's stomach then begins growling)
Jeremy: Sooo hungry.
Bethany: Hey food boy. Maybe it'll be helpful if you focus on this instead of your stomach.
Jeremy: But we skipped out on breakfast and I'm hungry.
Bethany: We'll be fine without food for a little while.  But if we flop these history reports we're dead meat.
Jeremy: You realize we're not even in the same history class don't ya?
Bethany: So? Does that mean we can't work together.
Jeremy: Well I guess not. But.
Bethany: But nothing.
(She then hands him some books)
Bethany: Now help me carry some of these books.
Jeremy: Are you sure this is a good idea?
Bethany: Why are you such a worry wart today?
Jeremy: It's just that we're getting awfully close to school starting. And I hear that things get really crazy in here whenever school is ready to start.
Bethany: Psh. What's the worst that could possibly happen?

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as the Bell then rings)
Librarian: School is over and now that means this place is closed. Which MEANS GET OUT!!!!!!!!!
(We then see a librarian run over towards Jessica and immediately pick her up)
Jessica: Hey what's going on? I demand for you to let me down right now!!
(She then gets carried out while we see Jennifer and Ashley surrounded by a couple more)
Jennifer: Are you guys insane? What is your problem?
(She then gets picked up by one of them)
Jennifer: I have a good mind to sue you guys for this. This isn't right!!
(She then gets carried away while Ashley runs off screaming)
Librarian: Now who's left?
(She then notices Jeremy and Bethany trying to sneak away and begins growling)
Bethany: Ya know something Jeremy. Whenever you have bad feelings about something I should really start listening to you.
Jeremy: I'm glad this lesson is finally starting to sink in for ya.
Bethany: Yeah yeah. Let's just keep being sneaky and hopefully we'll be able to get by without.
(They then bump into the librarian and gasp)
Bethany: Another lesson I need to learn is keeping my mouth shut.
Librarian: You two!!
Jeremy: Hi. Uh is there a problem?
Librarian: You don't belong here right now!!
Bethany: Duly noted. So we'll just be on our way and.
Librarian: Not quick enough!!
(She then immediately picks Bethany up)
Bethany: Hey put me down freaks!!
Jeremy: Bethany!!
(He then gets grabbed by another one)
Jeremy: Oh no.
(The other librarian then picks him up as they begin getting carried away)
Bethany: Ya know something Jeremy?
Jeremy: Yeah?
Bethany: I hate the library.
Jeremy: Me too Bethany. Me too.

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