Teaching George

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(The episode begins one morning as we see the bullies all hiding under a table)
Tyler: Alright is everyone in position?
Edward: Ready when you are!!
Austin: Shhh. Keep your voice down before someone hears ya.
Edward: Oh sorry.
Micky: Fireworks are all in place. So all we have to do is do our thing.
Shoaf: George?
George: On it.
(He then lights a match and throws it at a stack of firecrackers while we then see Alex,. Bolin, and Josh walk inside)
Alex: Hey is it me or does anyone else smell something burning?
Josh: You mean besides the smell of burning rubber?
(At that moment the firecrackers begin going off)
Alex: Ahh!! We're under attack!!
Josh: Run everyone!! Every man for themselves.
(They then take off running while the bullies then then come out of hiding)
George: Oh man that was classic.
Austin: Guys today's prank was an outstanding success.
Tyler: Awesome job guys.
(They then burst into laughter until they then see Joey and Amber standing in front of them)
Micky: We're in trouble aren't we?
Amber: Oh yeah.

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see George walking outside of the office)
Kyler: You're to report to detention this Friday afternoon. You hear me.
George: Yeah sure. Whatever you say.
(He then begins laughing)
George: Oh man if he has any idea how little detention phases me now. Ha he would realize how much of a joke it is.
(He then passes by Jessica and Tiffine)
Jessica: Look Tiffine there he is now.
George: Oh look it's the girl scouts.
Tiffine: And look at you the fire starter.
Jessica: Do you even realize how stupid what you did was?
George: Do you realize how little I care?
Jessica: You could have hurt someone you idiot!!
George: Ha. That was the idea.
Jessica: Why you!!
Tiffine: Let it go Jess. He's not worth wasting your energy over.
Jessica: Yeah whatever.
(They then begin walking away)
George: Oh dumb little girls. If they really thought me getting chewed out would phase me then my weren't they misinformed.
(He then walks into his classroom)
George: Yep there ain't nothing that can phase me.
(He then looks at the teachers table)
George: Oh no. Except that.
Rebecca: George!!! Hi!!

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as she runs over and hugs him)
Rebecca: I can't believe you're in this classroom!! Oh this is super exciting!!
George: Rebecca what are you doing here?
Rebecca: I'm a teacher here now. I took a teaching job. And wouldn't ya know it? This is the school they stick me in. And you're my first student!!
George: You're joking right? Please tell me it's April Fools day.
Rebecca: Oh George You're always so hilarious. Now please take your seat.
George: Fine.
(He then sits down while walking by Bethany, Dustin, Michael, and Chris)
Bethany: Did you guys all hear that?
Chris: Hear what? I wasn't really paying attention.
Bethany: Our new teacher is George's sister.
Michael: So?
Bethany: Soo. We can use that to our advantage.
Dustin: Oh I'm picking up what you're putting down. Uh how exactly?
Bethany: Ugh just follow my lead.

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards)
Bethany: Hey excuse me Ms.
Rebecca: Oh hello uh?
Bethany: Bethany.
Rebecca: Bethany right. How can I help you honey?
Bethany: I'd like to tell you something about your precious little brother.
George: What are you?
Rebecca: About how much of a good kid he is?
Bethany: Oh noooooooooo. About how he's playing with matches all the time.
George: Zip it!!
Rebecca: George is that true?
George: Uh... No?
(She then walks over towards him and digs in his pockets)
Rebecca: George!!
George: Uhhh. How'd that get in there?
(She then gives an angry look while Bethany then elbows Dustin)
Dustin: Ow. I mean uhh. That's not all. He was also involved in a dangerous gang.
(She then gets a shocked look)
Michael: He tried to put a girls head in a toilet before.
Chris: I even see him stealing pennies from the wishing fountain.
(George then gets up out of his seat as he approaches Chris and picks him up out of his seat by the shirt)
George: Hey listen you nerds. How about you do this little thing called.
(Rebecca then begins fake coughing which makes George release Chris and then begins laughing nervously)
Rebecca: George?
George: Yeah sis?
Rebecca: Stick with me after class. You and I are going to have a very long chat.
George: Ok can't wait.
(He then slams his hand on the table)
Bethany: That felt so good.
(She then high 5's Dustin, Michael, and Chris)

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