Believers of Magic

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(The episode begins one morning as we see Smither and his gang all gathered together outside)
Joe: This meeting is now in order. Our great and honorable Lord Smither will now take the stage and speak.
David: Wow. Those are some good suck up points.
Joe: Thanks. Did I really do a good job?
Smither: Ahem. If I may speak.
Joe: Sorry sir. Go ahead.
Smither: As I was saying. These past few months have been rocky. We used to be the undisputed top dogs of our but since we have come here.
David: Things have been different.
Smither: Whether it be from annoying 8th graders or our usual batch of annoying girls there's always something standing in our way.
Robert: Wow we really are falling in hard times huh?
Smither: And it's time for you all to start pulling your weight. That means you Spencer.
Spencer: Me?
Smither: Your magic gimmick has proven to be a liability for far too long. If you want to continue being part of us you will have to toughen yourself up and be a man. Like David and Robert.
(They then start waving at each other)
Spencer: But.
Smither: I have made my statements. You may be excused.
Spencer: Fine very well. As you wish sir.
(He then starts walking away)

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see Spencer walking down the hallway)
Spencer: He can't be serious about this. And he can't be doing this to me. My magic is some of the best in the world. My talents far surpass anything anyone else can ever hope to do.
(He then pulls out his watch)
Spencer: And this watch is great beyond belief.
(At that moment Alex, Bolin, and Josh approach him)
Alex: Hey man.
Spencer: And what do you want?
Bolin: Good question. Why are we here again?
Josh: How much you want for that watch?
Spencer: Halt. You dare ask me for my watch?
Josh: Well yeah. It looks really cool and antique.
Spencer: You speak nonsense!! Asking me to part with my valuable treasure.
Josh: It's just junk dude. Calm down some.
Spencer: And now you dare to insult it?!
Alex: Ok guys clearly this guy is a tad bit insane. I think we should just go.
Josh: That's the smartest thing I've heard all day.
(They then begin walking away while Spencer starts growling angrily)
Spencer: They have made a mockery out of me and my honor. And this is something I will not take laying down!!
(He then notices Joey standing in a corner)
Spencer: Now they have asked for it.

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as he approaches Joey)
Spencer: You sir.
Joey: Who me?
Spencer: Heed me right now.
Joey: How dare you bark an order at me!!
(He then picks Spencer up by the shirt)
Joey: Have you any idea who you're talking to boy?
(He then starts waving his watch which puts Joey in a trance)
Spencer: Whenever I snap my fingers you will beat those 3 boys over there to oblivion.
(He then snaps them)
Joey: As you wish.
(He then sits Spencer down then charges towards Alex and the others)
Alex: Oh hey Joey.
(Joey then begins beating them down)
Alex: Joey wait!! What's this about?
(Spencer then begins grinning smugly)
Spencer: Say here's an idea.

(The next scene then cuts back to Smither who we see talking to Dakota and Alan)
Smither: So what do ya say?
Alan: You mean after all these months of torturing us you want us to join your squad?
Smither: I mean why not? We made a very generous offer did we not?
Dakota: Well you are a fool for thinking we could be slayed so easily. We are heroes!!
Alan: Don't listen to him. How much money we talking about here?
Dakota: Alan what are you doing? Our morals!!
Alan: Hey you might have strong morals but maybe I don't.
(At that moment Spencer then shows up)
Spencer: Ahh. There you are Lord Smither.
Smither: Quiet fool. I'm in the middle of something.
Spencer: Oh and what would that be?
Smither: Searching for some new recruits.
Spencer: New recruits eh?
Smither: I gotta find someone to take your place don't I?
Spencer: You must be really desperate to have fools like them in consideration.
Dakota: Hey we're right here ya know.
Smither: Who are you to question my motives?
Spencer: You may be mad at me now but I think I might have something that'll make you sing another tune.
Smither: What could you possibly be talking about?
Spencer: What would you do if I told you I could get Jennifer Wethington back on your side?
(He then gasps)
Spencer: I knew I'd catch your attention.

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