The Spy Life

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(The episode begins one day as we see Savannah and Gooch hiding in their hole)
Gooch: Did you hear the news?
Savannah: That Stephanie and Tiffine's plan failed?
Gooch: They were all captured and taken some place away from here.
Savannah: This is really bad news.
Gooch: Now what hope can we have of ever getting out of here?
(At that moment they then hear footsteps)
Edward: I thought I heard voices here.
(He then reaches down and pulls Gooch out)
Savannah: Gooch!!!
Edward: Gotcha little girl.
Gooch: Run Savannah!! Get out of here!!
(We then see Savannah desperately crawling away)
Edward: So Savannah is down there too ehh? Well listen well and good little Savannah cause there's no where for you to run where I can't find you!!
(He then throws Gooch over his shoulder and begins walking away)

(The next scene then cuts to Jeremy and the others who we see locked in a mysterious building)
Tiffine: I can't believe we failed.
Bethany: We fought as hard as we could but we were caught by surprise.
Tiffine: It's all stupid Tyler's fault. I can't believe we trusted him!! If I ever see him again I'll.
Dustin: Tiffine please try and calm yourself down a little bit.
Zach: Besides he's my cousin so I think I get first dibs on.
Tiffine: You guys are right. Sorry.
Joey: My real mistake was putting all my eggs in your basket.
Amber: Joey please not now.
Joey: I would have been better off on my own without having to worry about babysitting you people.
Tim: Hey man if you got something to say then say it.
Joey: Haha weren't you listening boy?
(He then grabs him and picks him up by the shirt)
JJ: Guys stop it.
Stephanie: Jj is right guys. I know we're all frustrated but like it or not we're all in this together. So instead of fighting between each other.
Joey: Yeah yeah don't have to make a speech out of it.
(He then releases Tim)

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as they see the door begins moving)
Dustin: Looks like we're getting another visitor.
Tim: Great now who is it?
(At that moment Robert then walks in)
Robert: Hello.
Ashley: Oh no it's Robert!!
Sarah: Ashley he's not that scary.
Ashley: Well maybe not to you.
Robert: Don't mind me guys I'm just here doing my shift. And you guys know what that entails don't you?
Alan: Wasn't taking Dakota and Shawn away enough?
Robert: No we're just getting started. We won't be finished until all of you are placed somewhere. Oh and Jennifer.
Jennifer: What?
Robert: Smither is telling me he's looking forward this shift and getting to have you back.
(Jeremy then grabs her and holds onto her)
Robert: But luckily for you that won't be until some time from now. But.
Alan: I've heard enough.
(He then tackles Robert only for Robert to slam him against the wall)
Robert: Hey man if that's how you wanna play it then I'll just take you.
(He then throws Alan over his shoulder and walks outside with him)
Robert: Oh and have a nice day gentlemen and ladies.
(He then closes the door back)

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards)
Jeremy: Poor Alan. He sacrificed himself just to try and give us a chance to escape.
Jennifer: You know he's not actually gonna die right?
Jeremy; The way things are going I wouldn't be so sure of that.
JJ: Well the good news is that if he does then it won't be in vain.
Dustin: What do you mean dude?
(He then reveals that he's holding a piece of paper)
JJ: Alan kept him distracted just long enough to swipe this. Here ya go Stephanie.
(He then tosses it towards her)
Stephanie: Great job Jj.
Amber: Wait what's?
Stephanie: You didn't really think we were just gonna sit here and not do anything did you.
Michael: Uh it was kinda looking that way yeah.
Stephanie: Well think again. Just because one plan doesn't work doesn't mean you just completely give up trying. No it means you buckle down and get ready to strike back even harder.
Sarah: Alright I like the way this girl talks.
Stephanie: Then alright guys let's get this all figured out.
Tiffine: We're behind ya Stephanie all the way.
All: Yeah!!

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see everyone all gathered together)
Stephanie: Ok so according to this the next shift is to be Austin Bryant. Then after him it's Larry's. Then after that it's Smithers.
(Ashley then gulps in fear)
Jeremy: Whatever happens we have to make sure we're out of here before it's Smithers shift. If he comes he's gonna take Jennifer with him.
Jennifer: You really are worried about me huh?
Jeremy: Yeah cause I don't wanna imagine what could happen if.
(They then start holding each others hands)
Jennifer: We'll be ok Jeremy. I will be.
Tiffine: Any one have any ideas?
Michael: Well like I was thinking that maybe someone here could impersonate Austin whenever then they can intercept Micky whenever he comes and then we can escape.
Joey: That idea is just crazy.
Stephanie: Crazy enough to work. Good thinking Michael.
Michael: Thank you.
JJ: If that's the plan we're gonna go with we just need to figure out who's gonna be him?
Randall: Well it can't be me haha. Not with this big gut and big legs.
JJ: And it has to be a boy for obvious reasons.
Chris; Hey what about me?
Tiffine: You Chris?
Chris: Yeah me I'll do it.

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