Turning Over a New Rotten Leaf

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(The episode begins one morning as we see Alex, Josh, Bolin, and Timothy walking into the school building)
Bolin: Hey have you guys heard the news?
Josh: That experts are claiming the end of the world is coming in 2013 and all life as we know it will cease to exist?
Bolin: Uh... No.
Josh: Oh then no.
Bolin: There's a new student coming to school today.
Alex: A New student ehh?
Bolin: Yeah it's the talk all over the town.
Alex: Interesting. Wonder who it could be?
Timothy: I would sure love to meet him. That way I can establish myself early on ya know.
(We then pan outside and see Zack walking inside the school)

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards)
Zack: I'm in.
(At that moment Joey is then seen approaching him)
Joey: Hold it right there you!!
Zack: And what do ya know? The welcoming committee is here.
Joey: Put your hands up in the air right now bozo. I won't ask you twice.
Zack: Look at you. I'm only here for a matter of a few seconds and you already want to pick fights?
Joey: I'll do more than that you criminal trespasser.
(At that moment Stephanie then shows up)
Stephanie: Enough Joey.
Joey: Stephanie why are you siding with?
Stephanie: Believe me I'm not. But he's officially certified.
Joey: What?
Zack: Haha it's true. I have permission to be here. By your very own principal.
Joey: That's absurd. With your criminal history there's no way that.
Zack: Don't you love having a rich family who can do some favors and pull a few strings?
Stephanie: Not in this case.
Zack: So just face facts. This is just as much my school now as it is yours. So you can't do anything to me unless you want to get in trouble.
(He then laughs smugly as he walks away)
Joey: I hate him so much!!
Stephanie: Don't worry. All I have to do is get some evidence that he's up to something and then we can get him in trouble that way.
Joey: Then get to work detective.

(The next scene then cuts to Jeremy and Bethany who are in the cafeteria)
Bethany: Having a good breakfast Jeremy?
Jeremy: It's me we're talking about here so..
Bethany: Right don't know why I even bothered asking.
(They then laugh as they hear screaming in the hallway)
Jeremy: Now what?
(At that moment Shelby then runs inside the cafeteria)
Shelby: He's here!!!! Oh no he's here!!!
Jeremy: Oh it's just Shelby. But what could he be freaking out about?
Bethany: Something stupid I'm sure..
(He then runs over towards them)
Shelby: Don't just sit there guys!! Get up and run away!!
Bethany: Runaway from what?
Shelby: Run Jeremy and Bethany!! Run like the wind!!
Jeremy: But Shelby.
Shelby: Run!!!!
(He then dives out a nearby window)
Bethany: Of course you could just keep being stupid and not tell us too.
Jeremy: I don't get it Bethany.
(She then gasps)
Bethany: I think I do now.
(She then points as he notices Zack walking down the hallway)
Jeremy: Zack!!
(He then gets up and starts approaching him though Bethany stops him)
Bethany: Hey Jeremy wait up.
Jeremy: I still got a bone to pick with him. After all it was his idea to brainwash me in the first place.
Bethany: I understand how mad you are but it's dangerous. He could do something to hurt you again. Or maybe even worse.
Jeremy: I'll be fine Bethany just.
(At that moment she then picks him up)
Jeremy: Let me go. Let me go!!
Bethany: As long as he's around I'm not about to let you out of my sight. In fact.
(She then puts him under her arm and begins carrying him away)
Bethany: I'm going to go get our schedules changed so we're in all the same classes.
Jeremy: If that'll help you feel better then fine

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as we see Zack walking down the hallway)
Zack: Hmm.
(He then looks at a nearby Michael who gasps and runs off)
Zack: Hmmm.
(He then looks at Gooch and Savannah who run into a classroom and lock the door shut)
Zack: Hmmmm.
(He then looks at Tim who begins to approach him though Jj grabs and stops him)
Zack: How delightful. Everyone in this school is afraid of me. Good to know I've left such an impression.
(He then walks up towards Matt)
Zack: Hello Matthew buddy.
Matt: Ahhh!!! You finally came for me!!
(He then takes off running)
Zack: Oh yeah I'm gonna enjoy this.
(He then laughs until he hears more screaming)
Zack: Oh? And I wonder what this is all about.

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