Fighting For a Friend

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(The episode begins as we see Luke and Jj walking down the hallway)
Jj: So Luke have you heard the news?
Luke: Uh no. But then again I haven't cared about any news because I'm too busy dealing with this killer headache I got from that lousy 7th grader.
Jj: But everyone is talking about it. Turns out that Jeremy was found and secured.
Luke: Really?
Jj: Yep.
Luke: Which one was Jeremy again?
((Jj then gives an annoyed look)
Luke: What? Am I not allowed to joke and have fun?
Jj: No.
Luke: Well you're no fun.
Jj: Tiffine is supposed to be on her way to deliver him to someone who is supposed to help his condition.
Luke: That so?
Jj: With any luck everything will be back to normal.
Luke: That is if they can actually pull it off.
Jj: Oh Luke. Always so negative.
Luke: What? I'm just saying it's a possibility that.
Jj: Would it kill ya to have a little optimism.
Luke: Frankly yes it probably would.
Jj: See? This is why I don't talk to you about things.

(The next scene then cuts to Tiffine and Stephanie who we see driving in a car)
Stephanie: We'll be at the warehouse everyone else is in very soon girl.
Tiffine: Good. I feel like we've been driving for about a week now.
Stephanie: But it's only been a few minutes.
Tiffine: Guess that's just how anxious I am.
(We then see that Jeremy is still unconscious in the backseat)
Stephanie: I just can't believe he's been out cold this whole time. How hard is your friends elbow anyways?
Tiffine: Apparently pretty hard.
(She then sighs)
Stephanie: What's wrong?
Tiffine: I'm just really nervous.
Stephanie: Why?
Tiffine: What if it doesn't work and.
Stephanie: It's going to Tiff. No doubt about it.
Tiffine: Let's hope so.
Stephanie: Hey I promise by the end of today you're going to have your friend back.
Tiffine: He's your friend too isn't he?
Stephanie: Uhh well. I would really say more of an acquittance. Me and him aren't really close friends like you are with him. But even still.
(She then looks back at him)
Stephanie: I'll be glad to have the little guy back too.
Tiffine: Stephanie eyes on the road!!
Stephanie: Sorry!!
(She then turns around)

(The next scene then cuts to Cj, Forrest, and Larry who are in another vehicle)
Forrest: Putting that tracking device inside him turned out to be a pretty good decision didn't it?
Cj: I can't believe you found the time to even do something like that.
Forrest: Oh please. It was only a matter of putting it in his ear while he slept.
Cj: I knew you were up to some pretty shady things behind the scenes.
Forrest: Whoa now. Listen at you getting all judgemental.
Larry: You're way too obsessed with this kid. Like really for real? Who even actually?
(At that moment Forrest then reaches back and hits him)
Larry: Ow!!
Cj: What the heck Forrest?!
Forrest: You watch your tone with me Patten!! I'll have you know that what I done to the Wethington kid represents my one greatest victory over your ridiculous former master. I stole his own flesh and blood and molded him into my mindless obedient minion. You understand me?
Larry: Ok ok I get it.
Forrest: And I will not allow my work to be undone. So Cj drive now!!
Cj: You need to chill out a bit.
Forrest: I said DRIVE!!!
Cj: Alright already.
(He then starts the vehicle up and drives away)

(The next scene then cuts to shortly afterwards as we see Tiffine and Stephanie now in the warehouse as Pierce and Matt are strapping Jeremy to a table)
Matt: Alright he's good and secured.
Pierce: Great. Now all I need to do is attach the tubes.
(He then starts plugging tubes up into his body)
Tiffine: So what exactly are these tubes for again?
Matt: Why it's simple. These tubes contain the vaccine.
Pierce: Once it starts pumping it in they will start counteracting the mind control within him and start breaking down the.
Tiffine: Ok ok I get it. I think. The real question is how safe is this?
Matt: Pretty safe if I do say so myself. Why?
Tiffine: Well I mean it was him who caused all of this to happen in the first place so.
Pierce: Hey I understand it's hard putting your faith into me. And who could blame ya? But I swear on my life I'm a changed person.
Tiffine: And you're not doing this for Smither?
Pierce: Absolutely not. Smither disowned me so uh. Yeah.
Stephanie: I think he's telling the truth Tiffine.
Tiffine: I guess we have no choice but to place our faith in you huh?
Stephanie: Come on girl. I think we should give him the time and space he needs.
Tiffine: Yeah ok.
(She then walks over towards Jeremy)
Tiffine: I'll see you soon buddy.
(She then kisses his forehead as they walk outside)
Pierce: Alright Matt let's do this.
(Matt then nods as he turns the Switch on)

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