Last Students Standing

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(The episode begins one morning as we see Bolin and Josh standing outside)
Bolin: They were really brave kids. They put up the good fight for so long that it's unbelievable. May they all rest in peace.
Josh: Their sacrifices will never be forgotten.
Bolin: Josh are you crying?
Josh: No of course not man!! I'm uh sweating through my eyes ok? Big difference!!
Bolin: Hey man it's ok to cry there's no shame in it. Cause truthfully after everything that's happened I want to cry too.
Josh: Ok how about we just go inside before things get too weird.
Bolin: Well excuse me for trying to comfort you.
(They then walk inside)

(The next scene then cuts to the bullies hideout where we see David and Joe talking to Smither)
Smither: How could you all have let this happen??
David: It's not our fault sir really.
Joe: One moment he's here than the next he's just gone. It's like he just.
Smither: I don't want to hear any of your dumb excuses!! Just get back out there and find him!! If they find out someone escaped on our watch.
David: Hey chill out man. Won't no one be finding that out.
(The two of them then take off running)
Smither: Let's hope not. If we get in trouble for this it could ruin everything.

(The next scene then cuts back to the school where we see Tim walking towards the school as JJ meets up with him)
JJ: Hey Tim.
Tim: Jj man.
JJ: Good to see ya.
Tim: I'm surprised you wanted to come.
JJ: I can't get my mind off what happened.
Tim: It's a tragedy.
Jj: But while we're all grieving together I figured we needed to be strong and be here for each other.
(At that moment Shawn then also approaches them)
Shawn: Hey guys.
Jj: Good morning Shawn.
Tim: If you can find anything good about it.
Shawn: We're the only ones left aren't we?
Tim: Hmm.
JJ:; Come on guys. Standing out here like this isn't getting anything done.
(They all then start walking inside)

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see them walking down the hallway)
Shawn: Everything is so depressing today that it doesn't even feel real.
Tim: Well it is real and it's going to be like this for a long time to come.
JJ: It's the way it is.
Shawn: Is there really no hope of things ever getting better?
Tim: If there is I'm sure not seeing it.
JJ: Normally I would try and put a positive spin on things. But this time there I don't know if I can.
Tim: As if such a thing would even be possible.
(At that moment they then see Savannah, Gooch, and Stephanie standing outside a door)
Savannah: You all might as well not even come to school today.
Stephanie: Turns out classes for today are closed. Everyone's grief is too strong.
Gooch: At this rate might as well go back home.

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as the girls walk away)
Shawn: The more we go through today the more pointless everything is getting to fill.
(Tim then punches the wall in anger)
JJ: Whoa Tim man. Chill out.
Tim: Do not tell me to chill out ok!! This is all our fault!!
Shawn: Huh?
Tim: If we had gone with them we could have helped and maybe they would have still been alive right now.
JJ: Or maybe we would have been killed along with them.
Tim: Who cares?! At least we would have been doing something.
JJ: You remember what Jeremy said before. He wanted some of us to.
Tim: Yeah I know what he said. But what if his idea was a terrible idea?!
Shawn: Tim you sound like you have a strong case of survivors guilt.
Tim: Yeah well you know what? Maybe I do.

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as we see Brandon approaching them)
Brandon: Don't we all?
JJ: Oh Brandon it's you.
Brandon: Your anger is very understandable Tim. If you think you're angry you should see how mad Joey is.
Tim: That guy already has anger issues as it is.
Brandon: Oh I overheard him talking about getting a nuke and blowing them off the face of the planet.
JJ: What?!
Brandon: His words not mine.
Jj: He can't do that!!
Brandon: An eye for an eye as he says. If they want to blow up our fellow peers then it seems fair enough.
Tim: Sounds logical enough to me.
JJ: But guys we wouldn't just be blowing them up. We'd be blowing every innocent being around them up too.
Brandon: I mean there's still a slight chance you can talk some sense into him but I wouldn't really.

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as we see Luke open the doors)
Luke: I'm here!!
JJ: No way!!
Tim: Luke is that you?!
(They then run over towards him)
Luke: Whoa hey. No need to crowd around me.
Tim: I can't believe you're still alive.
Luke: Of course I'm alive.
Brandon: But it doesn't make sense. We saw the fire and heard the explosion ourselves.
JJ: How could you survive an explosion like that.
Luke: I don't know what kind of explosion you're talking about.
Shawn: You don't?
Brandon: But.
Luke: What I do know is that we're doing nothing but waste valuable time here when we need to be saving the rest of the school.
JJ: Wait you mean that everyone is still alive? They weren't blown to shreds.
Luke: No!! I don't know where you're getting this dumb nonsense about explosions from. Everyone is just captured. Alive and well but still captured.
Brandon: Really?
Luke: I managed to slip away and escape and then hitched a ride back.
Shawn: This is great news!! I mean great as in everyone is still alive and well of course.
JJ: And you know where everyone is?
Luke: I sure do.
JJ: Great!! Then we can save them. That is unless some people people still think it's a good idea to blow the place up.
Tim: No this changes everything.
Brandon: We'd better inform Joey about this right away.
JJ: That's right!! It's finally time for us to start fighting back.

(The next scene then cuts back to Dwayne's hideout where we see Dwayne, Austin, Larry, Edward, Shoaf, and Tyler looking at a chained up Jeremy and Randall)
Austin: Aww look at them. Just so chained up and helpless.
Jeremy: You guys have had your fun for long enough. Why don't you just let us go?
Larry: Let you go when there's still so much money to be made?
Jeremy: Money?
Shoaf: Ha ha oh yeah. You wouldn't believe how much high bidders we've got wanting to buy you.
Jeremy: But that's.
Austin: Insane? Yeah we know.
Randall: Well can I please at least have some water? Please!! I'm thirsty!!
Larry: Let us think about it for a moment. Hmmm.
Austin: Maybe if you get on your hands and knees and beg enough we might just consider it. Oh wait you can't because you're chained up enough aren't ya?
(They then bust out laughing)
Edward: Too bad for you little man.
Dwayne: I think you guys are having too much fun with tormenting our prisoners.
Austin: Of course we are.
Shoaf: After all the grief they've given us before in the past it's very satisfying when they can't do anything to stop our taunting.
Tyler: But Dwayne we still have some loose ends waiting to be taken care of.
Dwayne: Indeed we do.
Tyler: Now that we've achieved our greatest and biggest victory do we really want to share it?
Dwayne: Of course not. Now that everyone has outlived their usefulness I think it's time we snuff out those loose ends once and for all.
(The episode then ends as we see Corey secretly eavesdropping on them before quietly sneaking away)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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