Friends No More

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(The episode begins one evening as we see Wyatt outside sleeping while Cj walks over towards him)
Cj: Sleeping on the job again Wyatt?
Wyatt: Oh Cj!!
(He then quickly stands up)
Wyatt: No sir I'm not. I'm wide awake. I was just resting my eyes.
Cj: Whatever. Where's the master at?
(At that moment Zack and Forrest walk outside)
Zack: Ahh Cj you have returned.
Cj: I have my master.
Zack: I trust everything was a success.
Cj: I made the boy down the entire bottle of it.
Zack: Excellent. If it works properly it should be starting to take effect any moment now. Which means everything is going according to plan.
Forrest: Just the news we were wanting to hear too.
Cj: What is our next move?
Zack: Tomorrow we will be paying a visit to the school. We shall see the fruits of our labor in action.
(Forrest then grins)
Forrest: Tomorrow will be such a great day.

(The next scene then cuts to the next day as we see Jeremy on his bus sleeping while Bethany is shaking him)
Bethany: Jeremy!! Come on Jeremy wake up!!
(He then wakes up)
Jeremy: Ugh.
Bethany: Finally. About time you woke up.
Jeremy: Who do you think you are?
Bethany: Uh. Your best friend trying to wake you up because..  WE'RE AT SCHOOL!!!
Jeremy: Do not raise your voice at me like that.
Bethany: Sorry. It's just.
Jeremy: And how about you get out of my face?
Bethany: Hey whoa. What's?
Jeremy: Even better now how about you just stop talking altogether. Yeah I really like that idea.
Bethany: Is something wrong?
Jeremy: That is none of your concern. Now if you're done asking these stupid questions and wasting my time.
(He then starts walking away)
Bethany: Wow. Someone really really woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see Jeremy walking in the cafeteria where Matt accidentally bumps into him)
Matt: Oh sorry Jeremy. Pardon my.
Jeremy: Out of my way nerd!!
(He then shoves him aside while we then see Bethany and Tiffine watching from a distant table)
Tiffine: Wow.
Bethany: See what I mean?
Tiffine: I've never seen Jeremy act so aggressive before.
Bethany: Something must be wrong with him.
Tiffine: Maybe he's having a really bad day.
Bethany: He's at lot's of those days but he's still never acted anything like this.
Tiffine: Well they say a person can only take so much before they finally crack.
Bethany: The way he spoke to me on the bus this morning. He's never.
Tiffine: It'll be ok Bethany. I think we just need to give him some space and let him air these emotions out.
Bethany: I just wish I knew what was bothering him. I wish I could help him through it.
Tiffine: Honey the best way we can help us is just give him the space he needs.
Bethany: Yeah I guess you're right.
(She then sighs)

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see Randall walking info the school while carrying something heavy)
Randall: Oh wow. This is so so heavy.
(At that moment Tim and Chris then walk up towards him)
Chris: Hey Randall.
Randall: Hey guys.
Chris: Whatcha doing?
Randall: Oh nothing much. Just holding something that weighs a ton.
Tim: Here man let me give ya hand.
(He then grabs it)
Randall: Phew thanks timbo. I guess my mom was right about needing to work out more.
Tim: What the heck is this anyways?
(He then opens the box and sees a big cake in it)
Tim: A cake?
Randall: Not just any cake. A cake of friendship!!
Chris: A friendship cake?
Randall: To celebrate the one and only anniversary of the day Jeremy and I first met and became friends.
Chris: Ohhh.
Randall: This day 7 years ago we met for the first time in the 1st grade. We where in the gym playing basketball and I accidentally hit him in the face with a ball. He cried for like an hour afterwards. Ahhhh such good memories.
Chris: Fascinating.
Randall: Well it's been fun reliving nostalgia memories but I think it's time to go. Bye guys!!
(He then starts walking away)
Tim: Uh wait man. What about your cake?
Randall: Oh right. Follow me please.

(The next scene then cuts to outside the school as we see Zack and his gang arriving)
Cj: We have arrived at the school my master.
Zack: Thank you for pointing out the obvious.
Cj: As I will sir.
(Wyatt then let's out a yawn)
Wyatt: Oh man did we really have to do it this early?
Corey: Quit your whining Wyatt. I'm just happy to be seeing some action today.
Stephen: Me too!! Oh this is going to be so fun.
Forrest: I'm very excited this this all to start too myself.
Zack: First we must be sure that it worked.
Cj: Ok and how do we do that?
Zack: Oh we'll know whenever we see it.
Forrest: Indeed.
(We then see that they have a tied up Pierce with them)
Stephen: What do we do with this puny guy?
Zack: He's served our use to us so he is useless. Kill him for all I care. We have bigger fish to fry.
Forrest: Couldn't have said it better myself.
Cj: You guys go on ahead. I'll dispose of this kid myself.
Zack: Be sure to catch up with us afterwards. We may need your help.
Cj: I'll be there.
(They all then start walking away leaving Cj there alone with Pierce)

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