The Dance

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(The episode begins one morning as we see Zack and his gang in their hideout)
Zack: Everyone all ready?
Cj: All the vehicles are set and ready to go.
Zack: Then that must be a yes.
Morgan: Are we sure this is a good idea?
Zack: What better way to crush their spirits once and for all?
Wyatt: Yeah Morgan!! Stop worrying so much.
Morgan: Shutup Wyatt.
Forrest: Besides they invited us themselves so it would be all too rude to just ignore the invitation. Don't you agree Jeremy?
Jeremy: Everyone in CCMS will be destroyed.
Zack: Alright enough of the debating. Let's just get this show on the road already.
Carlos: I call shotgun!!
(All of them then take off running)

(The next scene then cuts to the School where we see Joey and Amber standing outside)
Amber: What a wonderful day!! Not only is it the last day of the semester but it's a day of a wonderful dance.
Joey: Bah.
Amber; What's with your attitude?
Joey: I still just can't believe of all things this is what the school gives funding to.
Amber: Is that really such a bad thing?
Joey: That funding money could have gone to anything!!! More security, better school books. But no let's waste it all on a dance party.
Amber: But at least we get to have a special day together. You know we could have a nice dance.
Joey; I don't do dances.
Amber: Oh today you do!! I want a dance with you and dang it I'm gonna get it.
(She then grabs him by the arm and drags him inside)

(The next scene then cuts to Jennifer, Sarah, and Ashley who are outside the school)
Jennifer: Well guys.
Sarah: Today is the day isn't it?
Ashley: The day? Oh you mean that day.
Sarah: The day we kick all of those scumbags sorry butts. And make them pay for everything they've done.
Ashley: And maybe hopefully have some time left to dance later?
Sarah: Stay true and focused Ashley. Don't let yourself get distracted.
Ashley: I won't. But I can still dream.
Sarah; You ready for this Jen?
Jennifer: A bit nervous mostly.
Sarah: What's there to be nervous about? We're going to get your cousin back and then everything will be right back to normal.
Jennifer: Just what if it doesn't work?
Sarah: It will work. Don't be getting doubtful now.
Jennifer: Yeah. Anyways let's go meet up with Stephanie and the others. They're waiting for us probably.
(The 3 of them then take off walking)

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we cut to inside Stephanie's office)
Stephanie: So is everyone all clear on the plan?
Bethany: Yeah. Clear as day.
Tiffine: We're ready for this. Not just ready. Beyond ready.
Bethany: We're going to make them sorry they ever messed with us. Sorry they ever took my best friend away from me.
Stephanie: That's the spirit guys.
Tiffine: We only have one chance to pull this off. So failure isn't an option.
Stephanie: Let's get to the dance floor everyone. Make sure everyone is in position for whenever we begin the attack.
Bethany: And get in position ourselves.
Tiffine: Yeah yeah that too.
(The 3 of them then walk out of the office)

(The next scene then cuts to Smither and his gang who are watching people enter the office)
Smither: You guys see this right?
Robin: They're having a dance party ehh? Well that's fun I guess.
Robert: A party that they didn't even invite us for. Talk about rude.
Joe: Oh well since when do we need invitations to do something?
David: So we're all thinking about invading and crashing the party right?
Spencer: Yes that's on my mind anyways.
Smither: And mine too. So everyone let's all move out
(At that moment however Lakota and Shoaf then get in the way)
Lakota: Whoa hold up there.
Shoaf: Going somewhere?
Smither: Out of our way fools!!
Shoaf: I'm sorry to disappoint but I'm afraid you guys aren't doing anything today. Except taking a dirt nap
Smither: Says who?
(At that moment Austin then jumps in the middle of them)
Austin: Says me suckas!!
(He then shoots a tranquilizer dart at Smither which knocks him out)
Robin: Man down!! They took down Smither!!
Shoaf: So who's next?
Spencer: Oh forget this. Let's just get out of here!!
(They all then take off running)
Shoaf: I thought so.
Austin: Ughhh. Doing something good for once just doesn't feel right to me. I feel really icky.
Lakota: It was for a worthy cause. And besides we got paid for it.
Shoaf: We may normally be the bad guys. But how could we possibly say no to money?

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