An Old Score to Settle

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(The episode begins one early morning as we see CJ, Morgan, and Wyatt approaching the school)
Wyatt: Well here we are again. Home sweet home.
Morgan: Wyatt this place has never once been home to us.
Wyatt: It doesn't mean I can't have nostalgia does it?
CJ: Alright everyone focus. We have an important mission today.
Morgan: And we're well aware of that.
CJ: The master wants us to spy on the school and get more information from the new students. It's important for us to stay ahead of the game and we can't do anything to screw this up.
Morgan: CJ when have I ever been known to be a screw up.
Wyatt: I can think of.
Morgan: Don't even think about finishing that thought.
Wyatt: Sorry.
CJ: The buses will be here soon so.
Morgan: We won't let you down.
CJ: I know Morgan.
Morgan: Now come on Wyatt.
Wyatt: Coming coming.
(They then open the door and sneak inside)

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see a bus stopping with Jeremy running off the bus)
Jeremy: Hello brand New day!!
(We then see Jennifer and Sarah get off the bus)
Sarah: You're really loud bro.
Jennifer: And awfully excited.
Jeremy: Well of course I am!! Me and my favorite cousin are in school together. Isn't that fantastic!!
Sarah: It really isn't that big of a deal is it?
Jeremy: For me it is.
(He then hugs Jennifer)
Jennifer: This must been how Hannah felt all last year.
Jeremy: Aw come on. She loved spending time with me. Don't you?
Jennifer: Hmm. I don't know? Do I?
(She then giggles)
Jennifer: Aw I'm just kidding. Of course I do.
(She then hugs him back)
Sarah: Well alright love birds. Let's get going now shall we?
(She then pushes them inside)

(The next scene then cuts to inside so school where we see Dakota get slammed against the wall)
Robin: Where is it?
Dakota: Hey hey guys. Just calm down a little ok?
Robin: Where's our homework you were supposed to do at boy?
Dakota: Why it's all here. Pleasant and accounted for.
(He then pulls his book bag off and then pulls out a huge stack of papers)
Dakota: See? Everything exactly the way you wanted it.
Robin: Pierce?
(Pierce then grabs the stack of papers and begins looking through it)
Pierce: Everything is looking good to go.
Robin: Alright then Lynn boy you're free to live.
Dakota: Thank you.
(He then runs away screaming for his Grandma)
Spencer: Ahh terrorizing poor unsuspecting kids has never been more fun.
Joe: Yeah man and now that we're in High School we can do anything we want.
(At that moment Jessica then walks by and accidentally bumps into them)
Jessica: Ow.
Spencer: Hey!!
Jessica: I really need to pay attention to where I walk.
Robin: You got that right. Tiny girl.
Jessica: Hey!!
Robin: What's the matter? Did we hurt your feelings?
Jessica: Take it easy Jessica. Don't let what they're saying get in your head.
Spencer: Aw look at her. She looks like she's about to cry.
Jessica: I am not!!
Joe: Crybaby crybaby crybaby.
Jessica: Stop calling me that!!
Pierce: Whatcha gonna do about it? Cry?
Jessica: Why don't ya keep mocking me and find out?
(Robin then smugly gets in her face)
Robin: Crybaby.
Jessica: Ok that's it!!
(She then attempts punching him though he quickly blocks)
Robin: Whoa there. Let's teach you a thing or two about who's the boss around here.

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as we see Jeremy and the others walking down the hallway)
Jeremy: Hey what's all the commotion going on here?
Sarah: That!!
(She then points towards Jessica and Robin who are grasping each others hands)
Spencer: Go Robin go!!
(He then overpowers Jessica easily then picks her up and puts her under his arm)
Robin: I win!!
Jessica: Put me down right now!!
Robin: Not until you learn some manners baby.
(We then see Robert run up towards them)
Robert: Oh man I miss all the fun.
(She then groans in annoyance)
Jennifer: Of course those freaks again.
Jeremy: You actually know then?
Jennifer: Unfortunately.
Sarah: They're a group of really dumb boys who are always going around causing trouble.
Jeremy: Oh no. The last thing we needed was another one of those groups.
Sarah: That poor girl though.
Jeremy: That's Jessica.. The girl who hates me for no reason.
Jennifer: Well she doesn't deserve what they're doing to her.
Jeremy: I know Jennifer I know. Let's go get the principal and.
Jennifer: Nahh. I'd rather take care of the problem myself.
(She then runs off)
Jeremy: Jennifer wait!!!
(He then sighs)
Jeremy: Is she always like this?
Sarah: Yep.

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