The Return of Cr

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(The episode begins one evening as we see Zacks gang walking through a forest)
CJ: I can't believe it. After all these months of planning our invasion failed.
Carlos: That Dwayne really made a fool out of us didn't he?
CJ: Don't remind me
Stephen: So much for making a good first impression. The master is going to be so disappointed in us.
Cj: Well he's asking us to meet him in our secret hidden prison so make of that what you will.
Wyatt: I'm too young to be locked away forever!! Please anything but that!!
Morgan: No way I'm being locked away.  I don't care who my boss is.
Cj: Shh quiet down.
(They then make it to the building)
CJ: We're here.
Wyatt: Well guys here goes nothing.
(They then walk inside)
CJ: We're here master Zack. You wanted to speak with us?
(They then notice Zack, Forrest, and Corey all laying on the floor unconscious)
Wyatt: What in the?!
(They then run over towards them)
Carlos: What happened here?
Stephen: Nothing good that's for sure.
Morgan: Whoever's there. Show yourself right now!!
(At that moment Cr then steps into view)
Cr: It wasn't your "master" that summoned you here.
Carlos: Oh no.
Cr: It was me. And now time to make you all pay.

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see all of Zacks gang now unconscious aside from Larry)
Larry: Interesting. So you left me the last one standing huh?
Cr: I should be wiping the floor with you just as I did them. You traitor.
Larry: Hey I might not be part of your gang anymore but that doesn't mean I'm not your friend. Who do you think gave them the coordinates to bust you out.
Cr: So it was you?
(He then nods)
Larry: I would have done so sooner but ya know I didn't have a way until.
Cr: I see. Then out of respect for that I will spare you.
Larry: Hey thanks.
Cr: But now you must choose your side.
Larry: As much as I would love to rejoin you I cannot. The oath I swore to forbids it.
Cr: Is that so.
(He then begins walking away)
Cr: Then do not cross paths with me ever again. I'm letting you walk away this time out of respect for our old friendship but next time we meet there will be no such mercy.
Larry: I understand 100%.
(He then smirks to himself)
Larry: Don't worry I'll find a way out of this oath someday.

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as we cut to Tyler and Shoaf who are waiting outside)
Tyler: So. You really think he was able to take them all out?
Shoaf: Do not underestimate my cousin man.
(At that moment Cr then makes it outside)
Shoaf: See?
Cr: After being locked away for what feels like years. Revenge has never felt better.
Shoaf: Cousin.
Cr: I can't thank you enough for freeing me.
Shoaf: I'm only sorry it took so long.
(They then shake each others hands while he then turns his attention to Tyler)
Cr: And you.
Tyler: I know last time we locked eyes we done so as enemies. But things are different now. We are allies.
Cr: So I hear you're in control of my gang now. And now I want it back.
Tyler: I'm afraid I cannot do so.
Cr: Why not?
Shoaf: In order to pull this whole thing off we had to get the right connections and make a few sacrifices.
Cr: What kind of sacrifices?
Tyler: Leadership of your gang.
Cr: To who?!
Shoaf: I think it's probably best to take you to meet him.
Tyler: The rest of the gang is waiting for us just a few miles up the road.
Cr: Then let's get walking.
(The 3 of them then take off running)

(The next scene then begins a little while afterwards as we see the rest of the bullies in Lakotas warehouse)
Austin: I'm so bored of waiting.. Where are they?
Dwayne: They will be showing up any minute now.
Austin: But I'm getting so bored and drowsy. Any longer and I'll be out like a log.
Micky: If it would silence the complaining I would consider that a win.
(At that moment Cody then starts sniffing)
Micky: And now what weirdo thing are you doing?
Cody: I just picked up a scent. Someone's here.
(At that moment Lakota then opens the door as Cr, Shoaf, and Tyler walk inside)
Cr: Is that Lakota Lemons?
Lakota: At your service.
Cr: Whatever. Now I would like to.
(At that moment Austin then runs over towards Cr and hugs)
Austin: Chris my man it's really you!! I didn't think I would ever see you again. Thought for sure you were dead
Cr: Get off of me!!
(He then slings him aside)
Cr: Now I would like to speak to the new leader of the gang.
(He then looks at Cody)
Cody: Not it.
(He then looks at Micky)
Micky: Not me either.
(He then looks at Austin who is standing back up)
Austin: I tried but no one thought I was competent enough for the job.
Cr: Then who is it?
Dwayne: I believe the person you would like to speak to is me.
Cr: Dwayne Lamb.
Austin: You guys know each other?
Shoaf: Oh of course. Did I never mention that our family and Dwayne go way back?
Micky: Nope.
Shoaf: Guess it must have slipped my mind somehow.
Dwayne: As soon as I heard what had happened to you I spared no expense at securing your freedom from that pathetic gang.
Cr: You being the leader I have no issues with. If it has to be anyone else but me you are very worthy my brother.
Dwayne: You're still an important part of our gang so you can rest assured about that.
(They then shake each others hands)
Dwayne: For what we've got planned we can't hope to do it without you.
Cr: Sounds like fun already.

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