Joey Meets His Match

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(The episode begins one morning as we see Joey walking off his bus and heading into the school)
Joey: Well here we go again.
(He then walks into the office where Amber is)
Amber: Good morning babe.
Joey: Good morning Amber.
(She then tries hugging him though he stops her)
Joey: Whoa hey.
Amber: Joey what are you doing?
Joey: I haven't got the time for hugs and kisses right now. There's work that needs to be done.
Amber: Work?
Joey: My early morning patrols.
Amber: Oh come on Joey. You always take those so seriously.
Joey: I do not.
(He then looks outside as he sees Alex and Bolin walking on the road)
Joey: Hey boys!! Walk on the sidewalk instead of the road!!!
(They then gasp as they walk towards the sidewalk)
Joey: There.
Amber: See babe. I'm just thinking.
Joey: I think that's enough thinking for one day babe.
(She then groans)
Joey: Now if you'll excuse me I have work to commence to. These uncivilized hoodlums aren't going to watch themselves.
(He then marches off)
Amber: Oh here we go again.

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see Dakota and Shawn being interrogated by Smither and his gang)
Smither: Where is he??
Shawn: We keep telling ya man we don't know.
Smither: You wouldn't lie to me would ya?
Dakota: No never we swear.
David: We know a wuss like you wouldn't dare to Dakota. Because we wouldn't want to have your head stuffed in a toilet again would ya?
Dakota: Hey that's not true. But if it were true do you really have to say that in front of everyone
Shawn: Look. I think everyone here needs to just take a step back from all of this and just try and calm down.
Smither: Calm down?!
(He then picks Shawn up by the shirt)
Smither: My fellow man is out there somewhere and I will tear this school apart with my barehands until I find him. Do I make myself clear?
(At that moment Joey then shows up)
Joey: Alright that's enough.
Joe: Oh snap man we're busted.
(Smither then starts growling)
Joey: Was I not clear enough? I said let him go. Or you answer to me.
Spencer: Maybe we should do what he says Smither. It doesn't look like he's playing around.
Smither: Whatever.
(He then throws Shawn towards Joey)
Smither: We don't have time for this anyways. We need to keep looking for Pierce.
(They then start walking away)
Joey: Yeah you guys made the right call there. Any second longer and you would have been dealing with my lovely fists.
Shawn: Thank you for saving me sir. I deeply appreciate it.
Joey: Alright son get off of me.

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as we see Shoaf, Cody, and Edward further down the hallway watching Joey)
Shoaf: Alright guys the coast is looking pretty clear now so we should.
Cody: Ugh that guy.
Shoaf: What guy?
Cody: Joey?
Shoaf: Oh right him.
Cody: Who does he think he is always bossing people around the way he does.
Edward: Uh well from the sound of it. I think he thinks he's our boss.
Cody: That was a rhetorical question. Of course I already know that.
Shoaf: You ok man? You're sounding unusually bitter.
Cody: I'm just tired of him acting like he's so big and so bad.
Edward: Oh he's not so tough. I could clobber him to bits and pieces with my eyes sewed shut.
Cody: Then let's do it.
Shoaf: We don't have time to mess around with Joey today. Incase you have forgotten we have bigger and more important things to worry about besides your petty little grudges.
Cody: Well you and Edward can deal with that while I do my own thing.
(He then takes off walking)
Shoaf: Whatever then. Come on Edward let's go find Lakota.
Edward: Aw. But I wanna see what Cody is going to do.

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see Joey walking down the hallway)
Joey: All is looking good in the halls now. Everything is nice and quiet just the way I like it. Oh Joey you've done it again.
(At that moment he then hears giggling)
Joey: Ugh what is that excessive giggling?
(He then sees Savannah and Gooch in a corner laughing)
Joey: Girls. Should have known.
(He then marches towards them)
Joey: Ahem.
Savannah: Hey look who it is Gooch.
Joey: What are you guys doing?
Gooch: The hobo is talking to us.
Savannah: What does he want?
Joey: Do you not have somewhere to be?
Savannah: Aw he's sounding so sad.
Gooch: No wonder people call him a crybaby hobo who pees his pants.
(They then laugh)
Joey: You dare mock me?!!
Savannah: Hey we're just reading what the wall says.
Joey: What are you talking about?
Gooch: Read it for yourself.
(He then shoves them out of the way)
Joey: So I shall.
(He then clears his throat)
Joey: Joey Sears is a crybaby hobo who cries and wets his pants.
(He then punches the wall)
Joey: Who would dare write this?!! Whoever is responsible is in for some big trouble.
Savannah: Why don't ya just read the bottom?
(He then does so)
Joey: Cody Williams huh?
(He then starts walking away)
Joey: Me and him are gonna have a nice friendly chat then.

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