The Ultimatum

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(The episode begins as we see Jessica and Bethany locked up inside a building)
Bethany: Is the coast clear now Jessica?
Jessica: Uh hold on let me check.
(She then looks through a pep hole)
Jessica: Uh I'm not seeing anyone..
Bethany: Perfect. Then now's the time.
(She then puts her finger through a door lock and unlocks it)
Bethany: There.
(They then open the door)
Jessica: That was easy.
Bethany: Don't feel too comfortable yet.
Jessica: You're right. I should save that for when we've escaped.
Bethany: So then let's get escaping. Follow me and make sure you stay close.
Jessica: Ok.
(They then begin sneaking away)

(The next scene then cuts to all the bullies who are gathered together)
Austin: Ya know guys. I'm getting kinda bored.
Cj: We don't care about you or your boredom.
Tylerc: Hey no need to be getting so hostile. He was just saying.
Dwayne: Guys enough!! We are allies so we must keep the bickering away.
Zack: I'm surprised with how calm you are Dwayne. After everything we lost.
Dwayne: We haven't lost anything yet. We are still very much in the running.
Cj: Even if we lost control of the school?
Dwayne: If we can't control everything there then we'll do it here instead.
Zack: How?
Dwayne: We just have to wait for them to show up and walk straight into our trap.
Cj: And how do you propose we?
Shoaf: Oh trust us. We have a good reason for them to want to come.
Smither: If you wish to continue enlisting our services you had better be including.
Dwayne: Don't worry about a thing Smither buddy. You'll have your precious Jennifer wrapped around your fingers in no time.

(The next scene then cuts to the school where we see Jeremy and the others gathered together)
Michael: So like that's where they've been?
Tiffine: That Dwayne and all his freaks. He's gone too far!!
Dustin: Tiffine you need to.
Tiffine: How can I be calm when Jessica and Bethany could be dead by now?!
Jeremy: They're not dead yet. If this note is to be believed they're still alive.
Megan: That requires us taking them at their word of course.
Tiffine: Well what are we waiting for? Let's call the cops and tell them about this so we can.
Jeremy: No hold on.
Jennifer: The rest of this note says that if we get outside help they'll kill them.
Michael: Oh no!!
Jeremy: It has to be us. We have to be the ones to go.
Dustin: We're probably walking into some kind of trap dudes.
Tiffine: Of course we are Dustin. But what other choice do we have? We gotta save Jessica and Bethany.

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see everyone now gathered together outside)
JJ: So that's the plan huh?
Tiffine: According to their message they're going to be bringing Jessica and Bethany to a nearby warehouse.
Jeremy: So all we have to do is get them out of there and get to safety.
Tim: You know it won't be that simple right.
Jeremy: Of course we know that.
Tiffine: But that's why we're going to have a group of people here on standby.
Dustin: That way if something goes wrong you guys will be able to bail us out.
JJ: And by that you mean me and Tim.
Tim: Ok I'll admit. Not a bad idea.
Jennifer: If we're done with all this exposition how about we get a move on?
Ashley: Jennifer, Sarah. I hope you guys are ok with me staying here.
Jennifer: Ashley..
Ashley: I'm just really scared and.
Sarah: It is going to start getting really scary. So you just stay here. Jen and I and the rest of these guys can handle this.
Michael: Hey I thought we were the main heroes though.
Ashley: Thank you guys. I promise I won't ever ask for anything else ever again. Well except for one thing.
(She then runs over and hugs Jennifer)
Ashley: For you guys to come back home safely.
Jennifer: Aw Ashley.
(Luke then picks Ashley up and moves her out of the way)
Luke: Alright enough of the chitchat. Come on already and follow your courageous and daring leader.
Randall: Coming Luke.
(They all then begin following him)
JJ: Good luck my friends and godspeed.

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as we see Dakota, Alan, and Shawn watching them walk away)
Alan: Well look at that.
Dakota: Look at what?
Alan: They think they're going to go and get all the glory of being a hero.
Dakota: So what?
Alan: So we aren't going to let them hog all the action.
Shawn: Where are you trying to get at Alan?
Alan: It's time for us to step up and be a man. Step up and hold our ground.
Dakota: Well you can have fun with that while I.
Alan: Oh no Dakota you're coming with me. Our days of being oppressed end right here and right now.
(He then grabs him by the arm and runs off with him)
Shawn: Cool I'll see you guys later then?
(We then see Shelby running behind them)
Shelby: If it's glory you're after wait for me!!

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