The Alliance

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(The episode begins one early morning as we see Tyler and Dwayne meeting up at the parking lot)
Dwayne: Bradley Burton I assume.
Tyler: And you must be Dwayne.
Dwayne: Thank you for meeting out here this morning on such short notice.
Tyler:Are you going to provide your answer?
Dwayne: And you will provide your end of the deal?
Tyler: As long as you provide yours. So what do ya say?
Dwayne: As long as everything works out I think I can agree to this partnership.
Tyler: That's exactly what I was wanting to hear.
(They then smirk at each other as they shake each others hand)

(The next scene then cuts to Zacks gang who we see standin on the hill overlooking the school
Carlos: There it is guys. Casey County Middle School is on the horizon.
CJ: The time has come. We've been building up for this moment for far too long.
Stephen: My first mission!! Finally!!
Morgan: Don't be getting cocky. This is a serious mission and failure will not be tolerated.
CJ: Then I hope you will not be clouded by your own petty grudges.
Morgan: I haven't thought about that girl for weeks now.
Wyatt: Then we should be good to go right?
Larry: Then let's cut the chitchat and get a move on.
CJ: Everyone forward march.
(The 6 of them then take off walking)

(The next scene then cuts to Stephanie who we see outside spying on the bullies who are gathered outside)
Stephanie: What are they doing out here this early?
(She then begins listening to them)
Tyler: I thank you guys for showing up here and on time.
Austin: We wouldn't miss a day like this for the world.
Edward: The day of our greatest victory.
Tyler: It won't be easy but with Lakota and Dwayne backing us we got all the power in the world to pull this off.
Shoaf: If this really works.
Tyler: Worry not Shoaf. Our invasion will not fail. We have everything planned out.
Micky: By the time the school even figures out what's happening it'll be too late.
(They then bust out laughing as Stephanie then let's out a gasp)
Stephanie: This is awful!! I gotta.
(At that moment Cody then begins sniffing)
Edward: What's up with you Cody?
Cody: I smell a rat.
(He then walks over towards the bush and then grabs Stephanie and pulls her out of hiding)
Stephanie: Ugh let me go!!
Tyler: Detective Hubble. How'd I guess you would be out here?
Stephanie: What are you guys up to? Tell me right now!!
(He then chuckles)
Tyler: I don't believe that's any of your business.
Stephanie: You won't get away with this!! Someone will come along and.
(Austin then punches her in the stomach which knocks her out)
Austin: Dang what a wimp.
Tyler: We have one little pest out of our way so Cody get rid of her.
Cody: Gotcha covered.
(He then throws her over his shoulder and begins carrying her away)
Tyler: And you Austin.
Austin: Whatever you need I'm at your service.
Tyler: I hope your archery skills haven't gotten degraded then because we're going to be needing them.

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see Zacks gang arriving at the school)
CJ: Here we are.
Carlos: Now that we're here it's time to get our grove on.
Morgan: Hold on.
Wyatt: What's up babe?
Morgan: It's quiet here. A little too quiet.
Stephen: Listen at you sounding all paranoid Morgan. This isn't the time for paranoia. This is the time for.
(He then steps forward before getting shot with a dart)
Carlos: Stephen no!!
(Cj then walks over and picks up the tranquilizer dart)
Cj: It's an ambush.
(He then growls as he notices Austin standing on the roof top)
Tyler: That was a mere warning shot. You have only one chance to back away.
CJ: I don't think so. .
Wyatt: What's the plan now CJ?
CJ: Go through and crush everyone who stands in our way!!
(They all then begin charging at them)
Tyler: Charge!!
(They also begin charging)

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as we see Edward and Larry glaring at each other)
Edward: We used to be friends Larry. We don't have to do this.
Larry: I'm proud of the path I chose. So no regrets.
(Edward then immediately punches and knocks him out)
Edward: Then I have no regrets either.
(We then see Wyatt and Micky punching each other until Wyatt eventually begins overpowering him and knocks him onto the ground)
Wyatt: Phew what a workout that was.
(He then begins catching his breath)
Wyatt: Alright honey I'm ready to.
(He then looks over and sees Shoaf trying to punch Morgan though she keeps blocking his punches until she then sneak attacks him and then picks him up by the throat and slams him onto the ground before stomping on him a few times)
Morgan: If you know what's good for you stay down.
(She then looks over at Wyatt)
Morgan: And you. You really thought I couldn't take him?
Wyatt: Of course not honey. Never a doubt in my mind.
(We then see Tyler and Cj staring each other down)
CJ: And look at that. All of your best men are down for the count. And soon you'll join them.
Tyler: Edward fall back.
Edward: Got it!!
(The two of them then take off running)
Cj: Just the answer I was expecting from a coward like you.
Carlos: Well that didn't go as badly as I thought it was going to.
Wyatt: But we still lost Larry and Stephen. What do we do now?
CJ: Press our advantage what else? School is going to open soon so Carlos get Stephen and Larry somewhere safe and out of sight.
(He then grabs Stephen's legs and begins dragging him away)
CJ: As for the rest of us. We enter the school.
Wyatt: But there's only 3 of us.
Morgan: That's all we need.
CJ: Amen. Now come on.
(They then run off inside while we then see Shoaf rise up)
Shoaf: That girl got off easy. Under normal circumstances I would have wiped the floor with her. But for the purposes of our plan I had to throw the fight.
(He then takes off walking)

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