Jessica's First Day

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(The episode begins one morning as we see a girl named Jessica riding on the bus)
Jessica: Hi my names Jessica and this is my first day of school.
(We then see that she's talking to Shelby)
Shelby: It's everyone's first day of school brainaic.
Jessica: No I mean my real first day. I've been moving around a lot for the past couple of years so been through a lot of different schools all throughout it. But I'm finally starting to change that by making this school my forever school. No more moving around no more anything. This time I'm here to stay.
Shelby: Yeah that's great kid.
(The bus then stops)
Shelby: Hey look at that. We're here now.
Jessica: I don't suppose you would wanna.
Shelby: Oh man you're still talking?! You talk way too much!!
(He then runs away)
Jessica: Oh nevermind him Jessica. If he doesn't want to be my friend then forget about him. I'll find lots of other friends easily.
(She then gets off the bus as she notices Jeremy pulling his cousin Jennifer off the bus)
Jennifer: Jeremy slow down.
Jeremy: No way!! I wanna show you the ins and outs of this place as soon as possible!!
(He then drags her all the way inside as we see another girl named Sarah get off the bus)
Sarah: Hey guys wait for me!!
(She then runs after them then immediately climbs on Jennifer's back)
Jennifer: Sarah what are you?
Sarah: I'm still very sleepy and not done with my nap. So be a doll and carry me to the cafeteria please.
Jennifer: You're like really heavy ya know?
(She then sighs to herself)
Jennifer: Oh whatever.
(She and Jeremy then continue walking)
Jessica: Well this is it.
(She then begins walking inside)
Jessica: The first day of my new life starts now.

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see Jessica walking down the hallway)
Jessica: Well this place looks a little bigger than what I was expecting. But it's not anything I can't manage. But just where am I supposed to go?
(We then see Tiffine, Lacie, Savannah, and Stephanie walking down the other side of the hallway)
Stephanie: Well that's my first class of the day.
Savannah: Starting off with a History class. Man I sure pity you.
Lacie: But you are too Savannah.
Savannah: Yeah I know. That's why I pity her.
Stephanie: What's your class though Tiff?
Tiffine: Oh well.
(At that moment Jessica and Tiffine then bump into each other)
Jessica: Ow.
Tiffine: Oh I'm sorry.
Jessica: No it's alright. I'm the one who wasn't watching where I was going.
Savannah: Maybe you should work on that.
Stephanie: Savannah shh.
Lacie: Say you don't look like anyone we've ever seen.
Jessica: Well I'm sort of new here. Today's my first day.
Tiffine: Well new girl my name is Tiffine.
Jessica: Hi Tiffine I'm Jessica.
(They then shake each others hands)
Tiffine: I'm a year 2 veteran here.
Savannah: We all are Tiffine.
Tiffine: Point is if you need any help just ask me.
Jessica: Well I could use some help figuring out where to go.
Stephanie: Have you gotten a schedule yet?
Jessica: Schedule?
Lacie: Sounds like you need to go to the office.
Jessica: Office?
Savannah: Big room right as soon as you enter the school. You literally can't miss it.
Jessica: Oh ok. Thanks guys.
Stephanie: Sure no problem.
Tiffine: You need anything else just ask.
Jessica: I will.
(She then turns around and begins waking in the other direction while we then see a kid named Brandon in the office)
Kyler: There ya go. Your new schedule all ready to go.
Brandon: Thanks Mr Hines.
(He then walks out right as Jessica walks inside)
Jessica: Hello? Am I in the right place?
Kyler: Are you a new student?
Jessica: Yes. My names Jessica Lawless.
Kyler: Very good. Just have a seat and I'll be right with you.
Jessica: Thank you.
(She then sits down)

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see Jessica walking in front of a door)
Jessica: Alright Jessica it's your first class of the day. My first class in my fresh brand new school.
(She then takes a deep breath)
Jessica: Let's go get that first impression.
(We then see Chris and Michael inside the classroom)
Chris: So Michael. You and me in class together.
Michael: It's weird.. You and me barely interacted at all last year.
Chris: Oh I know right? But now we can go from the friends who never hang. To the friends who do hang!!
Michael: Eh I guess so?
(At that moment Jessica then walks inside)
Jessica: Hello.
(We then see Chris get hearts in his eyes as he begins drooling)
Chris: Such a good looking beautiful.
Michael: Uh Chris are you?
Chris: Later Michael!!
(He then runs off while Michael shakes his hand annoyingly)
Michael: Here we go.
(At that moment we then see Shelby running down the hallway)
Shelby: Out of the way Michael!!
Michael: Huh?
(He then picks Michael up briefly and moves him out of the way)
Shelby: I have a bunch of crazy people after me!!
(We then see the bullies running after him)
Michael: I do wonder what that's all about.
(We then see Jessica walking around the classroom)
Jessica: Not a very big or busy classroom. I was kinda expecting this to be a lot bigger.
(At that moment Chris then walks in front of her)
Chris: Hello Angel!!!
Jessica: Hello. Uh hi?
Chris: There's just one thing I wanna say.
Jessica: So say it.
Chris: I don't say this about many girls. But you.
(He then grabs her hand)
Jessica: You're being weird.
Chris: You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I would like to get to know you more. Ms.
Jessica: Get away from me you weirdo!!
(She then shoves him away)
Chris: So we're playing hard to get huh? Alright that sounds like it'll be loads of fun.
Jessica: Stupid weird boy. So much for making a good first impression.
(She then groans angrily)
Jessica: I guess weird boys are always a dime a dozen.
(She then sits down)
Jessica: Well whatever. It's just one boy so it's not the end of the world yet.
(At that moment Kim then walks inside and sits next to her)
Jessica: Hey I'm Jessica.
Kim: Hi Jessica. Are you new here?
Jessica: Yeah.
Kim: Oh then I guess I have to explain the rules to you.
Jessica: Ok?
Kim: No socializing with me from the hours of 8:am and 2:30pm.
Jessica: But that's the entire school day.
Kim: Exactly.
Jessica: Fine whatever.

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