Dwayne's Revenge

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(The episode begins one morning as we see Jessica and Bethany sleeping inside a barn with Bethany waking up)
Bethany: Man it sure feels good to finally be able to get some decent sleep again.
(She then yawns then gasps)
Bethany: But how long were we asleep?!
(She then starts shaking Jessica awake)
Bethany: Jessica!! Come on Jessica wake up!!
Jessica: Ugh what is it?
Bethany: We gotta move now.
Jessica: Why.
Bethany: Dwayne or who knows else could still be looking for us and if we don't keep moving then.
Jessica: Ughhhh can't we wait just 5 more minutes.
Bethany: We don't time for 5 more minutes Jessica.
(She then grabs Jessica and sweeps her into her arms)
Bethany: Now come on.
Jessica: Ok ok fine!!
(Bethany then runs outside while carrying Jessica with her)

(The next scene then cuts to the school where we see Dwayne and the bullies gathered together)
Austin: Alright guys. Today is finally the day.
Micky; The day we finally get to kiss this dump goodbye once and for all.
Dwayne: No one is going anywhere yet. Until we take care of our final loose end.
Cody: We know Dwayne. The capture of Jessica Lawless.
Micky: Sheesh putting a lot of care into just this one girl aren't we?
Dwayne: This one girl is a very valuable asset. Once I break her down and mold her into my very own loyal soldier she'll be my ticket to.
Austin: With all due respect she is just one little girl.
Edward: Yeah we can settle on Tiffine and be just as good.
Shoaf: Alright that's enough all of you.
Edward: Just saying.
Dwayne: This Jessica isn't just an ordinary girl. There's something different about her. Something special.
Cody: Well whatever the case if you really want her so badly we'll help you.
Dwayne: Good then come on everyone it's time to move out.
(They all then begin walking outside)

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as we see Alex standing near a door)
Alex: I'm not hearing anything now guys. I think they might be gone.
Savannah: What now Tiffine?
Tiffine: It's go time. Shelby!!
Shelby: I got this.
(He then takes a deep breath then charges towards the door)
Shelby: Body slam!!
(He then tackles the door and breaks it apart)
Bolin: Whoa it actually worked.
Gooch: We're free.
Lacie: And now we owe the school a new door.
Josh: Who cares about the door?! The important thing is we're free.
Gooch: Ya know Shelby. How come you didn't have this idea earlier?
Shelby: Uh well ya see? Eh I got nothing.
Tiffine: Nevermind that now guys. Come on we gotta get out of here!!
Lacie; But where are we going to go Tiff?
Tiffine; I don't know but anywhere is better than here. So just come on.
Savannah: Okay commander Tiffine.
(They all then run off)

(The next scene then cuts to Tim and Jj who are walking past the school)
Tim: I gotta say Jj you sure got a lot of guts coming this close.
JJ; I have too. Someone has to do something to help Luke out.
Tim: And here I thought Luke was just a really annoying friend.
JJ: He is. But no matter how annoying he is I can't leave him behind to suffer.
(At that moment they then see a door opening)
JJ: Uh oh.
Tim: Looks like we have company.
(They then see Dwayne and the others walking outside)
Tim: Bad company!!
JJ: Ok Tim man looks like we're gonna be in for a fight.
Tim: Of course we are.
(They then continue walking past them)
Tim: Wait what?
JJ: They're ignoring us it seems.
Tim: But why?
JJ: Hmm. They must have some kind of other objective.
Tim: Wonder what it could be.
JJ: I'm not sure. But it can't be anything good.

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards)
Austin: Say boss man. You realize that was Jeremiah Johnson and Tim boy right?
Dwayne: So what?
Austin: Don't you want to do something?
Dwayne: They are of no concern to me. As far as I'm concerned they can be Zack's problem to deal with.
Austin: You're the boss
Dwayne: Cody you got the coordinates?
Cody: Sure do. According to the thing Lakota left for us the two girls are only a few miles up the road.
Dwayne: Excellent news.
Shoaf: Then should we get a?
Dwayne: No. Being in a loud vehicle will only draw too much attention to us and they'll get away quickly.
Austin: So you're suggesting we follow on foot?
Dwayne: Yes.
Micky: But with all due respect we would never catch up to them in time.
Dwayne: We can out pace them if we move fast enough. Now come on.
Austin: He's gonna be too stubborn to listen to negotiations huh?
Micky: Afraid so.
(They all then take off running)

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